Mbappe: ‘Macron gave me good advice’ on PSG deal

Kylian Mbappe made the startling revelation that he had talked over his potential transfer to Real Madrid with Emmanuel Macron, saying he appreciated the "good advice" of the French president, who wanted the Paris Saint-Germain star to stay in France.

Mbappe: 'Macron gave me good advice' on PSG deal
France's president Emmanuel Macron (L) embraces France's forward Kylian Mbappe (R) (Photo by Francois Mori / POOL / AFP)

World Cup winner Mbappe had for months seemed certain to sign for Real Madrid before being persuaded to sign a new three year deal at PSG, the club he joined in 2017.

“We talked quite a bit,” Mbappe said of his exchanges with Macron. “You can say that it was good advice.

“He wanted me to stay, that’s part of the negotiations.”

Mbappe said that Macron was one of a number of different people to whom he had talked.

“It’s then that you see that football has changed and has an important place in society. It’s important to also know how to stay in one’s place despite the importance that can be given to me in the country.”

With that in mind, Mbappe also revealed that PSG would not block him from playing in the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The Paris-born Mbappe was raised in the northeastern Parisian surburb of Bondy, part of the Seine-Saint-Denis department that is home to not only the Stade de France, but also several other Olympic sites including the Olympic Village.

There is no doubt that the potential participation of a star-quality, home-grown talent in the Summer Games would be a massive boost for organisers.

“First of all I have to be picked,” Mbappe said of the possibility of taking part in Paris 2024. “We talked about it with the club.

“The club are not against it, they are for it. There weren’t any problems with regard to that in negotiations.”

No say on transfers

There has been speculation that as well as a gigantic, undisclosed financial package, PSG’s Qatari owners had persuaded Mbappe to remain with his hometown club by agreeing to give the 23-year-old forward some say in which players to sign for next season.

Mbappe however denied any such agreement had been made.

“I remain a footballer, who is part of a team, and I will not go beyond this role. I won’t go beyond my role as a player,” he said at a press conference seated alongside PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi.

“Everyone knows that last year, I wanted to leave and I was convinced that it was the best choice, but the years go by and things change.

“I am French and there is this sentimental side to leaving my country which would have been difficult.

“The project has changed, my club wants to build a new sporting ambition and I think there are other great stories to write here, that’s what matters.”

Hours after Mbappe announced on Saturday that he was staying at the club came the news that PSG’s powerful sporting director Leonardo — heavily criticised by supporters — had been sacked.

Al-Khelaifi said Mbappe’s decision to stay at the French champions sent “a very strong sign”.

“We are keeping the best player in the world,” the president said.

“This is a great day for Paris Saint-Germain, for our supporters in France and in the whole world — Kylian is staying at PSG for the next three seasons and that is important for us and for Ligue 1.”

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France football star Thuram takes stand against far right ahead of elections

France forward Marcus Thuram on Saturday called on voters in the country to "fight" to stop the far right coming to power in upcoming snap elections.

France football star Thuram takes stand against far right ahead of elections

Thuram is the first member of the France squad at Euro 2024 to take a clear position against the far-right National Rally (RN) ahead of legislative elections for the French National Assembly.

“I think the situation is sad and very serious,” the 26-year-old forward with Italian champions Inter Milan told reporters in Paderborn, where the 2022 World Cup runners-up are based during the Euros in Germany.

President Emmanuel Macron has called elections with the first round set for June 30 and the second round on July 7.

He announced the snap poll last Sunday in response to the results of the EU elections, in which far-right parties — including the top-scoring RN — managed to take almost 40 percent of the vote in France.

The French squad, the majority of whom come from an immigrant background, had been playing a friendly match against Canada at the same time as Macron made his announcement.

“I heard about it after the match against Canada. We were all a bit shocked in the dressing room.

“We need to tell everyone to get out and vote, to fight every day to stop the RN winning,” added Thuram, who is preparing with his teammates for their first European Championship game against Austria on Monday.

Other France players, notably Ousmane Dembele and Olivier Giroud, had already publicly called on their compatriots to go out and vote in the elections, but had not taken as clear a stand as Thuram.

“I hope that everyone shares my opinion. It is not enough to say that you need to go out and vote. We need to explain how we have got to where we are,” he said.

“I don’t think it should be very difficult to talk about. It is the way I have been educated.

“I know a lot of people follow me on social media and I have an obligation to get certain messages across,” added Thuram, whose father Lilian won the World Cup with France in 1998 and is well-known for his campaigning against racism.

“Having grown up with my father I feel a responsibility to get this message across.”

Of his teammates in the France squad, Thuram added: “I have no doubt at all that everyone in the France squad thinks the same way as me.

“I am not here to force anyone to say anything even if it is what they think.

“Thanks to my father I have enough of an understanding of this situation to be able to talk about it.”