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Danish word of the day: Befrielse

Today's word of the day is closely connected to an event 78 years ago.

What is befrielse?

Befrielse is the noun formed from the verb at befri, which means to set free from captivity, suppression, restraint or similar.

It can also have the more abstract meaning of easing a burden, sense of discomfort or difficulty. For example, befriende latter is laughter that helps you forget about your worries.

The -else suffix is common in nouns that have been formed from verbs: ledelse (“leadership”, from at lede), forberedelse (“preparation”, from at forberede), and meddelelse (“message”, from at meddele, to inform) to name a few examples.

Although it can be used in different contexts as set out above, the most common use of befrielse is to mean “liberation”.

READ ALSO: Why do Danes place candles in their windows on May 4th?

Why do I need to know befrielse?

May 5th is Danmarks befrielse (the liberation of Denmark) or befrielsesdagen (Liberation Day), the anniversary of the day German occupation of the country during World War II ended. One part of Denmark, the Baltic Sea island Bornholm, remained occupied after this date, with Soviet troops taking over from the German army and remaining until April 1946.

For the rest of the country, however, the day brought celebrations following the surrender of the German army to Allied troops advancing through the Netherlands and northern Germany.

The main custom associated with befrielsen (the liberation) in Denmark, when Danes place candles in their windows, actually takes place on May 4th, rather than the 5th. This is because the German surrender was announced on the evening of the 4th but did not take effect until the following day. The May 4th, 1945 radio message transmitted to Denmark by the BBC announcing the surrender, befrielsesbudskabet (“the liberation announcement”) is an important moment in Danish 20th century history.


Min farmor sagde altid, at hun oplevede befrielsen som en stor lettelse, og mange gik ud på gaderne for at fejre den.

My grandmother always said the liberation felt like a huge relief, and many people went out on the streets to celebrate.

Efter jeg afleverede mit speciale gik jeg hjem og sov hele dagen. Det var en slags befrielse.

After I handed in my MA thesis I went home and slept all day. It felt like being set free.

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Danish word of the day: Klam

Today’s Danish word is probably not something you want to feel.

Danish word of the day: Klam

What is klam? 

The dictionary definition of this word is “moist and cold in an unpleasant manner”.

It can be used to describe temperature and weather conditions, the condition of a piece of material, or the feeling you might get if you break out in a cold sweat.

So, for example, you might say regnvejret var klamt (“the rain was cold and wet”), min t-shirt er klam, jeg må skifte tøj (“my t-shirt is damp, I’d better change clothes”) or jeg er helt klam på panden, jeg har det ikke særlig godt (”my forehead is cold and sweaty, I don’t feel very well”).

Klam has its roots in an Old German word, also klam, meaning “narrow”. This is connected to another Danish word, at klemme, meaning “to squeeze” or “to hug” but distinct from klam.

Why do I need to know klam?

It has a particular figurative meaning similar to “creepy”, “disgusting”, or to denote something that makes your skin crawl.

It is likely that the physical description of something as being klam or unpleasantly cold and moist was broadened t some point to encompass anything that can have an effect of revulsion.

For example, the sentence jeg kunne mærke hans klamme hånd (”I could feel his disgusting/sweaty hand”) makes sense using either the literal or figurative meaning of klam.

In modern Danish, food can be klam even though it is neither cold nor moist. If something was burnt, for example, you could say it tasted klamt, i.e. disgusting.

A person can also be klam if they are particularly unpleasant or repellent. Jeg synes, han er så klam, jeg var nødt til at gå (”I think he’s so creepy, I had to leave”) carries connotations of both physical and intellectual disgust at another person.