Spain extends land border closure with Morocco by 15 days

Spain on Saturday announced its two enclaves in North Africa, the EU's only land borders with the continent, would remain closed for 15 days, dashing hopes they would finally reopen after two years.

Spain extends land border closure with Morocco by 15 days
This picture picture taken on March 4th, 2022 shows a view of the border fence separating Morocco from Spain's North African Melilla enclave, near Nador in Morocco. Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP

The frontiers of the two Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla were first shut in spring 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic and stayed closed during a diplomatic crisis in 2021 between Madrid and Rabat.

The borders were due to reopen on Saturday at midnight. But an order published in the official gazette said they would remain shut for “15 days so that the conditions for the gradual and orderly reopening of border posts at the entry and exit of Ceuta and Melilla are concluded”.

The Spanish interior ministry said the police force had been “strengthened” in the two enclaves.

During a landmark visit to Rabat on April 8th by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Spain and Morocco hailed a “new stage” in relations.

Sánchez said one of the “main aims will be the restoration of goods and property at the border crossings of Ceuta and Melilla”.

Ferries resumed between Morocco and Spain this month, with the first Spanish vessel docking in Tangiers port on April 12th after two years.

The diplomatic crisis began a year ago when Madrid allowed Brahim Ghali, leader of the Polisario Front which seeks independence for the territory of Western Sahara, to be treated for Covid-19 in a Spanish hospital.

 A month later 10,000 migrants surged across the Moroccan border into Spain’s Ceuta enclave as local border forces looked the other way, in what was widely seen as a punitive gesture by Rabat.

Last month, Spain ended the diplomatic crisis with Morocco by removing its decades-long stance of neutrality and backing Morocco’s autonomy plan for the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Rabat calls for the territory to have an autonomous status under Moroccan sovereignty but Polisario wants a referendum on self-determination under the supervision of the United Nations.

READ MORE: Maritime travel between Morocco and Spain resumes after two-year hiatus

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VIDEO: Four injured after ceiling collapses at Valencia airport

Four people have been injured at Valencia airport in eastern Spain afternoon when part of a ceiling collapsed in the departure lounge. 

VIDEO: Four injured after ceiling collapses at Valencia airport

The incident occurred at around 18:45pm on Sunday in the terminal departure gate. According to sources Aena, the body that runs Spain’s airport network, the four passengers suffered minor injuries and were treated by airport staff.

“I heard a thunderous noise and then I noticed how several debris hit my head, my arms…. We were very lucky. The worst thing is the fear and the psychological impact,” said one of the four injured.

Aena sources added that the four injured passengers also inhaled dust after the accident, but were all able to continue their respective journeys after receiving medical assistance.

Shortly before the roof collapsed, a Guardia Civil officer warned one of the passengers to stand back. “He told me to stand further back, as he could see that the ceiling was affected. I didn’t think much of it,” they said.

Shortly thereafter, a wooden structure and part of the ceiling collapsed and debris fell on the four people. Three of them were seated while waiting for their flight and one was standing. “I’d gotten up to buy a bottle of water and the ceiling fell just as I was about to sit down again,” said another injured traveller.

The victims suffered contusions to the head, arms and other parts of the body. “Large chunks of ceiling, wood and light bulbs fell. One of the debris broke when it hit my sister in the head,” she added.

Aena has opened an investigation into the incident.

READ ALSO: Valencia and Alicante airports ‘on brink of collapse’ ahead of busy summer