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TOP TIPS: How to get a restaurant job in Sweden as a foreigner

For seasoned or aspiring cooks who’ve found a new life in Sweden, now might be the perfect time to join the Scandinavian culinary scene, argues Matthew Weaver, a writer and chef based in Malmö. 

TOP TIPS: How to get a restaurant job in Sweden as a foreigner
A cook prepares a plate of food at the Stockholm Bangladeshi restaurant Muskot. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

In the wake of the global “Great Resignation”, restaurants and hotels are desperate for staff, and foreigners working in Swedish kitchens are finding themselves with higher bargaining power and unprecedented leverage with prospective employers.

Chicago transplant, Matan Levy, Chef-Owner of the award-winning Two Forks Hummus Shop in Malmö, tells the Local:  “It’s become an employees’ market. Back in the day, in the US, if you didn’t want to work for the terms that were offered – low wages, long hours, etc. there were plenty of people who would happily take your place. If you wanted good terms you had to put in the time.”

“That isn’t the case anymore. Now, it’s much more common to be having discussions about terms that I could only dream of as a young cook, even after 20-plus years in the industry.”

Levy runs Two Forks along with his Swedish wife Charlotte. 

Matan Levy, chef owner of Malmö restaurant Two Forks, in his kitchen. Photo: The Local.

What’s drawing foreign chefs to the Swedish food scene? 

The Scandinavian food trend kicked off in the early 2010s, when Copenhagen’s Noma won World’s Best Restaurant three consecutive years in a row,  attracting waves of customers and cooks drawn to New Nordic cuisine.

Soon after, Ethiopian-Swedish chef, Marcus Samuelsson, of Aqavit fame, opened his New York restaurant Red Rooster Harlem, introducing Scandinavian fusion. This combined Swedish classics, such as pickled herring and meatballs, with American Soul Food and Ethiopian cuisine. 

Cooks from abroad have found themselves working in Scandinavia, where restaurants have been freed up, with less emphasis on old-school “brigade” hierarchy, and more emphasis on collective creative input.

Another part of the attraction is the culture of forward-thinking, innovative food, with an emphasis on locally sourced, seasonal ingredients. Comparatively higher overall pay and benefits, working conditions, gender equality and attention to work-life balance continue to attract an international labour force.

Should you find yourself seeking work in Swedish “kök”, here are a couple essentials to acquaint yourself with to help ensure you aren’t tossed out of the frying pan and into the fire.

First things first…do you need to speak Swedish?

Seldom would this be in issue. In many, if not most, kitchens in major Swedish cities, English is tolerated and commonly accepted as a working language. Besides Swedes, you’ll often find yourself working alongside people from every continent.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t and won’t be picking up a little svenska as you go. After a handful of shifts, you’ll often find yourself forgetting words for certain fruits, vegetables and utensils in your native tongue, and most likely acquiring an expressive battery of Swedish curse words to alleviate stressful moments on the line (see here and here)

Will you need a fancy Culinary School degree?

Not really, but there can be exceptions (on paper at least). For instance, when applying to the Nordic hotel chain, Scandic – especially for Sous or Head Chef positions. They state in their job listings that it’s a plus to have “completed cooking training or have acquired the corresponding skills in another way..”. But for the industry as a whole, it’s mostly unnecessary, and “skills in another way” could be open to clever interpretation.

Employers will want you to come in for a few (paid) trial shifts to “see how we get along with each other.” For the inexperienced, graft, a good attitude and eagerness to learn goes a long way.  These days, after all, you can consult a wealth of detailed, encyclopaedic cookbooks, as well as brush up on knife skills and mother sauces on Youtube.

If a senior cook or chef is unwilling to spend time running through the basics, have no shame in marching out the door and into the next restaurant, which is probably a stone’s throw in any direction. The archetypical, overbearing, spiteful boar of a chef has thankfully become near extinct in the last decade, and you need not worry about having a plate or searing pan cast in your direction.

Is cash-in-hand payment a good idea?

Best avoided. If you work cash-in-hand, your employer does not pay any social security contributions for you, nor do you pay tax on your income. The Swedish Tax Agency may require that you pay the unpaid tax in arrears. Working cash-in-hand is also considered a criminal offence and could result in up to two years jail time.

Rights, Contract, Salary, “kollektivavtal”

Cook’s salaries for the most part haven’t increased by much in recent years, but with present demand for skilled, experienced workers you’re stacked with cards that would’ve held less value pre-pandemic.

A collective bargaining agreement (‘kollektivavtal’) negotiates an assortment of working and salary conditions agreed between employers and union representatives such as the HRF (Hotel and Restaurant Union). Around 70 percent of Swedish employees are members of a trade union and 90 percent are covered by collective agreements.

Though none of the Nordic countries have a statutory minimum wage, and there is no law to regulate people’s salaries or salary increases, Sweden uses collective agreements, often differentiated by age, skill or seniority, as a mechanism for setting the base. The base is currently 140.69 kronor (€13.65) per hour without professional experience and 151.09 kronor (€14.66) for those with six or more years of professional experience.

While it is up to you to keep track of current salary trends, if your job is covered by a collective agreement, your employer may not pay you anything below the fixed minimum salary.

Besides salary, there are a number of other benefits worth brushing up on. Sick pay and holiday pay is governed by law, while overtime pay and pay for “inconvenient” (‘ob-ersättning’) hours (evenings, nights, and weekends) falls under collective agreements.

If the type of work you do is not covered by a collective agreement, check that the terms of other existing kollektivavtal agreements are incorporated into your own written contract of employment. It is important to get hold of this as soon as possible. By law, you are entitled to a contract within a month of starting your job. Salary reviews should be encompassed in the terms of your employment contract.

A-kassa, and union help

Joining a union is a good way to secure your income in the event of unemployment.

All unions have unemployment funds and income insurances (‘a-kassor’) which are designed to keep you solvent and cover up to 80 percent of your salary during periods of unemployment, although a-kassa can be joined independently of a union, monthly membership is generally much cheaper.

Unions such as HRF will provide help with information regarding salary review and intervention in the case your employer doesn’t provide the salary you are entitled to; act on your behalf in case of conflict, unjust working conditions, discrimination, or bullying, as well as helping you to navigate the ins and outs of your pension, insurance for work injuries, illness, unemployment and parental leave.

Tips and tipping culture

Because robust unions help ensure that restaurant and bar workers in Sweden get exceptionally good hourly wages, it’s possible for folk to make a decent living that’s up to scratch without getting any tips at all.

Though tipping, or dricks, isn’t nearly as prevalent as in the US and Canada (where restaurant owners often use tipping as a pretext to offer low wages to their staff), customers here often round up to the nearest amount of the bill. This will usually be gathered and accumulated over the course of a month or two, to be split amongst service and kitchen staff, eventually ending up added to your paycheck.

The (often daunting) process of obtaining Work Permits/Visas for non-EU members.

Finding work in Sweden as a third-country national has unfortunately become complicated and time-consuming. It is crucial to start your search well before arrival, as you will need a signed employment contract in order to obtain a work permit, and waiting times for work permit applications are currently quite long.

Keep in mind that before a job can be provided to a third-country national, employers must ensure that they have clearly advertised and made the position accessible to Swedes first. If there is no interest from local or EU talent, third-country nationals can be considered.

You’ll find plenty of information regarding registering with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and obtaining a personal ID number on their website, likewise with Arbetsformedlingen (Public Employment Service) and Migrationsverket (Migration Board), the latter of which explains the often tedious and exacerbating process regarding work permits for non-EU members. The Local clarifies both here


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8 surprising perks to living in Sweden that anyone can take advantage of

From endless refillable coffee to free advice for entrepreneurs, moving to Sweden comes with a whole trove of low-key benefits that Swedes are so accustomed to they barely get a mention. The Local’s reader Gemma Casey-Swift shares a shortlist of the more hidden perks she’s discovered.

8 surprising perks to living in Sweden that anyone can take advantage of

Yes, the weather is shocking. University is also free for EU citizens (equally shocking, depending on where you’re from). But beyond the absurd levels of cleanliness, superb transport infrastructure, and the comfort of knowing that if you’re off sick, your boss won’t bother you, there are many other sweet little perks to living in Sweden that everyone should know about.

Refillable Bryggkaffe (even on trains)

Sweden’s love for coffee is deeply ingrained in its culture, with Swedes consuming twice as much of the brown stuff as the average American. One delightful daily perk is the availability of free bryggkaffe (filter coffee) refills almost everywhere, even on trains — which embarrassingly I only realised after three years of commuting between Gävle and Stockholm. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Juicy tax reductions for home improvements with ROT and RUT

Nobody likes the T word, but before you start yawning, please take advantage of these significant tax breaks when sprucing up your home thanks to two popular tax deduction programs. 

The ROT deduction allows homeowners to get up to 150,000 SEK in tax reductions for renovations, repairs, and maintenance work on their property. The RUT deduction also covers domestic services such as cleaning and babysitting. These programs make home improvement more affordable while boosting the local economy by supporting small businesses.

Free dental care for kids and youths up to age 23

Sweden’s commitment to public health also extends to dental care, where children and young adults receive free dental services until they turn 23. Regular check-ups, orthodontic treatments, and emergency dental care are all included. If only I was 10 years younger.

SEE MORE: How much will I have to pay to go to the dentist in Sweden?

You get paid extra to go on holiday 

If you’re employed in Sweden you’re entitled to a holiday bonus, known as semesterersättning. It typically amounts to 12% of your monthly salary and is paid out during the holiday period so you don’t have to feel guilty about that extra margarita. The idea behind this perk is to ensure everyone has the financial means to enjoy a well-deserved break, promoting a healthy work-life balance and overall well-being. If I could hug Sweden right now, I would.

READ ASLO: Why you get paid MORE when you take time off in Sweden

Affordable guest apartments and communal BBQ areas

If there’s one thing the Swedes have truly mastered, it’s the art of apartment living. Not only do most apartment blocks come with pretty little shared courtyards equipped with barbecues and garden furniture, but many also offer gästlägenheter (guest apartments) or gästrum (guest rooms) that residents can book for as little as 200 SEK per night. Now you have no excuse when your siblings and their swarm of toddlers want to come and visit.

Delish dagens lunch deals

It’s no secret that eating out in Sweden ain’t cheap, but thankfully, you can get special “dagens lunch” (today’s lunch) deals almost everywhere. Even upscale restaurants offer these lunchtime specials, which typically include a main course, salad, bread, and coffee for a very reasonable price. For anyone in Stockholm, Artilleriet and Tennstopet are two great places serving up weekday lunchtime specials for less.

READ ALSO: ‘Dagens’ lunch specials – an unexpected window into Swedish society

Transferable parental leave 

Is it even possible to write this article without mentioning parental leave?

EXPLAINED: Sweden’s 480 days of parental leave: What you need to know

It’s well known that Sweden’s policies in this department are among the most generous in the world, but slightly less well-known is a new law that came into force a few weeks ago, allowing parents to transfer up to 45 days of leave to a close relative. This means Grandad or Aunty Emma can help out with childcare and actually get paid for it. Cute.

Extra support for jobseekers and aspiring entrepreneurs 

Searching for work or starting a company can be daunting, which the Swedish government seems to understand. Both Business Sweden and Stockholm Stad offer free sessions with business counsellors to support start-ups and small businesses.

The rusta och matcha program also pairs jobseekers with career coaches for personalised job search assistance. Additionally, Arbetsförmedlingen (the Swedish Public Employment Service) covers travel expenses for job interviews, making nationwide job opportunities more accessible. These perks can offer a welcome boost during times of career uncertainty. 

All the small things 

Strangely, it’s often the little day-to-day things – not the big things – that make me appreciate my life here. Yes, the weather isn’t exactly great, but I can always daydream about where to spend my holiday bonus over two free coffees and a good dagens lunch deal. 

I hope I’ve missed many other small perks that the people of Sweden can enjoy. Please share any that spring to mind in the comments!