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Danish word of the day: Bjørnetjeneste

We're doing you a big favour with today's word of the day. Or are we?

What is bjørnetjeneste?

Bjørn is Danish for “bear”, while a tjeneste is a favour. So, bjørnetjeneste literally translates to ‘a bear favour’.
Given the size of the animals in question, you could be forgiven for thinking that the phrase means to do someone a ‘huge favour’, but you’d be wrong — at least in its original use.
In fact, bjørnetjeneste in its traditional sense refers to the opposite of a big favour, it’s a favour that is not really a favour at all. There is no English equivalent, although ‘disservice’ is a fair translation.
An example of this could be a dad who drives to pick his children up from school every day, even though they only live 50 metres from the school. In reality, the children would benefit from the exercise and would probably get home just as quickly without the lift. So the dad, despite his good intentions, is not really doing them a favour at all.
The word is thought to have its origins in a French fable written by Jean de La Fontaine during the 17th century, about a bear that tried to chase a fly from his master’s nose with a rock and ended up crushing its master’s head. So, there’s that.
Why do I need to know bjørnetjeneste?
The explanation above of the meaning of bjørnetjeneste in Danish isn’t quite the full story. For a number of years, it has in fact been used to convey the more obvious, but traditionally incorrect, meaning of a “huge favour”. So much so that it has become a word that can elicit considerable reaction amongst language purists for whom this alternative use is frustratingly incorrect and illogical.
So are you mangling the Danish language if you say bjørnetjeneste when talking about a genuine favour?
Perhaps not quite. The regulatory body for the Danish language, Dansk Sprognævn, told broadcaster DR in 2021 that there is nothing wrong with using bjørnetjeneste for either one of the apparently opposite purposes. Its newer meaning — a large favour — has also been added to the Danish dictionary.
The regulatory body registers the meaning of Danish words by studying their use in literature, everyday conversation, social media and popular culture, meaning ‘official’ meanings can change over time.
“An assessment is made as to whether a new use of a word has become widespread. If that is the case, it is registered in the dictionary,” senior researcher with Dansk Sprognævn Eva Skafte Jensen told DR in October 2021.
Jeg kommer ikke til at hjælpe dig med din eksamensopgave. Det vil være en bjørnetjeneste på længere sigt.
I’m not going to help with your exam assignment. It would be of no benefit to you in the long run.
Vil du ikke være sød at hjælpe med min eksamensopgave? Det vil være en bjørnetjeneste, hvis du gjorde det.
Will you please help me with my exam assignment? It would be a huge favour to me if you did.

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Danish word of the day: Varmebølge

Here's a Danish word to use when complaining about the hot weather.

Danish word of the day: Varmebølge

What is varmebølge?

Varmebølge means “heatwave” in Danish.

Varme means “heat” or “warmth”, and bølge means “wave”, so it’s an easy translation. You’ll sometimes hear hedebølge used too, using another Danish word for “heat”. The word varme is the more common of the two, and can be used in situations where you might say either “heat” or “warmth” in English. Hede, on the other hand, implies a more extreme type of heat.

For example, the Danish words for “hot water bottle” and “central heating” both use varme rather than heat (varmedunk and centralvarme or just varmen, respectively) and “hot weather” is varmt vejr but the phrase i kampens hede means “in the heat of the battle”. 

Why do I need to know varmebølge?

While the above terms – varmebølge and hedebølge – are synonyms on first glance, there’s an important difference.

Denmark’s national meteorological agency, DMI, defines a varmebølge as a three-day period on which the average highest temperature is over 25 degrees Celsius.

For a hot spell to qualify as a hedebølge, on the other hand, the average highest temperature for the three days in question must exceed 28 degrees Celsius

People from southern parts of Europe might consider either type of Danish heatwave to feel more like regular summer weather – and perhaps this helps explain why extreme weather in southern regions in recent years, related to climate change, has led to speculation Denmark could become an increasingly popular summer destination for foreign holidaymakers.

The phrases also reveal a little about how Denmark’s climate influences language and the way Danes talk about the weather.

READ ALSO: Five Danish phrases you only hear in summer

While almost everyone gets quickly tired of long spells of cool, wet summer weather – like those seen during most of June 2024 – it also doesn’t take much for Danes to begin longing for more moderate temperatures to return once it heats up.

Anything over around 24-25 degrees Celsius is likely to be considered for meget (“too much”) what I would consider a regulation summer temperature of 26 degrees might be described as denne forfærdelige varme (“this dreadful heat”).