Sweden launches investigation into Ukraine war crimes

Sweden on Tuesday opened an investigation into suspected war crimes in Ukraine, encouraging witnesses and victims to come forward in order so secure evidence for potential future prosecutions, prosecutors said.

Sweden launches investigation into Ukraine war crimes
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in the recaptured town of Bucha, where Russian troops are accused of carrying out war crimes. Photo: Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP

“Given the information that is available about the situation in Ukraine, there is reason to believe that grave war crimes are being committed,” the Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a statement, adding that preliminary investigation had been opened.

The authority said that currently no individual was suspected of a crime. “The purpose is to as early as possible secure evidence that could be available in Sweden so that it could be used in future legal proceedings, either in Sweden, another country’s court or in an international court such as the International Criminal Court, ICC.”

Last month the ICC launched its own probe into possible war crimes in Ukraine.

“I have notified the ICC Presidency a few moments ago of my decision to immediately proceed with active investigations in the Situation” in Ukraine, Karim Khan wrote in a statement.

The Hague-based court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan said on March 3 that he believed there was a “reasonable basis” to believe that crimes within the court’s jurisdiction had been committed.

The Swedish prosecutors on Tuesday encouraged people that have been the victims of or witnessed “violence against civilians in Ukraine” to contact authorities.

For war crimes Sweden applies a principle of universal jurisdiction, meaning that its courts can try a person on serious charges such as murder or war crimes regardless of where the alleged offences took place.

Calls for war crimes investigations and trials over Ukraine have intensified after horrific images emerged of corpses lying in the streets of the town of Bucha after the withdrawal of Russian troops.

Moscow has denied responsibility and suggested the images are fake or that the deaths occurred after Russian forces pulled out of the area.

But newly released satellite photographs taken by Maxar Technologies in mid-March, before the Russian withdrawal, showed what appeared to be bodies in some of the same places they were later found by Ukrainian troops and seen by journalists.

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Zelensky arrives in Stockholm for Ukraine-Nordic summit

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Stockholm to meet leaders from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

Zelensky arrives in Stockholm for Ukraine-Nordic summit

Zelensky has been touring European capitals in recent days to appeal for more military aid for the Ukrainian army, which has been ceding ground to relentless Russian attacks in recent weeks.

“Today I am in Stockholm for the third Ukraine-Northern Europe summit,” Zelensky said in a statement on social media.

“Our top priorities are to ensure more air defence systems for Ukraine, joint defence industry projects, and weapons for our warriors, as well as global efforts to force Russia to make peace,” he added.

He said he would meet leaders from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway and sign several bilateral security agreements.

“Ukraine will grow stronger as a result of the support of our principled and consistent allies, as well as new security agreements,” the Ukrainian leader said.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson meanwhile said that his country would take “important steps towards further strengthening cooperation between our countries in our support for Ukraine”.

“Ukraine’s cause is our cause,” he added in a statement on social media.

Zelensky’s arrival in Stockholm comes just days after Sweden pledged military aid of 13.3 billion kronor ($1.25 billion) to Ukraine.

And it comes as Ukrainian forces are struggling to hold back Russian attacks across the sprawling front line, after Moscow this month launched a fresh ground offensive in the eastern Kharkiv region.