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Is Austria set for a gas price hike – and what can you do to avoid it?

E-Control, Austria's energy regulator, says they "hope" energy prices will be on their way to normal by next winter but that saving energy "is the order of the day".

gas energy, Spain
Austria has reduced its reliance on Russian energy in recent months. (Photo: Magnascan / Pixabay)

This week, Austria activated a “gas alert” as part of its emergency plan to ensure gas supply for the country over fears that Russia would cut off supplies if Western countries refused to make payments in rubles.

This Friday, Austria’s chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) said that the country’s gas importer OV has not received any documents on a contract change regarding the currencies, Krone reported. 

Nehammer added that the Austrian company has contracts with Russian Gazprom valid until 2024 and specifically stating payments would be made in euros and dollars. He described the Kremlin’s demand that gas be paid in rubles as a “political announcement.”

Still, Austria is currently on the first stage of a gas alert, according to an announcement made this week by the Federal Government’s Crisis Cabinet together with E-Control, the country’s energy regulator.

The Local spoke with representatives of the energy authority to understand more about the gas supply situation in Austria and the perspectives for the future.

Though the regulator reiterates that “households fall under the so-called protected customers and do not have to expect any rationing of gas consumption”, they also reinforce that every individual can help reduce gas consumption and that saving energy, overall, is the “order of the day”.

What is the “gas alert” emergency plan?

The early warning stage means that the surveillance and monitoring system that has been in place for weeks “will be tightened even further”, E-Control says.

The authority and the Austrian Gas Grid Management (AGGM), two institutions responsible for the gas market in the country, will deliver daily reports to the Climate Protection Ministry and the Federal Government.

READ ALSO: Ukraine: What does the government’s ‘gas alert’ mean for Austria?

There are three stages in the emergency plan. Only the third one contains the possibility of adopting energy control measures such as rationing. Even so, they do not target households but industries instead, E-Control confirmed.

What is the current situation regarding gas supply in Austria?

The gas regulator stated that there is currently a full and regular supply of natural gas from Russia, both via Ukraine and other transport routes.

The storage level is also low but not at an abnormal level for this time of the year. Therefore, even if there is a restriction or stoppage of incoming gas, that would not necessarily cause a supply problem in the country.

The country has also used less gas than in years before, with consumption in February 2022 5.3% lower than the same month in 2021, primarily due to warmer weather for the month, according to E-Control data.

What happens next winter?

“We hope that the war in Ukraine will be over by then and that gas prices will have returned to a more or less normal level so that households will not have to fear gas price increases”, according to the Austrian energy authority.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: Why are fuel prices increasing faster in Austria than elsewhere in the EU?

At the same time, spring is traditionally the period for refilling gas storage supply, especially after a law was passed requiring a strategic gas reserve large enough to cover gas consumption for a cold January month, E-Control explains.

“The challenge, however, is to obtain a corresponding amount of gas at reasonable prices for filling the storage facilities. Alternatives are still being worked on”.

The supply is not at risk for this cold season. Still, Austria’s energy controller said that national and European measures must be taken to support the tank filling in the coming months.

One of the alternatives includes buying liquified natural gas (LNG) that can also be used for industrial processes and heating – LNG arriving to ship terminals in Italy could be transported to the landlocked country via pipelines.

Another alternative could be buying natural gas from other producers, such as Norway.

What can private consumers do right now?

“Every individual can help to reduce gas consumption”, E-Control said.

“Saving energy is the order of the day not only at the moment but for climate protection reasons in general”.

The energy specialist highlighted that there are several ways to reduce gas consumption without sacrificing comfort. For example, lowering the room temperatures by just one degree means saving six per cent.

E-Control explains that saving energy is done in two ways: by changing habits and using modern technologies. Simply swapping old light bulbs for LED lights, for example, can bring enormous savings, which can help cut costs as energy prices continue high worldwide.

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Austria faces major shortage of skilled workers

By 2040, there will be a shortage of around 360,000 workers in Austria. But what are the professions that will be most in need of workers?

Austria faces major shortage of skilled workers

Austria is facing a shortage of skilled workers across several industries. 

The shortage is seen as a significant threat to economic prosperity, as it lowers productivity and makes it harder to meet service needs, as reported by Der Standard.

Thousands of skilled workers missing

By 2040, there will be a shortage of around 360,000 workers in Austria, according to the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Austrian Industries.

Some industries are already affected by the shortage.

For example if you want to get your car repaired in Austria, you might have to wait a long time. The car mechanics business is already facing issues with contracting staff. On the AMS platform “All Jobs”, some 2,700 jobs for car mechanics in Austria are currently advertised.

Furthermore, the healthcare sector is expected to face greater challenges. Austria is projected to have a shortage of around 7,000 doctors throughoutby 2035, as there are currently too few in training.

The tourism and hospitality sector is also struggling to retain employees. In general, one out of every four workers leaves within the first year of employment.

Additionally, public transport is also affected by the lack of employees. Vienna is expected to face a shortage of 5,000 bus drivers within the next five years due to retirements and a lack of new drivers entering the field.

Aging population, lack of training, and potential workers not yet included

There are many factors contributing to the shortages. One major reason is the aging population, with many baby boomers retiring and fewer young people entering the workforce. Additionally, there is a lack of adequate training and education programs for high-demand professions like car mechanics and healthcare workers. 

Another contributing factor is the reduced numbers of workers coming to Austria from Eastern Europe. Previously, Austria benefited from a significant number of workers coming from countries such as Hungary, Romania, and Croatia, but this trend is now declining.

The high turnover rates in industries like tourism and hospitality also contribute to the problem, as a large number of employees leave their jobs every year, creating challenges with keeping knowledgeable staff. 

Furthermore, there are many potential workers who are not currently part of the Austrian workforce, such as refugees, individuals with health restrictions, and older but healthy workers who could be encouraged to remain employed longer.

The shortage can also lead to positive changes

Despite challenges, the shortage of skilled workers in Austria can also bring about positive changes, reported Der Standard.

Firstly, the shortage can lead to higher wages and improved working conditions for employees, particularly in lower-paid jobs. Secondly, it can result in a need for increased productivity, and encourage companies to invest more in innovation and technology, which can lead to long-term economic growth. Furthermore, the shortage might also encourage employers to create better job stability and conditions to attract employees.

READ ALSO: Healthcare in Austria: Why are there fewer ‘public’ doctors?