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The pros and cons of being an English language assistant in Spain

Every year thousands of non-EU English speakers get to live and work in Spain by becoming language assistants in Spanish schools. There are however pros and cons to the scheme; here's what those who’ve worked as ‘auxes’ think you should know before applying.

The pros and cons of being an English language assistant in Spain
'Auxes' in Spain are generally not badly paid for the hours they work. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)

The idea behind ‘auxiliares de conversación’ is that they help Spanish school students to improve their speaking and listening skills – something aided by regular interaction with native speakers – and also teach the kids about aspects of their culture, language, history, humour, music, sport and customs.

Auxes, as they are known among the Americans (and language assistants by the British) are paid a monthly stipend in return for assisting English lessons for twelve or sixteen hours a week across Spain and Europe. 

Often these are recent graduates or modern languages students studying as part of their year abroad, and the scheme attracts teachers from the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, and India.

Although the programme is a fantastic opportunity to live in a new country and immerse yourself in a new culture and language, there are some pitfalls to the programme and things worth bearing in mind when it comes to applying, particularly so after Brexit.

The Local spoke to several auxes and got the lowdown on the pros and cons of the programme:

The Pros

A way into Spain for non-EU applicants

Unless you have a lot of money, you get married to a resident or can find a job in Spain that no EU candidate can do, the chances of you being able to move to Spain as a third-country national are pretty slim. 

One of the easiest ways to get your foot in the door is through this language assistant scheme, which in most cases requires applying for Spain’s long-term student visa. 

This visa has quite a few advantages, such as being able to bring some family members with you, no age limit for applicants, being able to study at university in Spain and being allowed to work up to 20 hours per week. 

Auxes are usually contracted from October to May, but there are ways for them to extend their stay in Spain.

READ ALSO: The pros and cons of Spain’s student visa

No Spanish language requirements, the chance to learn a new language

Spain is one of the few countries that don’t require auxes to have any local language skills when arriving. Although that may present some difficulties when arriving and getting yourself set up (more on that later in the cons section) living in Spain and interacting with native speakers everyday is a priceless opportunity to learn a second language.

Many auxes choose to take Spanish lessons or make use of ‘intercambios de idiomas’ (language exchanges) to practice their Spanish with native speakers and help others improve their English.

You don’t work many hours

Although the salary isn’t the best (see below) most auxes can’t complain as they work so few hours. It varies by region but most language assistantsare contracted to work 12 or 16 hours a week (yes, you read that right) over 3 or 4 days a week.

Most staff at schools are quite understanding, and if you get yourself a good coordinator they are normally quite flexible about taking time off or rearranging classes to allow you to travel and take full advantage of your time in Spain.

It’s paid

Despite working so little, auxes are paid. It’s not the best money in the world and, like with the hours, depends on where in Spain you’re sent, but most are paid between €700 and €1,000 a month. Actually getting that beca (grant), however, can present problems as explained in the cons section.

But all things considered you should remember auxes are paid enough to pay rent and cover most daily costs for very few hours work. Not a bad deal for students and recent graduates, but it’s also very common to top-up pay with private tutoring or work in English academies.

Combining study and work is possible

Many British auxes use the language assistant scheme as part of a study abroad for languages students.

Usually during their third year, they often have to do some (but not much) work for their universities, and often programme coordinators are quite good at allowing you the time to do it.

Daily interaction with native speakers not only boosts your language skills and adds something different to your CV, but for those auxes wanting to become teachers it’s also fantastic experience in the classroom. Whether or not they still want to be teachers by the end of the school year depends on the person – and the kids they’re teaching!

The scheme is a great way for third-country nationals to get to live in the country,but it’s not all advantages. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)

The Cons

Like everything in life, even the aux programme has its drawbacks. Most of them are age-old problems common to Spanish society, and many auxes experience them.

You can’t choose where you go

Unfortunately, you can’t choose where exactly you’ll be. You can choose a region and put preferences with regards to whether you’d prefer a city, town, or village, be inland or on the coast, working in a primary or high school, but ultimately go where the regional govt decides they need you.

This means that many auxes are given teaching posts in small towns, and their dreams of living and working in central Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia or Seville never materialise. 

Commuting isn’t always easy

As you could be placed in a school in a small town in the middle of nowhere, it is worth considering whether you’d want to live in the town itself or in a nearby city and commute. Many auxes do the latter, but if you decide to do that you will be reliant on lifts from colleagues and the unpredictability of public transport in rural Spain.

Those who do end up buying or renting a car should consider how long they’re allowed to drive in Spain with their foreign licences. 

Driving in Spain: Who can exchange their licence and who has to resit the exam?

Payment problems

Many auxes biggest complaint. The many quirks of Spanish administration mean several regions are notorious for paying auxes months late – often not until December – so it’s better to arrive with some savings. Valencia is the worst region for this, and in recent years auxes have been forced to protest outside government buildings to get their pay. 

It’s worth doing some research online before applying, especially if you don’t have access to savings or family support before arriving. Those first few months can be tough, and it often depends if you’re paid directly by the school (like in Andalusia) or as a group by the regional government (like in Valencia and Murcia) so make sure to check when applying.

Spanish admin 

Spanish administration in general can be a shock to the system for many arriving from the U.S, U.K, Australia, or Canada. Sorting out things like your NIE and opening a bank account can be overly-complicated and take a long time. This is compounded if you don’t speak the language, and you’ll soon get used to waiting around at the ayuntamiento. 

READ MORE: 15 terms you need to know to understand Spanish bureaucracy

Sticking to the expat groups

Although many auxes take advantage of their time in Spain to learn the language and integrate into their town, it’s not uncommon for younger auxes to stick together in groups and spend all their time with one another speaking in English. If that’s how you want to spend your time – great.

If not, consider requesting a smaller town placement that will allow you to properly immerse yourself in Spanish culture.

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The best paid jobs in Spain which don’t require a university degree

Traditional academic qualifications are no longer a guarantee of work or good pay. In fact, there are numerous jobs in Spain which don't require a university degree that pay handsomely.

The best paid jobs in Spain which don't require a university degree

While it’s true that for the majority of well-paid jobs in Spain, you do need a university degree, there are still several lucrative professions here that do not require any type of higher qualification. Here are the top 10 highest-paid jobs in Spain, according to a study by Spanish news site La Información.

Commercial airline pilot
A job as a pilot is a well-sought-after position, which is not only great for its earning potential, but also allows you to travel internationally too. You can earn anywhere from €60,000-100,000 per year and don’t need a degree, but you do need to take several courses and complete hours and hours of rigorous training and pass exams. 

READ ALSO: Which foreign nationals in Spain have the highest salaries? 

Air traffic controller
Air traffic controllers in Spain can earn anywhere from €33,000 to €100,000 a year and oversee air traffic at major airports across the country. All that is required is to complete an 18-month training course to obtain a licence. It’s also helpful to have excellent concentration skills, effective communication skills and quick decision-making abilities.

Events planner
Events planners obviously need to be highly organised, but can work in any type of environment from planning weddings to conferences and meetings for large corporations. For this type of career, you can earn anywhere up to €100,000 per year depending on what sector you work in. You don’t need an official degree but may need to take a course.

Estate agent
Whether you want to sell to other foreigners or work for a local company, selling property can be a very lucrative business, earning you between €25,000 and €70,000 annually, depending on commissions. You will need to take a real estate course to get your real estate agent licence. It’s helpful to be good at negotiating and have excellent people and sales skills.

Professional make-up artist
If you have a creative streak and love working with people, a career in the high-flying world of fashion and editorial shoots could be right up your street as a make-up artist. Your career could also take you to the worlds of theatre, films or even music. You will need to undertake a professional make-up course to get ahead but can earn anywhere from €18,000-50,000.

READ ALSO – Not English: The languages linked to high-paying jobs in Spain 

Airline cabin crew
Those who have the travel bug, are good with people and can speak multiple languages could become an air steward or stewardess for one of Spain’s big airlines. You must undertake a specific training course for cabin crew and can earn €20,000 – €46,000 per year.

Executive Assistant
Executive assistants for managers, CEOs and COOs can earn on average €31.718 per year in Spain. A degree isn’t necessary but you will need some type of administrative training or experience.

Oil rig workers
Oil rig workers perform a variety of tasks in oil and gas extraction. If you want to make this your career, yearly salaries are anywhere between €25,000 and €33,000. You don’t need a specific qualification, but you will need technical training provided by your employer. It’s important to have good physical fitness, be able to work in a team and have mechanical skills.

Vertical work technician

If you suffer from vertigo or are afraid of heights, this definitely isn’t the job for you. Vertical work technicians work at great heights, whether that’s fixing electricity lines and cables or washing windows of huge skyscrapers. Doing this type of job can earn you between €20-60 per hour in Spain. You don’t need a qualification but can work up to different levels depending on your experience. Level three technicians are paid the most.

SEO experts

If you have good computer and research skills, you may want to consider becoming an expert in Search Engine Optimisation, in order to help clients move their websites higher up the Google rankings or make sure that they’re found online by their desired customers. You can earn anywhere between €20,000-€30,000 a year and will need to have completed some type of course in SEO and digital marketing. It’s important that you have a deep understanding of internet algorithms.