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‘Putain de bordel de merde’: How to use the F-word in French

If there was a World Cup of swearing, the English language would surely win with the F-word - but what's the best way to translate the myriad of F-word phrases into French? We have prepared this guide, which unsurprisingly contains a lot of explicit language.

French tennis player, Adrian Mannarino, reacts angrily on the court.
French tennis player, Adrian Mannarino, reacts angrily on the court. Could he be about to swear? (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP)

Perhaps one of the reasons why the French – and many other Europeans – like to use ‘f*ck’ is the word’s incredible versatility. It can be a noun, a verb or an adverb and can mean that something is incredibly good, incredibly bad and virtually everything in between.

French does have its own very versatile swearword – the majestic putain – but it doesn’t quite have the range of the F-word.

We’ve therefore put together this very foul-mouthed guide on the best ways to say ‘fuck’ in French.


Say you’ve spilled hot coffee on yourself, you’ve just discovered that the préfecture is closed after you travelled two hours to get there or someone is showing you something particularly insane on Twitter – you need an F-word for surprise, shock or incredulity.

Putain – Fuck [this literally translates as ‘whore’ but is used in French more as we would use fuck. If you want to actually call someone a whore, you use pute. Putain also has lots of non-fuck uses]

Fait chier – Fuck [literally – to make shit]

Merde – Fuck [shit] 

C’est quoi ce bordel? – What the fuck? [literally – what is this brothel?]

Tu te fous de ma gueule? – Are you fucking with me? 


Feel the need to shout abuse at someone or just express your dissatisfaction with the driving skills of your fellow motorists? Then you want an angry fuck. 

Putain de bordel de merde – For fuck’s sake [the literal translation here is the majestic ‘whore of the brothel of shit’]

Va te faire foutre – Fuck off

Va te faire enculer – Go Fuck yourself up the arse. 

Ferme ta gueule – Shut the fuck up [shut your jaws]

Casse toi – Fuck off 

Je vais te niquer/défoncer – I will fuck you up 

Je t’emmerde – Fuck you [I put you in the shit]

Nique ta mère – Fuck your mum 

Nique ta race – Fuck you [literally this means ‘fuck your race’ – but the expression is commonly used between friends of the same ethnicity] 

Dégages-toi – Fuck off/leave me alone


In English the verb ‘to fuck’ is used an an explicit way to talk about having sex. In French there’s less crossover between sex phrases and angry/surprised phrases, although niquer is a notable exception that can be used for both. Despite its origin as a word for a prostitute, putain is virtually never used in a sexual way.

Baiser – to screw/bang [used to talk about two people who have had sex, or perhaps a person that you’ve had sex with. It’s not in itself offensive, although it is explicit] 

Niquer/Poutrer/foutre/défoncer – to fuck [again to have sex with, but more explicit and often aggressive]

Enculer – to have anal sex with [can be simply descriptive but is often used as an insult or threat]


Really, really don’t care about your neighbours’ opinions on the new recycling rules? If you have already explained that you’re not interested you may need to wheel out the nuclear option and tell them that you don’t give a fuck. 

Je m’en fous – I don’t give a fuck 

Je m’en bat les couilles – I don’t give a fuck [literally – I beat it against my balls] 

J’en ai rien à branler – I don’t give a fuck [I have nothing to masturbate]


As a foreigner in France you’re highly likely to fuck up from time to time, there’s a lot to get your head around. If you’re dealing with the mairie you might want to stick to the more polite j’ai fait une erreur, but there are times when you need to let rip and explain just how badly you have messed this up.

J’ai déconné – I fucked up 

J’ai merdé – I fucked up [I shitted] 

J’ai fait de grosses conneries – I really fucked up 

J’ai foiré – I fucked up 

J’ai foutu le bordel – I made a fucking mess


Don’t believe those people who try to tell you that the French elegantly sip one glass of wine all evening. Sure, some do but others like to get drunk and the French language has a nice variety of phrases to describe the state of being inebriated, drunk, battered or simply fucked.

Je suis défoncé/foncedé – I am fucked up 

Je suis boussilé – I am wrecked/bollocksed

Je suis foutu – I am fucked up 

And a note on Fuck

The French like to use the English word ‘fuck’ – in fact they use it a lot and in situations that to an English speaker seem rather inappropriate.

For various reasons – perhaps because they tend to translate it as putain which isn’t always particularly strong, perhaps simply because foreign words seem less shocking – the French generally have no conception of how strong fuck is.

You’ll hear it said in front of kids, you’ll even see kids wearing slogan T-shirts with it on.

READ MORE Why do the French love to say ‘f**k’ so much?

And just in case anyone was under the impression that the French are a polite nation who don’t do in for much swearing, check out this video from a group of French humorists known as Les inconnus – who are sometimes compared to Monty Python. 

The clip features more than one minute of dialogue composed uniquely of the same three curses.

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Essential French vocab for self-employed people in France

These are some of the most important terms and acronyms you should learn if you’re planning to work for yourself in France.

Essential French vocab for self-employed people in France

Being self-employed in France comes with its fair share of paperwork and bureaucracy, not to mention confusing vocabulary terms that foreigners might be confused by. 

Here are some of the words you might come across if you work for yourself in France;

Business type


The official new term for auto-entrepreneur – which is often still used and is pretty interchangeable with the new formal term – and is basically equivalent to ‘sole trader’. This is the simplest form of legal business set-up for a self-employed person in France.

READ ALSO Micro-entrepreneur: How to set up as a small business in France

It operates a simplified structure for taxes and employment rules, and if you go over a maximum earning threshold for your business type, you can re-register.

It’s not the only type of business set-up open to sole traders. Others include…

Entrepreneur Individuel à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL)

An individual entrepreneur with limited responsibility, where the company is managed by the individual. 

It follows the same scheme as the ‘Entreprise individuelle’ in terms of social contributions and tax. However, there is a possibility with this structure to opt into Corporate Tax. This may seem like a bizarre idea, to pay more tax, but if Corporate Tax is paid, the director’s salary is then deductible from the taxable income of the business.

Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée – EURL 

This means being a one-person company with limited responsibility. This is the creation of an actual company (SARL), but with a single shareholder and share capital.

An EURL has to be registered with the French Register of Commerce. The single shareholder’s responsibility is only equal to that of their contributions, but the manager of the company has criminal and civil liability for any errors committed during the years of their duties.

Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle (SASU)

This is a simplified one-person joint stock option company (similar to an Ltd. in England and an LLC in the US). 

Business areas

Activité commerciale

If you own a shop, e-commerce, food stall, or gîtes, you are involved in an activité commerciale.

Activité artisanale

These are manual activities – from the building trade, crafts to hairdressers and beauticians. 

Activité Libérale

AKA Profession Libérale, or intellectual-based services, such as coaches, consultants, teachers, and programmers. 

READ MORE: France’s ‘entrepreneur visa’ and how to apply for it

Other important terms

Chiffre d’affaires

Think turnover, rather than revenue. This is important because, in French, ‘revenu’ is income from a business or (dread phrase incoming) side hustle and is very different for tax purposes.


Social contributions – cotisations are all social charges payable by employers and employees to finance the Social Security system, including the national housing assistance fund (fonds national d’aide au logement – FNAL), Family Allowance (CAF) and Pôle Emploi.

Les salariés doivent également payer deux contributions sociales qui sont la contribution sociale généralisée (CSG) et à la contribution au remboursement de la dette sociale (CRDS). Ces deux contributions sociales ont pour but de financer la protection sociale et combler la dette sociale. La CSG et la CRDS sont des impôts prélevés sur la rémunération des salariés.

READ MORE: Cotisations: Why you might get an unexpected French health bill

Cotisations are all collected by.. 


Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales – more usually known, because that’s a mouthful, by the acronym Urssaf – are the administrators who collect social security contributions that fund a large part of France’s labyrinthine social security system, including, notably, health insurance.

READ ALSO URSSAF: What is it, how it works, and how it affects you


The nine-digit Siren is your business ID number. You’ll get one of these when you register your business, along with a 14-digit …


This acronym stands for Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Établissements. 

This number is, basically, your business ID, plus five more digits that are specific to the location of the establishment. If you change address, you need a new Siret. It should appear on all company invoices – and also on any payslips.

READ MORE: What is a SIRET number and why is it crucial when hiring French tradesmen?


See TVA, think VAT. It stands for Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée, which is French for Value Added Tax. Above certain turnover, businesses have to start collecting TVA, and can also claim back TVA.

Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)

All employees in France are able to access money each year for free professional training (€800 for unskilled workers, €500 for full-time, skilled workers). The money can also be ‘carried forward’ so if you don’t use it one year, you will have €1,000 to spend the following year.

It’s also available to self-employed people – who pay into the fund as part of their social charges and cotisations.

The money can be for all sorts of professional development or entrepreneurship courses, but of particular use to foreigners it can also be used for driving lessons or French-language lessons.

READ ALSO Mon CPF: What changes with France’s €500-a-year training budget

Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE)

This is a local tax payable by any company or self-employed person earning more than €5,000 per year, even if they conduct their business at home, at the kitchen table. This one is due every December.