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10 things to do before moving to France

If you are thinking - or even just daydreaming - about moving to France it can be hard to know where to start in your preparations. Here's our checklist for the essential things to do before the move.

10 things to do before moving to France
Read our checklist before signing on the dotted line. Photo by FRED TANNEAU / AFP

Many people dream of moving to France. It is a country steeped in culture and beautiful natural landscapes. It also has a remarkable work-life balance and social safety net. 

But before making the move, there are a number of things you need to do. 

Check residency rights

Firstly you need to make sure your stay will be legal. If you plan to stay in France for a period of more than 90 days and do not have citizenship of an EU or Schengen zone country, you will likely need a visa. 

Staying in France or another EU for a period of more than 90 days could land you in legal trouble. Bear in mind that without official residency status, you may struggle to open bank account, rent or buy a property and register for social security. 

We have written extensive guides of obtaining visas to stay in France. The process varies a little depending on your nationality and motive for coming to France. 

Decide where you want to live

Where you decide to move is a matter of personal choice. If you have cash and enjoy the hustle and bustle of a capital city, Paris is the obvious choice. 

If you would rather be living in an area with lots of English speakers but also want to enjoy the countryside and warmer weather, you may be best off moving to a region like Nouvelle-Aquitaine (southwest), Occitanie (south) or the Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’Azur (southeast). 

If you really want to get away from it all, France’s sparsely populated but stunningly beautiful central region is the place for you.

Ultimately, France is an incredibly varied country with cities, forests, mountains, beaches and lakes. You will be able to find the place which is right for you – but it will take some research. 

Find somewhere to rent or buy

Once you have zoned in on a geographical area, the next step is finding somewhere to actually live – unless you plan on sleeping in the street. 

Finding somewhere to buy can be a long process wherever you are, but the French system has some traps for the unwary. 

Fortunately, we have written extensively on the topic of house buying in France and have a wide range of articles to help you through the process including the following:

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Initially, you may be best-off renting, even if this too can be complicated. You will typically need as many of the following as possible: a French guarantor, evidence of your income, a French bank account, an employment contract, your most recent tax return, and receipts of payments made to your previous landlord. 

Whether renting or buying, there are plenty of relocation agencies which, for a fee, will help you find your dream place and sort out all the necessary paperwork. 

Get your banking situation sorted  

To open a French bank account, you normally need the following:

  • proof of your right to residency
  • proof of address in France
  • proof of income
  • proof of your identity

It can be difficult to buy or rent without a French bank account. But it can be difficult to set up a French bank account without a fixed address in France, and if you are a US citizen there are some extra challenges

A handy option for Brits or Americans for the moving period is an internet bank account with a company such as Wise or Revolut which will allow you to set up an account in both euros and dollars/pounds. These accounts also give you an EU IBAN (bank number) as well as an account number/sort code for your home country, so you can use them for transactions in both countries. 

Once you have gained residency status, if you are unable to open a bank account, you can make a request to Banque de France (the French central bank) to force a high-street bank to open an account for you under a clause known as the Droit au compte. You can make such a demand here. The downside is that it might not be the bank you would choose. But at least you’ll have an account.

It is worth checking that the bank in your home country allows free or low cost money transfers to an EU/French-based account. If it doesn’t you may want to consider changing bank. 

Prepare important documents 

France is not known for its smooth administrative processes (although it’s definitely getting easier as more things move online).

Before you arrive, it is worth making sure you have a good number of recent ID photos, photocopies of your identity documents, a copy of your full birth certificate (the French are weirdly obsessed with these), proof of health insurance and a copy of your most recent tax return. 

Check your driving license 

If you plan on living in the countryside, you are probably going to need a car. To do this, you will of course need a driving license. 

If you already hold a driving license, issued in a country other than France or another EU/EEA nation, you will likely need to swap it for a French one. 

The procedure for doing this depends on where your original license was issued.

If you were issued with a British driving license before January 1st 2021, you don’t need to swap it for a French one just yet. Those whose licence was issued after January 1st, 2021 will need to exchange it for a French one within one year of moving to France. 

People moving to France from a non-EU/EEA nation or the UK may even need to re-sit a driving test in France to be able to legally drive here. We have put together a guide on this subject below:

READ MORE How hard is it to swap your driving licence for a French one?

Ensure you have health coverage

Getting sick in a foreign country without health insurance can be costly and dangerous. 

Fortunately, France has an amazing public healthcare system, but it can take some time to register to use it (you must have been resident in France for at least three months before applying for a Carte Vitale). 

Once registered, it may also be worth taking out a private health insurance policy, known as a mutuelle

Many people, including people certain groups coming from the United States, will only be granted visas if they have private health insurance coverage. You can cancel this coverage once you are enrolled in the French social security system.

Americans in France: What’s the deal with health insurance? 

Network with other foreign nationals 

One of the benefits of being alive in the 21st century is the wealth of information available at our fingertips online. 

Not only are websites like The Local full of practical tips to make your move to France easier, but there are also a plethora of social media communities full of foreign residents and locals happy to share advice. 

The Local also has its own Facebook group – Living in France – that is full of nice people swapping helpful information. You can find dozens more such groups online, run and moderated independently. 

Real people in these online communities will be able to give you guidance on everything: from schools, to healthcare options, to fun days out and where to buy firewood. 

Have a French CV ready 

Many people come to France and hope their English CV will be enough to get them a job. While this might be true in an Irish/English pub or at an English teaching academy, it will not be the case for most companies, even if the HR department is fully bilingual.

French CVs typically follow a slightly different model to those used in English speaking countries. 

You will generally need to include a headshot of yourself, a brief ‘bio’, an address and your date of birth, along with the usual professional experience and educational details. 

READ MORE How to write the perfect CV for getting a job in France

Depending on your profession, you may also need to check whether your qualifications will be recognised in France – not all diplomas or professional qualifications gained outside the EU will be accepted in France, so this may affect jobs you can apply for.

Have a stab at learning French 

While you might be able to get by in some areas without speaking French, it is is seen as polite to at least have a go at the language. Having a working knowledge of French will also help you with various bureaucratic tasks and when it comes to understanding the culture – and you’ll find it much easier to make friends and feel settled in the country.

READ MORE How easy is it to move to France if you don’t speak French

Before coming to France, you could try taking French classes or using a language learning app such as Duolingo or Babbel. 

If you are just getting started, it is worth listening to Le Journal en français facile – a daily news programme available online from Radio France Internationale, broadcast in slow, easy-to-understand French. 

For those of you with a Netflix subscription, you can also try watching French language shows and films on there. 

READ MORE Five Netflix series that will teach you French as the locals speak it

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What restrictions are there on foreigners buying property in France?

Purchasing property in France as a foreigner has several extra hurdles - here's a look at some of the restrictions and other challenges you will want to be aware of beforehand.

What restrictions are there on foreigners buying property in France?

There are several things to consider before buying property in France. You may want to visit the area during different seasons to be sure that you enjoy it rain or shine, and you will want to consider how much you would end up paying in property taxes, as well as whether or not it will be a main residence or second home.

The law

Let’s start with the good news – there are no official rules in France against non French-citizens purchasing property, neither is there any requirement to be resident in the country in order to buy property – indeed foreign second-home owners make up a small but significant slice of the property market.

Revealed: Where in France do foreigners buy second homes

But in practice there are a number of challenges foreigners face when buying French property, especially if they need a mortgage.

Property sale process

Before making your decision, learn the steps to buying property in France and the expected timeline.

Roughly, there are five steps: making your offer, a cool-off period, signing a ‘Compromis de Vente‘, providing the notary (notaire) with your deposit, and signing the ‘Acte Authentique de Vente‘ (deed).

READ MORE: How long does it normally take in France to buy a property?

The French property purchase system is likely to be different to what you are used to – especially the role of the notaire.

Also Americans might be surprised to learn that in contrast to the US system of having a realtor who guides you through the entire process, in France – as in most of Europe – buyers are expected to do much work of the house-hunting work themselves.


There are a few extra steps added if you need a mortgage, but generally all foreign buyers should be prepared to have a valid ID (passport), as well as other documents including your marriage and/or divorce papers (to demonstrate your civil status).

At some point in the process, you will need to open a French bank account, even if that ends up just being for utilities after you’ve made the purchase. The earlier you can open a French bank account, the better.

You should know that purchasing property in France does not automatically give you residency rights. If you are not an EU citizen, then you will need a residency card or visa to spend extended time in France.

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: What type of French visa do you need?

Getting a mortgage

While there are no laws stopping foreigners from buying property in France for most people the biggest obstacle is getting a mortgage, as there are conditions that many foreigners cannot fulfil.

In France, the vast majority of loans are guaranteed by banks, and one bank’s offer to you may not be the same as another’s. You are free to contact several banks to find the best offer for your situation.

READ MORE: French property: How to get a mortgage in France

While there are alternative options besides banks, such as a ‘vendor loan’ (prêt vendeur) – where one sets up a credit contract directly with the seller of the property via a notary – this is much less common.

The biggest issue is that banks will require that foreigners prove that they will be able to legally remain in France for the entirety of the repayment period. As such, it can be very challenging those on short-term residency cards, to be accepted for a mortgage loan.

For the same reason, it is very difficult for non-residents to get a mortgage via a French bank.

Foreigners can also consider international options, or independent, specialised mortgage brokers, like those geared toward expats – however some have minimum income levels and minimum property purchase prices.

Another point to keep in mind is the fact that French banks also look favourably on ‘stable’ employment statuses, such as CDI (indefinite) work contracts, which, by their calculation, reduce risk of unemployment. It’s not impossible to get a mortgage if you are self-employed, but it’s harder.

Additionally, age can be a factor – lenders tend to be less likely to award mortgages to those nearing or above retirement age.

Americans – The situation is even more challenging for Americans in France, as banks can be reticent about working with Americans due to FATCA – which, according to the US dept of treasury, requires that “foreign financial institutions (FFIs) report to the IRS information about financial accounts held by US taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest.”

This has forces French banks to collect and maintain more information about their American customers. If the banks fail to disclose information to the IRS, they risk exclusion from the US market as well as penalties.

In a survey about the effects of citizenship-based taxation on Americans in France, one respondent said: “Multiple banks have denied me a mortgage because I am American.

“We used the services of a mortgage broker and when we went in for the final presentation a few weeks ago, only one out of the many banks queried offered us a mortgage, and it wasn’t even a good offer.”

READ MORE: Divorce, stress and fines: How citizenship-based taxation affects Americans in France