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What I’ve learned from five years of living in Berlin

From dealing with the unexpected and embracing culture to the hell of German bureaucracy and flat-hunting, here's what The Local's Rachel Loxton has learned from living in Berlin.

People walk in Berlin's Tempelhof airfield, with the TV tower in the background.
People walk in Berlin's Tempelhof airfield, with the TV tower in the background. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Fabian Sommer

I didn’t plan to move to Germany the day after Burns Night – the celebration of the Scots poet Robert Burns on January 25th – but that’s how it happened. My family made the traditional haggis, neeps and tatties as a send-off, and I headed to Berlin the next day. 

Somehow five years have passed and I’ve been reflecting on a few things I’ve learned along the way. I hope a few of you will relate, or find my experience helpful. 

Things don’t always go to plan… 

My plan was to see how it went in Berlin for six months. That’s manageable, I thought. Six months turned into a year, and here I am five years later. As a reaction to the Brexit vote among other things, I’d come to Berlin for an adventure, to see what was out there. I was lucky enough to have saved some money so quitting my job as a journalist in Aberdeen to go freelance in Berlin was scary but I had that financial cushion.

But then I tried freelancing and realised how hard it was. Germany is particularly savage towards freelancers who aren’t earning loads (just look at the cost of health insurance for the self-employed).

I needed a new strategy. So I signed up for a course to teach English as a foreign language and managed to get a freelance contract teaching people and businesses. It wasn’t well paid but it was consistent and it allowed me to write on the side.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about becoming a freelancer in Germany

…but that’s not always a bad thing

I learned a lot from teaching. The thing I liked most was that I got to spend time with Germans. The kind of Germans who didn’t necessarily speak that much English and were simply getting on with their lives. I love that Berlin is international and full of creative type, but it was a real pleasure to meet down to earth people. There were no hipsters on a ‘gap yah’ in sight. I loved going to Brandenburg to work at a factory where they ended up teaching me some German at the same time. 

Passengers wait for a train at the Berlin main station.

Passengers wait for a train at the Berlin main station. It’s good to get out of the city sometimes. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christophe Gateau

I liked heading to the offices at the new BER airport (which was at that time still in its delayed closure phase) to chat to original Berliners, or the dude from Cologne, the woman from Hamburg. They taught me a lot about life in Germany that I’m not sure I would have been able to access so easily by staying inside the Berlin ring. They were friendly, open and welcoming which I appreciated. 

You need (some) German

It can seem at times that everyone in Berlin speaks English and a lot of people do.

But I really do think you need to have basic understanding of German at the very least. For life admin, like having to call up the Finanzamt (tax office), utilities services or even at the supermarket if you want to have small talk with the cashier (I’m joking, why would you try this?), speaking the language is such an advantage.

It’s not about being the best speaker, but it makes a difference when you try to learn. And Germans are so happy when people give it a go. 

READ ALSO: 12 ways to improve your life in Germany without even trying

Flat-hunting is hell 

Almost everyone who has ever tried to find a flat in Berlin wants to talk about how bad it is because we are traumatised. If you’re lucky enough to get a flat viewing, there could be a hundred other applicants there. That’s the reality; there are not enough flats. Or perhaps there are but there are not enough reasonably priced ones.

Those who are safely tucked away in state-owned apartments paying €300 a month for a three room place with a beautiful balcony will tell you that it wasn’t always that way. Or that you might get lucky! These people are annoying. Trying to find a flat in Berlin is so bad that one developer made a computer game about how depressing it is. 

Flats in Berlin.

Flats in Berlin. Finding a decently-priced flat does feel like the treasure at the end of the rainbow. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Gerald Matzka

My advice? If you plan to stay in Berlin for longer than a year, try and skip the sublet and sort out your own contract even if it takes time to find a place. Looking back, I wish I had done that, and maybe I’d be paying lower prices now. But listen. It’s hard out there. So we can only do our best.  

There’s no getting around German bureaucracy

I sometimes say that I will drown in a pool of German bureaucracy but I’m only half joking. I am in awe at the amount of letters I get from German companies. 

I heard someone say recently that in Germany, people on the whole are polite and welcoming – but institutions are not. That’s my experience. There’s a very aggressive business-like culture and that shows in the language used in letters and the way they do things.

Take the rent debacle. After the constitutional court ruled that the Mietendeckel – rent cap – was void, many people received a letter from their landlord demanding that the rent arrears were paid immediately, even though tenants had no say in any legislation in the first place.

At the end of the day, though, if you live here you have to accept it. Yes, you may end up having a massive filing system in your 30 square metre apartment full of letters that could have been emails or phone calls. But this is Germany. Things might be changing with the slow move towards modern technology but fax machines will always be held in high regard.

A fax machine.

The dreaded fax machine is still a thing in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

Study the details 

One thing I’ve learned is that it pays to read the small print, and to inquire. Despite the aggressive letters, sometimes having a phone call with a real person from the Finanzamt turns out to be a not-terrible experience and they can help sort things out with little fuss. 

Big life changes are difficult abroad

Despite being in the very privileged position of choosing to move abroad, when life takes a turn for the worst, being away from home can feel awful. Whether it’s a break-up, losing a job or struggling in general, it can be hard to be away from family and friends.

During the pandemic, a major aspect for people living abroad is that we can’t travel home so easily. This hit me especially hard when Scotland brought in the hotel quarantine which meant I couldn’t get back unless I paid a lot of money and spent 10 days in a hotel room. I started imagining that something would happen to family members and I would not get to see them. It sent my anxiety spiralling. 


Embrace German life…

If you had told me five years ago that I would actually enjoy going to a nude spa, I would have laughed in your face. But, yes, I have discovered the joys of visiting the sauna “textilfrei” (literally textile free or nude). I am still a little giggly and British about it all but I am learning to embrace the German ‘don’t care’ attitude to bodies.

Similarly, I am 100 percent on board with Abendbrot (yes – bread and cheese does make an evening meal!), the Wegbier (drinking a beer on the go – yes please) and Germany’s better work-life-balance, at least compared to the UK. I like that politics here is less dysfunctional than Britain, and that cycling is encouraged.

A selection of Brötchen (rolls).

A selection of Brötchen (rolls). Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Mohssen Assanimoghaddam

I love that you can travel easily to other countries from Germany when the pandemic allows.

I also love the variety of things you can do in Berlin, and the food, which ranges from Turkish to Vietnamese to Eritrean.  It is such a culturally rich city in many ways. 

READ ALSO: How Germany’s marvellous bread helped me overcome food anxiety

… but stay true to yourself

You don’t have to like everything about Germany. There are some things I’ll never get on board with, like the EC “electronic cash” card. No, I don’t really understand what it is and, no, I will never have one. 

As well as a good moan, I’ve found it helpful to be myself even if it goes against the German – or at least Berlin – way of doing things. I will try out small talk with people sometimes even if they ignore me because I miss that culture from home. 

I also like to surround myself with things I’m familiar with now and again. Perhaps that’s why I was so excited to get what’s known as a ‘Burns supper’ recently. Haggis, neeps and tatties in a Berlin bar seemed like the perfect way to mark five years of living here.

Member comments

  1. Totally on board 100000 million percent Rachel. And the company attitude is hitleresque! You get more bees with hiney than with lemons

  2. EC card is a debit card that can only be used in Germany and only offline. It is was cheaper for retailers and banks to deal with (as they don’t have to give a cut to Visa or Mastercard) – so it’s very common.

    1. EC card is being replaced by V-pay. Still a debit card, still offline (is it?). but at least international.

  3. My constant struggle is the lack of response when I send an e-mail. German businesses seem to expect a phone call, always…

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Inside Germany: Boozy public holidays, bilingual kids and the countdown to Euro 2024

From public holidays to getting ready for Euro 2024 and how to help children grow up in a bilingual household, here's what we're talking about in Germany this week.

Inside Germany: Boozy public holidays, bilingual kids and the countdown to Euro 2024

Inside Germany is our weekly look at some of the news, talking points and gossip in Germany that you might not have heard about. It’s published each Saturday and members can receive it directly to their inbox by going to their newsletter preferences or adding their email to the sign-up box in this article.

A good year for public holidays (especially May) 

After the long and dark winter in Germany, it’s a relief to see more daylight and even some sun. And when spring rolls around, there’s another nice perk of living in Germany – public holidays. This season is when you get to relax, not work as much and enjoy being outside. At the end of March, we had a couple of days off for Easter and in May there are several Feiertage. 

We kicked off the month with International Workers’ Day or Labour Day, known as Tag der Arbeit in Germany. Luckily, the weather was pleasant and warm across the country as people attended demonstrations, May Day parades or relaxed in the sun. I took a turn to see the festivities in Berlin’s Kreuzberg area – a traditional spot for Tag der Arbeit gatherings – in the afternoon but was quickly stressed out by the crowds. I don’t know if the sun had gone to everyone’s head but it did seem like people were drinking more this year than usual. 

Next Thursday, May 9th, is Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt) which is also a public holiday. Of course this is also Fathers’ Day or Vatertag in Germany. It’s another one where you are likely to run into a lot of drunk people. It has always amused me that it’s a tradition for men to fill a cart with booze and go hiking with their drinks in the afternoon. Next up on Monday May 20th is Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag) which is another Feiertag – but maybe will be less boozy than the others. Lastly, there’s a regional holiday on Thursday May 30th for Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam) – but it’s not nationwide. 

It’s safe to say that it’s a pretty good year for public holidays in Germany since most don’t fall on the weekend. As long-time readers of The Local will know, one of my biggest bugbears about living in Germany is that we lose a holiday if the event does not fall on a week day. But never mind the holidays, who has channelled their inner German and already booked their ‘bridge days’ off?

READ ALSO: Bridge days – how to maximise your public holiday like a German 

Countdown on for the Euros in Germany

June is a busy month in Germany. Not only is the new citizenship law coming into force (on June 26th!), but the UEFA European Football Championship or Euro 2024 kicks off. A total of 24 teams are gearing up to compete in the tournament, which takes place from June 14th to July 14th. Over 22 match days, a total of 51 games will be played.

It’s quite a special occasion for me because Germany’s national team is taking on Scotland in the very first game in Munich – and I am Scottish! I’m excited for my fellow country men and women to pop over from the island (although I do hope everyone is on their best behaviour). 

A view of Group A for Euro 2024.

A view of Group A in the Euro 2024 tournament. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christian Charisius

Although I’m not a huge football fan, I do enjoy these big tournaments and the atmosphere in Germany is always fantastic. It’s usually very inclusive with screenings set up in beer gardens and even outside off-licences or Spätis as they are called in Berlin. People tend to let their guards down, mingle with strangers and enjoy the beautiful game. Of course I will be hoping that Scotland win. Who are you rooting for in the tournament?

READ ALSO: Euro 2024 – What can you expect in Germany during Europe’s biggest football frenzy?

Tips on bringing up bilingual children 

I was delighted to hear from readers about their experiences of helping raise their children in a bilingual or even multilingual environment. 

Many of the respondents to our recent survey said that parents should have trust in the German education system – and stick to their native tongue at home

Siniša, 44, from Hesse, who speaks Croatian and English at home, said: “Speak your native language at home. The school will ‘cover’ German and other languages.”

Steve, 55, who lives in Munich and speaks English and Spanish with his daughter, added: “Be consistent and raise your child in your native tongue. At a local school, they will learn German quickly.”

“For international parents, I think it’s very important that their children do not lose touch with their mother tongue, as it is a very special part of their identity,” said Prashanth, 42, who lives in Munich.

Read our full story for more, and don’t forget to listen to our Germany in Focus podcast where we hear from The Local Germany’s former editor Rachel Stern talk about her experience of raising her daughter Amelie, who is almost three-years-old, in a bilingual home.