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How will the cost of living change in Germany in 2022?

The pandemic, rising energy costs and higher food prices are putting a lot of pressure on households. We take a glance at the changes surrounding money and living costs that you can expect in Germany in the coming year.

A person buying groceries at a Berlin supermarket.
A person buying groceries at a Berlin supermarket. What will 2022 mean for your wallet? Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Jens Kalaene

The last two years have been a challenge for many people in Germany not only when it comes to health, but also financially. 

With many industries having to close or partially shut, employees having to go on the Kurzarbeit (reduced hours) scheme and the general cost of living going through the roof, it’s been financially difficult for many people. 

But there are a few factors that suggest things will improve in the coming year and that consumers will have more money – or at least not less – in their wallets again.

What’s the outlook?

In a study published in December, Filip Vojtech from the market research company GfK predicted that in 2022 purchasing power will increase significantly for the first time since the beginning of the Covid pandemic.

The market researchers believe that consumers’ purchasing power will increase by 4.3 percent in the coming year. Even after deducting the inflation rate, which is expected to be 2.5 percent according to the forecasts of leading economic research institutes, there would still be some additional purchasing power left over.

However, economic expert Torsten Schmidt from the RWI – the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen – is not quite so optimistic. He believes that real wages will tend to stagnate in 2022. But even that would be an improvement after the noticeable decline this year.

Wage hikes for people on lower incomes

Some people can look forward to above-average increases in their pay packets. Low-income earners are set to benefit in 2021 as their statutory minimum wage will be raised on January 1st – from the current €9.60 to €9.82 per hour.

On July 1st, it will go up again by another 63 cents to €10.45 per hour. Together, this means an increase of almost 9 percent.

It may go up even more because the coalition – made up of the Social Democrats, Greens and FDP – have agreed to raise the minimum wage to €12 an hour. However, it is still unclear when this will be implemented. 

Trainees in Germany can also look forward to more money. The statutory minimum training allowance in the first year of training will increase from €550 per month to €585.

READ ALSO: What will the new German government mean for your wallet?

Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Patrick Pleul

Unemployment benefits

From January 2022, all those who are dependent on social assistance and unemployment benefit II (also known as Hartz IV) will receive – a little – more money.

The standard rate for single adults will increase by three euros to €449 per month. The rates for children and young people will also go up.


Kurzarbeit, which allows employers to reduce hours for employees while keeping them on the payroll and has been used throughout the pandemic, has been extended to the end of March 2022.

And there are higher allowances on the cards: 70 percent of people’s monthly net salary is to be paid from the fourth month of receipt – 77 percent if they have a child living in their household. From the seventh month onwards, it will move to 80 percent (and 87 percent for a household with a child) of the monthly net salary.


The child supplement (Kinderzuschlag), a benefit in addition to child benefit for low-income families, will also be increased, albeit only slightly. It will go up by €4 from €205 to €209 per month per child.


The approximately 21 million pensioners in Germany can also expect more money from July. The only question is: how much more? Labour Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) said at the end of November that he expected “pensions in Germany to increase by 4.4 percent from July 2022.”

That sounds like a lot, but it is less than was forecast last summer – when there was talk of pension increases of 5.2 percent in the west and 5.9 percent in the east.

Electricity costs 

The German government is to lower the levy on electricity consumption from next year to help ease the burden on consumers.

The Renewable Energy Act (EEG) surcharge, used to fund the expansion of solar and wind energy plants, will fall by more than 40 percent to 3.723 cents per kilowatt hour from January 1st.

It is the largest reduction since the green levy was introduced in 2000 to help Germany transition towards cleaner energy sources.

But as The Local reported, it may be that the reduction has little impact on energy bills due to the rising prices of energy. Many people will have already received notice that their electricity costs will be going up from next year. 

How will changes impact your electricity bills? Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt

Petrol and heating

Some other things are likely to become more expensive in the coming year, like filling your car up with petrol. 

At the beginning of 2022, the CO2 tax will increase from €25 to €30 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions released by the transport and heating sectors.

The tax was introduced in January 2021 as part of Germany’s strategy to move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy.

According to the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer centre, the 2022 tax increase will raise the price of petrol by 1.5 cents per litre, heating oil and diesel by 1.6 cents per litre and natural gas by 0.1 cents per kilowatt hour.

READ ALSO: How households in Germany can tackle rising energy costs

Tobacco tax

Smokers in Germany will also find it more expensive: the tobacco tax for a pack of 20 cigarettes will increase by an average of 10 cents in 2022. The manufacturers are likely to pass on the higher costs to customers.

From July 1st, substances for e-cigarettes will also be subject to tobacco taxation for the first time. A 10-millilitre liquid, which currently costs roughly €5, is to be taxed €1.60 more in 2022, rising to €3.20 by 2026. Tobacco for water pipes will also be taxed at a significantly higher rate in the future.

Posting letters

There’s another slight price increase on the cards: Deutsche Post will raise the cost of posting letters and packages on January 1st. Postcards will cost 70 instead of 60 cents, standard letters 85 instead of 80 cents and other services will also become more expensive.

This is not the first price hike. In the past 10 years, post in Germany has become significantly more expensive. In 2012, sending a standard letter nationally cost only 55 cents.

READ ALSO: German postal service set to hike prices in 2022

Better rights for consumers

This is another change that should help people save money in Germany. Anyone who concludes a contract on the Internet will be able to terminate it more easily in future.

As of July 1st 2022, so-called continuing obligations (Dauerschuldverhältnisse) will need a ‘cancellation button’, which consumers can press to get rid of their contracts without having to do a lot of searching for documents and writing letters.

And from 2022 anyone who buys a product that later turns out to be faulty should have a better chance of getting their money back. Consumers will have their rights strengthened by the warranty period being extended from six months to one year.

What about the prices of everyday goods?

There is a small consolation forecast, according to experts. Overall, the inflation rate is expected to drop noticeably in 2022. In its latest economic report, the RWI estimates there will be a price increase of “only” 2.6 percent for 2022 – after an inflation rate of 3.2 percent this year.

So that means the cost of buying tomatoes, eggs and bread should ease up a bit, or at least we hope so. 

READ ALSO: Why is everything suddenly getting so expensive in Germany?

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Everything that changes in Germany in June 2024

June is a big month for changes in Germany, especially for foreign residents. From the citizenship law coming into force to the 'opportunity card' visa, we round up the important changes.

Everything that changes in Germany in June 2024

Germany’s ‘opportunity card’ visa launches

For non-EU citizens, coming to Germany for work should get slightly easier from June 1st.

That’s because those who are eligible can apply for a new visa for jobseekers called the Chancenkarte or ‘opportunity card’.

The basic requirement is at least two years of vocational training or a university degree in the country of origin as well as language skills in German or English. Depending on the applicant’s language skills, professional experience, age and connection to Germany, they are awarded points that entitle them to receive the visa. 


Bahncards 25 and 50 to go digital

Rail customers will see a change to Deutsche Bahn subscription cards from June 6th. From this date onwards, the plastic cards for Bahncard 25 and 50 will no longer be available and will only be offered in digital form.

To use the travel card digitally, customers will need a profile in the Bahn app or on the platform. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can print out a replacement document. Existing plastic cards can be used until the printed expiry date.

The BahnCard 100 is exempt from the change and is still available as a plastic card.

READ ALSO: How to find cheap train tickets in Germany

EU citizens vote in the European elections

The European elections in Germany will take place on June 9th. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, start voting on June 6th.

A new EU Parliament will be elected with over 720 MEPs. This year, for the first time, young people aged 16 and over will be able to vote in Germany. This means that the number of eligible voters has increased from around 61.5 million in the last election in 2019 to around 65 million people in this election.

If you are still unsure which party to vote for, you can check out the Wahl-O-Mat to help make your decision. 

READ ALSO: What’s at stake in Germany’s European election vote?

EU flag

EU flags – the EU will vote for its parliament in June. Photo by ALEXANDRE LALLEMAND on Unsplash

The UEFA European Football Championship comes to Germany 

Get ready for football mania as Germany hosts the Euros. The championship kicks off in Munich on June 14th when Germany will take on Scotland. 

A total of 24 teams will compete in the month-long tournament, which ends on July 14th in Berlin. In total 51 games will be played on 22 match days.

Several cities will host games. Aside from Berlin and Munich, matches will be held in Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Dortmund, Leipzig, Gelsenkirchen, Stuttgart, and Düsseldorf.

READ ALSO: Euro 2024 – What you can expect from Europe’s biggest football frenzy 

New German citizenship law comes into force

It’s a moment many people in Germany have been waiting for. The landmark reform of citizenship law will come into force on June 27th 2024.

From this date, foreign residents will be able to obtain German citizenship more quickly. Naturalisation will be possible after just five years of residence instead of eight, and even after three years in cases of ‘special integration and C1 level German.

Dual citizenship or holding multiple nationalities will also be permitted – the law previously only allowed this in exceptional cases and for EU citizens. Former ‘guest workers’ and ‘contract workers’ will only have to prove their oral knowledge of German for naturalisation and will no longer have to take a naturalisation test.

READ ALSO: Requirements, costs and permits – 6 articles for German citizenship

Changes to cable TV connections for tenants

Millions of tenants in Germany have to decide by June 30th at the latest how they want to watch TV in their home in future. From July, landlords will no longer be allowed to add cable TV connection fees to the Nebenkosten, or additional costs. 

Tenants who want to continue to watch cable TV in their home will have to contact a provider to arrange for this. However, some renters could find themselves potentially paying more for this service. The new arrangement starts from July 1st. 

READ ALSO: Why tenants in Germany could face higher costs for cable TV this year

TV set cable TV

A man changes the channel on a TV set at home. Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Some German states begin their summer holiday 

While most of Germany’s 16 states start their summer break in July, a few begin earlier. Pupils in Bremen, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia will start their summer holidays in the second half of June. 

READ ALSO: 7 reasons why June is the best month in Germany

Disney+ to start restricting account sharing

Anyone who uses Disney+ via someone else’s account will have to make a change. The streaming service is launching its measures against account sharing worldwide starting from June. In future, every household will need its own Disney+ account to continue streaming films and series from the Marvel or Star Wars universe.

New Europe-wide payment system launches

The online payment services PayPal and Apple Pay are facing competition. Customers of some banks in Europe will be able to make smartphone-to-smartphone payments with each other from the end of June.

This is being made possible by the Europe-wide payment system ‘wero’ from the EPI banking initiative. In Germany, savings banks, cooperative banks and Deutsche Bank are participating. The first expansion stage is due to start at the end of June, with the aim to create a standardised Europe-wide system for payment by card and smartphone.