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Germany tightens rules on UK travel: What you need to know

Germany has banned most travellers from Britain, and tightened the restrictions for residents arriving from the UK. Here's what you need to know.

Travellers at BER airport in Berlin
Travellers at BER airport in Berlin. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Jörg Carstensen

What’s happened?

German authorities on Saturday December 18th announced that the UK was being added to its highest risk category – the ‘virus variant area of concern’ list – due to the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.

At the end of November, Germany began adding a number of southern African countries to the list after the Omicron variant was detected there. 

The German Health Ministry says that “areas of variants of concern” are regions with “widespread occurrence of a virus variant (mutant strain) of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that is not widespread within Germany and that can reasonably be believed to pose a particular risk”.

The UK has seen a surge in Covid cases, reporting over 90,000 new infections on Saturday. This figure included 10,059 new confirmed cases of the Omicron variant.

The new German rules came into force at midnight on December 19th.

However, the way in which the rules have been introduced has created some confusion. When the RKI released its updated risk list on Friday evening, there were no new ‘virus variant’ countries included. 

Instead, a handful of countries, including Denmark and France, were added to the ‘high risk’ list. The decision to add the UK to the ‘virus variant’ list a day later suggests that pressure from German state health ministers contributed to the decision.

What does this mean?

A temporary “ban on carriage” is now in place for almost all travellers who want to come to Germany from the UK. 

There are exceptions, including for German nationals and people with residence rights in Germany plus their close family (such as spouses, partners they live with, and children).

Those people who are allowed to enter Germany do face extreme restrictions, though. They have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival in Germany even if they are fully vaccinated, or have recently recovered from Covid. 

Travellers over the age of 12 also have to show a test before boarding. The Local checked with the Health Ministry who said currently people can show a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours, or an antigen test no older than 24 hours but that the rules were being changed soon. It is expected people will only be allowed to show a PCR test soon.

READ ALSO: Do I need a PCR test when travelling to Germany from a ‘virus variant’ area?

People travelling to Germany from any kind of risk country have to fill in the digital register before entering.

Those coming to Germany will also have to prove they are a resident/citizen under the new rules – for example, they will have to show a German passport or residence permit. Some Britons in Germany still do not have this documentation yet after the Brexit transition period ended.

As has been the case in previous travel bans, people who don’t have this proof could show an address registration certificate (Meldebescheinigung) or a certificate of application for a permit (Fiktionsbescheinigung), or other proof – like a work contract – to show they live in Germany. 

How long will this rule be in place for?

When the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) published its updated risk list, it included a note stating that  the ‘virus variant’ countries would remain on that list until January 3rd, with the possibility of extension. 

How will this affect people?

Tourists or non.residents who planned to come to Germany over this period will most likely have to cancel their trip.

The restrictions are also a huge blow to people based in Germany who planned to or have already travelled to the UK for the holidays. Many people now face difficult decisions on whether to cancel their journey or deal with the new rules. 

There is also the added complication that airlines will cancel some of their flights during travel bans. So travel to Germany from the UK could become much more difficult and possibly more expensive.

Another issue is that it can be tricky to get a Covid-19 test in the UK before travel. Unlike Germany, Britain does not have a readily-available and fairly priced testing infrastructure. 

In the UK people can’t just go to any test centre to get a PCR test and instead have to book and pay for “fit to fly” tests offered by private companies specifically for travel.Cities like London have more opportunities for testing but those in rural areas or further north, may have to travel a long way and pay high costs for a test.

Wasn’t the UK on this list before?

Yes, the UK was placed on the ‘virus variant’ list in May 2021 due to the rapid spread of the Delta variant at the time. The risk factor was then downgraded in July when Delta became the dominant variant in Germany. 

And last Christmas, Germany controversially imposed a strict ban on travel from the UK, leaving many people stranded, including German nationals and residents.

What else should I know?

German experts and politicians are saying that an Omicron wave is inevitable. But they are trying to slow it down to buy time to get more people boostered.

Scientists said recently they expected the Omicron wave to build in Germany in the next two to three weeks. 

There are already estimated to be hundreds of Omicron cases in Germany, RKI boss Lothar Wieler said at a recent press conference.

The RKI said the outbreaks have also been found in community settings.

Experience shows that Germany removes countries from the ‘virus variant’ list when the variant becomes dominant in Germany. For people who are in quarantine when that happens, the quarantine ends immediately. 

What about the rules on travel to the UK?

The UK had already tightened restrictions on international arrivals. 

The British government demanded pre-departure tests for all arrivals from Tuesday December 7th onwards.

The requirement applies for those arriving in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. People travelling to the UK have to take either an antigen test or PCR test in the two days before travel. Self-administered tests are not accepted. 

Previously, on Tuesday, November 30th, the UK government had brought in other new restrictions affecting travel from abroad to the UK.


A new requirement was introduced that applies to all vaccinated arrivals (including UK citizens and residents). They must do a PCR test for their Day 2 test (antigen tests are no longer accepted) and they must self-isolate until a negative result from the test arrives.

The existing rules remain in place around the Passenger Locator Form, and if you are unvaccinated, you will need to quarantine for 10 days and take another test on the eighth day.

 The self-isolation can be done at home or at the address of family/friends. The British government says people who are travelling to the UK for less than two days still have to book and pay for a test and then isolate until they receive a result – or until they leave, if that comes first. 

You cannot leave self-isolation until the test result arrives. You can find the Passenger Locator Form HERE which has to be filled out before travel.

Read more on Day 2 tests in our story HERE but be aware that the travel rules from Germany to the UK have changed (as we’ve detailed above).

Should I travel to the UK?

Travel from Germany to the UK is not banned, so individuals have to weigh up the risks, read about the measures and decide for themselves. 

You should check the RKI risk list regularly to see if there are any changes, and keep an eye on any destinations you want to travel to.

Some people in Germany have already decided to cancel their trip to the UK for now because of the Covid situation there. So that could be an option for you if you feel that the risk is too high. 

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Southern Germany sees explosion of mosquitos after floods

First flooding, and now a plague of mosquitos: hoards of the annoying bloodsuckers are spreading on Lake Constance. Here's what to expect if you are visiting the region.

Southern Germany sees explosion of mosquitos after floods

After severe floods in southern Germany, conditions are ripe for mosquito populations to explode, according to an expert in the region. 

Rainer Bretthauer, environmental and climate protection officer at the city of Radolfzell on Lake Constance, told DPA that the popular holiday location is already seeing signs of a mosquito plague.

 Bretthauer said that the floods have offered perfect conditions for egg laying, resulting in masses of mosquito offspring.

People living around the area or visiting should be prepared, Bretthauer said. He suggested, for instance, wearing loose-fitting and long clothing.

Timing also plays a role when you’re outside. “They tend to bite during twilight hours when the temperature is higher than 18C,” he said. 

Mosquitos ‘not a bad thing for wildlife’

While growing mosquito hoards may ruin peoples’ camping trips and planned lake vacations, for local wildlife, the mosquitos are a good thing, according to the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Nabu).

“All the insects that are now developing are a very important food source for many fish species and also for birds,” said Eberhard Klein from Nabu in Constance.

Around 50 species of mosquitoes are known in Germany. Some of them are counted among the so-called floodwater mosquitoes, which increasingly hatch after flooding.

According to experts, these mosquitos are particularly zealous blood hunters, as they have to reproduce quickly before the favourable conditions disappear again.

Floodwater mosquitoes like to lay their eggs on moist soil, often in riparian zones and floodplains. There they can survive in the soil for several years.

When these zones flood and the temperature is favourable, the eggs develop and hatch mosquitos. Therefore large-scale flooding, as seen recently in Southern Germany, can lead to mass hatching.

Mosquito borne illness is spreading to Europe as temperatures warm

Warming temperatures brought by human-caused climate change have allowed mosquito populations to extend further northward in Europe, including disease-carrying species that were previously limited to regions closer to the equator.

For example, the Asian tiger mosquito is not native to Europe but has already been observed in much of southern and central Europe, including Germany.

Tiger mosquitos are particularly concerning because they are known to spread diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika virus. Mass outbreaks of these infections have been rising globally. Last year local Dengue outbreaks were recorded in France, Italy and Spain.

With reporting by DPA