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Working remotely from Germany: What are the rules for digital nomads?

Nowadays, more people than ever enjoy remote working arrangements that allow them to relocate anywhere in the world. If you're a digital nomad looking to travel to or live in Germany, here's what you'll need to know.

Digital nomads at a coworking space in Germany
Digital nomads work at a Coworking Space at Grönwohld Campsite in Schleswig-Holstein. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Markus Scholz

In the wake of the Covid pandemic, working remotely has become the new normal. For many people, the traditional office has now been usurped by flexible working arrangements that include days working from home or in a coworking space. 

Looking more closely, however, you’ll see that the concept of flexible, remote working is really nothing new. Long before the pandemic, legions of freelancers and remote workers had cottoned on to the fact that all they really needed to carry out their jobs was an internet connection and a laptop – and that travelling the world wasn’t something that needed to be reserved for holidays.

This generation of remote workers have become known as digital nomads, and many of them are heading to Germany. 

Is Germany a good place to be a digital nomad?

According to Tara Burgess, a full-time traveller who’s written extensively about being a digital nomad in Germany, Germany has numerous attractions for digital nomads. 

Public transport is good, there are numerous interesting cities to choose from, and the cost of living is cheaper than you might expect for one of Europe’s major economic powerhouses. 

Though the Internet hasn’t quite caught up with the modern world just yet, you’ll generally be able to find cafes and coworking spaces with perfectly reliable connections that will enable you to do most types of remote work. And in expat-friendly cities like Berlin, the majority of people speak very good English. 

READ ALSO: 8 reasons expats should try coworking in Germany

Do I need a visa?

That all depends on how long you intend to stay and what residency rights you already have in Germany. If you’re lucky enough to have citizenship in another EU country like France or Portugal, you’ll automatically have the right to live and work in Germany without applying for any sort of residence permit first.

However, bear in mind that you will have to register at a German address if you plan to stay for longer than three months – and this Anmeldung (registration) is also a prerequisite for setting up things like a German bank account. 

Man works in cafe
A man works on his laptop in a Berlin café. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Arne Immanuel Bänsch

With citizens of non-EU or so-called ‘third’ countries, thing get a little more complicated. Many others nations like Australia, Canada, Japan – and now the UK after Brexit – have agreements with the EU that allow their citizens to spend up to 90 days in the Schengen Area without needing a visa. For digital nomads who like to switch location regularly, this 90 days is likely more than enough time to get a taste of living in Germany before moving on to their next location.  

For people from countries without these reciprocal agreements who only want to stay in Germany a short time, a Schengen Tourist Visa or a Business Visa will also allow you to stay for up to 90 days. However, neither of the above options technically allow you to work while living here.

Of course, it’s incredibly hard to police whether somebody’s doing work on their laptop while in the country, so many digital nomads do slip under the radar, but if you want to keep everything above board, securing a visa is the best option. 

Does Germany have a ‘digital nomad’ visa? 

Adapting to the changing world of work, a number of countries – including Estonia and Spain – have recently introduced special visas aimed at attracting digital nomads. These visas are designed to make it easy to live in the country while carrying out work for foreign clients, as many freelancers who like to move around do. 

Unfortunately, Germany hasn’t tailored its immigration system to this new generation of workers to such an extent. At the moment, there’s no specific digital nomad visa available for this type of remote worker – though that doesn’t mean there aren’t options.

READ ALSO: Berlin named top city worldwide to earn money while travelling

What other kinds of visas are there for digital nomads? 

For self-employed people who want to spend a prolonged stretch of time in Germany, the most obvious choice is a freelance visa

This type of visa is aimed at people who work remotely for a number of different clients, but don’t necessarily own their own company. The typical image is of freelance graphic designers, coders and writers sitting in slick cafes with glossy laptops, but you can freelance in almost any profession there is. 

In Berlin, there’s also a special type of freelance visa known as an artist’s visa, which is aimed at freelance musicians, artists and writers in particular and tends to be issued faster than an ordinary freelance visa. 

Artist with light installation
American artist Adela Andea stands in front of her light installation at an exhibition in Unna, Germany. Freelance artists can apply for a special artist visa if they plan to live in Berlin. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Dieter Menne

To get hold of a freelance or artist visa in Germany, you’ll have to prove that you’re able to support yourself and contribute to the country financially. This generally involves getting letters of intent from future or current clients stating that they plan to use your services in the coming months. In addition, you’ll need to show you have a decent stock of savings in case any of your work falls through – usually around €10,000. 

Crucially, you’ll also have to prove that there’s a local or regional interest in your work. Put in plain English, this means that if none of your clients are German, you won’t be granted a the freelance visa. If you don’t have any German clients right now and plan to work as a digital nomad in Germany for a prolonged period, it could be worth making contact with some German firms and seeing if they’d be interested in your services.

With a buzzing international start-up scene in places like Berlin and Cologne, it may not even be necessary to speak brilliant German to win clients – though it certainly helps when dealing with the day-to-day bureaucracy involved in running a freelance business. 

READ ALSO: The complete guide to getting a freelance visa in Germany

What else should digital nomads know?

If your main residence is in Germany and you’re carrying out work on German soil, you will generally be expected to declare your freelance income and pay tax in Germany – even if many of your clients are based elsewhere. 

If you’re a bit daunted by the task, it can be worth hiring a tax consultant who can help you find out all your tax deductible expenses like coworking spaces and travel.

It’s also a requirement of most visas that you have some form of health insurance while living and working here, which can get expensive.

However, if you don’t plan to stay for too many years, you can probably find cheaper private options of health insurance for freelancers for the duration of your stay. 

With all the rules involved in staying on the right side of German law, it may seem to defeat the object of the footloose and carefree digital nomad lifestyle. But once you’re set up in the country, you’ll be part of a vibrant community of remote workers in the heart of Europe – the perfect location from which to see other cultures and tick numerous other European countries off your bucket list. 

Member comments

  1. What I would like to know, is if there is any legal / tax implications for me, as a person contracted to a company in Germany, specifically Berlin, if I work some period of time from another country or city. My employer is restricting me from working from some other city more than 4 weeks a year, as they mention there ‘could be’ tax implications, but they are not clear as to what that would be, and I guess they just want to cover themselves and keep us working close to the office….

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Five things to know about salaries in Germany

Finding a job is typically a top priority when planning a move to Germany. The country boasts the third largest economy in the world and a continuing need for skilled professionals. 

Five things to know about salaries in Germany

If you are moving to Germany, you might soon start looking for a job in the country. However, like many other aspects of living abroad, there are several cultural differences and specificities when it comes to job hunting in Germany – especially when it comes to salaries.

Here are five things to know about salaries in Germany.

There is a minimum wage in Germany

Germany’s minimum wage of €12.41 per hour, pre-tax came into effect at the start of this year. This amounts to a monthly salary of €2,054 which ranks ninth in the world. The minimum wage will rise again in 2025 to €12.82 per hour before tax deductions.

There have been calls recently to hike the salary up higher to €14 per hour.

READ ALSO: Millions of workers in Germany ‘earning less than €14 per hour’

Find out salary expectations

Germany does not require companies to list salary ranges for listed positions. But that may be changing soon. The EU parliament passed a wage transparency law to require companies to publish annual reports detailing wage and wage discrepancy information. The rules, which are set to go into effect in 2027, are intended to help close the gender pay gap. 

In the meantime, employees can utilise online resources to find industry averages and expectations for different roles:

  • offers users access to salary information on more than 800 professions
  • Online platform, Kununu provides compensation information and employer reviews to users in the DACH region  
  • Berlin residents can utilise REDSOFA’s salary survey for an overview of salary averages in the country’s capital city

As of April 2023 the average gross monthly salary was €4,323 according to Germany’s Federal Statistical Office.

Two-thirds of full time workers make less than this average monthly salary and one-third of workers earn more than this average monthly salary.

While wages after deductions may be less than similar roles in other countries, it is also important to take into consideration what other benefits come with a salary. Paid holiday leave, pension contributions, long notice periods and annual bonuses can help make up some of that difference. 

READ ALSO: How much do employees in Germany typically earn?

Check your payment schedule

Internationals can usually expect their salary once a month when working in Germany. Many German companies choose to pay employees either on the 1st or 15th of the month. It is also important to note that most employees can expect to receive their first pay check within 30 or 45 days of starting. 

For positions that offer yearly bonuses, these payments are included in a 13th pay check which are subject to income tax.  

A person works on a laptop.

A person works on a laptop. Image by Bartek Zakrzewski from Pixabay

How many hours do you work?

When looking for a job, don’t forget to check how many hours you can expect. Job descriptions will include expectations for time commitments. 

Mini-jobs, as expected from the name, are limited in hours and pay. Employees can expect up to €538 per month. Mini-jobs do not provide social security because they do not require social security contributions. Employees are also not automatically covered by health and nursing care insurance. 

Teilzeit, or part time jobs, are defined as any job where working hours are less than a full time position.

A common misconception is that part-time work requires working 20 hours or less a week. But an employee working five days a week for 30 hours, at a position that is typically 40 hours when full time can also be defined as a part time worker. 

READ ALSO: The rules in Germany around ‘mini’ and ‘midi jobs’

In fact, Germany has a term for workers who work between 28 and 36 hours a week. Vollzeitnahe Teilzeit, or nearly full time part time workers, can be a popular choice for some people, including parents. These positions can give employees more flexibility to balance work and family responsibilities. It is important to note that these workers are paid according to their time worked, so it will still amount to less than full time.

Depending on the work schedule, part time employees can earn the same amount of vacation as their full-time counterparts. That’s because holiday leave is calculated based on days worked, not hours. If a part time worker comes in five days a week, they will be eligible for at least 20 days of holiday. If that same part time worker comes in three days a week, they will be legally entitled to twelve days of vacation, even if they worked the same hours as the other employee. 

In most companies, weekly working hours between 35 and 40 hours are considered full-time employment or Vollzeitbeschäftigung

Watch out for the gross v. net difference

Before you sign the dotted line, it will be important to check how much of your gross salary you’ll be able to keep come pay day. Companies that include salary expectations in descriptions include gross salary (Bruttoeinkommen) – not the net income after taxes and deductions (Nettoeinkommen). The amount deducted will depend on how much you earn, the tax class you’re in and on other factors such as how much you’re paying for healthcare but it is usually around 40 percent. 

Salaried employees can find information on the deductions on their pay slip. Some to expect to see include:

  • Taxes are deducted directly from the gross pay. The amount is based on the tax bracket your salary falls within 
  • A percentage of your gross salary is also deducted for your pension / retirement contributions
  • Church taxes between eight and nine percent of your salary will also be due if you are affiliated with a religion
  • Unemployment insurance amounts to a 2.5 percent deduction from your gross salary. It is important to note that the insurance covers a salary up to €90,600 
  • Health insurance contribution rates are typically split between employers and employees. The rate depends on the provider. In 2024, the TK contribution rate to health insurance is 15.8 percent of the gross income

READ ALSO: What you need to know about your payslip in Germany