Profile: Austria’s ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the one-time ‘Wunderkind’

"Whizz-kid" was just one of the monikers given to Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz when in 2017 he became the world's youngest democratically elected leader aged 31. Four years later, as he announces his departure from politics, here's a look at his rise and fall.

Profile: Austria's ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the one-time 'Wunderkind'
Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at Prater amusement park in Vienna, Austria on May 19, 2021. Photo: JOE KLAMAR / AFP

It’s been an eventful four years for Kurz, including two governments – one with the far-right and then one with the Greens – and a major corruption scandal that led him to resign from the top job in October before announcing he was fully stepping back from politics on December 2nd. 

Along with nine others, he still faces claims that government money was used in a corrupt deal to ensure positive media coverage between 2016 and 2018. He has always denied these allegations and vowed to clear his name.

‘Saint Sebastian’

Growing up in Vienna as the only child of a secretary and a teacher, Kurz became active in the ÖVP at the age of 16.

Having dropped out of his law studies to focus on politics, he first entered government in 2011 as secretary for integration, and then as foreign minister two years later, aged 27.

Full of praise for Hungary’s populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Kurz claimed credit for closing the Balkan migrant trail in 2016.

Surfing a wave of feeling against traditional figures in politics, Kurz wrested control of the ÖVP in 2017 and transformed it into the “Liste Kurz”, a movement centred on his own image.

READ MORE: Just how much trouble is Sebastian Kurz in? 

He swiftly axed the ÖVP’s coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPÖ), prompting snap elections in which his campaign propelled him to the top job.

The youth and dynamism his supporters credit him with are also at the fore of an official biography whose sycophantic tone was widely mocked on social media.

Passages describing how Kurz “uttered his first words at the age of 12 months” and lauding his “bravery” as an adolescent prompted critics to dismiss it as a hagiography of “St Sebastian”.

READ ALSO: Who’s who in Austrian politics?

‘Political stunt’

Kurz has stunned observers time and again. His coalition with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) collapsed in 2019 when his junior partner became engulfed in a corruption scandal.

In the aftermath, Kurz himself became the first chancellor in Austria’s post-war history to be removed in a no-confidence vote in parliament. 

But in snap elections later that year, Kurz once again led his party to top polls, even managing to expand his support base, picking up unhappy FPÖ voters.

In order to have the necessary majority to govern, he then formed a coalition with the Greens in January 2020 – a first at a national level.

But Kurz maintained fighting immigration as one of his core promises, which caused frequent frictions with his new partners.

READ ALSO: How the Kurz corruption scandal exposes Austria’s press freedom problems

Sudden resignation

It was the Greens who finally increased the pressure on Kurz in autumn 2021. Vice Chancellor and Greens leader Werner Kogler on Friday asked the ÖVP to name another chancellor, saying Kurz was “no longer fit for office”.

Earlier this year, the Greens had stood by the chancellor’s side when prosecutors announced they were investigating Kurz for giving false testimony to a parliamentary committee in a different case

In the past, some have accused Kurz of being a “mini-dictator” and running the ÖVP as a “one-man show”.

While some of his admirers have made parallels with the similarly youthful French President Emmanuel Macron, his detractors see him more as a budding Orban.

Kurz’s boycott of the UN migration pact, welfare cuts for asylum seekers and a raft of other anti-migration measures have made him as divisive a figure as his Hungarian counterpart.

At the same time, he has been careful to present himself as pro-European and avoid any slips of the tongue — at least publicly, until a raft of compromising messages were leaked from investigation files in recent months – some of which led to the allegations against him.

On December 2nd, the former ‘Whizz Kid’ shocked some observers with the announcement he was leaving politics.

He described the last few months as “an incredibly tense time” and a “rollercoaster of emotions”. He said the recent birth of his son made him realise he no longer wanted to be in politics. In reference to the allegations against him, Kurz described himself as “neither a saint nor a criminal” but maintained that the corruption claims are false.

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Right-wing ‘Schnitzel bonus’ rewards ‘traditional’ Austrian eateries

Staples of Austrian cooking such as schnitzel, roast pork lung and boiled beef have proved particularly vital for Gasthaus Stich, a restaurant in the village of Pfoesing, in rural Austria.

Right-wing 'Schnitzel bonus' rewards 'traditional' Austrian eateries

They have helped the struggling business to survive by earning it a subsidy from right-wing state authorities in a controversial programme that benefits only traditional Austrian cuisine.

The subsidy for restaurants that serve regional and “traditional food” has been derided in the media and by opposition parties as a “Schnitzel bonus”.

It excludes restaurants serving less overtly authentic Austrian fare, such as kebabs or pizza, for example.

As a typical Austrian staple, schnitzel — a boneless piece of meat that has been pounded thin to make it more tender and then coated and fried — qualifies for the cash.

“They gave us €10,000,” or $ 11,000, said Michael Stich, the 39-year-old owner of the family business in Pfoesing, population 300, in the state of Lower Austria.

The village’s last surviving restaurant is an institution, “like the church, town hall or fire station”, he told AFP.

“If this place didn’t exist, it would be difficult for the entire community.”

Austria’s conservative Chancellor Karl Nehammer has said he wants to defend the country’s “Leitkultur,” or “dominant culture”, as he seeks to bolster support ahead of September elections.

Campaigning on an anti-immigration platform, he has evoked the concept, born in Germany in the 1990s, as polls indicate the far right will come out on top for the first time in the Alpine nation.


Lower Austria — governed by the conservatives and the far right — introduced the “Schnitzel bonus” this year for owners who open a restaurant in a town without one or take over an existing one.

“The subsidy was very important for us,” said Michael Stich’s father, Hermann Stich, 62.

He continues to help out after his son became the third generation to run the business at the beginning of the year.

As he taps beer served over a large wooden counter, he notes the impact of energy and labour costs on the restaurant, which sports hunting antlers and a crucifix on the walls.

Since 2000, one in three restaurants in the state of Lower Austria, around Vienna, have closed, partly due to a rural exodus, with the coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown also taking their toll.

So far, 20 restaurants have received the bonus.

But critics have denounced the measure as discriminatory — an accusation rejected by the conservative People’s Party (OeVP) state parliament member Kurt Hackl.

“Village restaurants in Lower Austria are dying out, and we want to support them,” he said, calling them “special”.

Kitchen chef Eva Leimer poses with a plate of prepared Schnitzel meat at the inn ‘Gasthaus Stich’ in Pfoesing, Weinviertel, Lower Austria, north of Vienna, on July 2, 2024. (Photo by Alex HALADA / AFP)

‘Our values’ 

At Gasthaus Stich — which also features regional wines and seasonal dishes such as chanterelles with dumplings — clubs from the community regularly hold their meetings there, and guests play cards on wooden tables.

“In small communities, the tavern is the centre of social life. People celebrate, laugh and cry there together,” said Oliver Fritz at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO).

However, Fritz considers the €10,000 subsidy as just a “drop in the ocean”.

He also warns of possible “windfall effects” for restaurant owners who do not really require the support.

He also questioned why restaurants that offer pizza or kebabs should be excluded.

“The social function works even if it is an Italian restaurant,” he told AFP.

“If demand evolves and younger generations prefer to eat something else, then it’s better to adjust because countering a trend is extremely difficult,” he said.

Meanwhile, at the national level, Nehammer has tasked his integration minister with defining what “Leitkultur” means for the country of nine million people, which like the rest of the EU has seen an influx of migrants and asylum seekers.

Under his “plan for Austria” launched early this year, Nehammer said that “Anyone who wants to live permanently in Austria must represent our values, accept our culture and adapt to our way of life”.