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EXPLAINED: Can second-home owners get an Italian residency permit?

Second home owners hoping to spend more time in Italy may consider applying for Italian residency - but how easy is it and what do you need to know?

A woman admires the view of Manarola in Italy's Cinque Terre.
Looking out over Manarola, Cinque Terre. (Photo by MARCO BERTORELLO / AFP)

If you own a second home in Italy but are from a non-EU country, you’re no doubt aware that owning property in Italy does not automatically give you the right to live in the country permanently.

But several readers have recently asked if there’s a way to extend the period of time they’re allowed to stay in Italy for.

Citizens of many non-EU countries, including Americans and now Brits are allowed to spend 90 days out of every 180 in the EU without applying for a visa or residency. 

This rule does not apply to non-EU citizens who are legally registered as resident in Italy.

There is often confusion about the rules if you have a second home.

At the moment, if you plan to stay longer in Italy most people from outside the EU would need to apply for a visa and residency permit (permesso di soggiorno).

While some countries such as France have made special residency permit provisions for second home owners, and certain other EU member states have so-called ‘Golden Visa’ schemes available to those who can afford them, Italy has no such process.

The first thing to be aware of is that owning a home in Italy does not change the immigration rules or the visa or permesso application process.

Visas and residency: What you’ll need for retirement in Italy

“The buying of a property in Italy by a third party national (now including UK nationals) does not in any way, shape, or form give them any privileges from an immigration point of view,” says Damien O’Farrell, a global mobility expert and expat coach.

For UK nationals

There has been confusion about this for British nationals in particular, as the rules have recently changed. But again, the post-Brexit immigration rules remain the same whether you own a property in Italy or not.

If you were registered as legally resident before the end of the Brexit transition period (by December 31st, 2020), your rights to reside in Italy are protected by the Withdrawal Agreement.

If not, you can still apply for a residency permit after that date, however you may not be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement. Read more about those rules here.

Photo: Andreas Solaro/AFP

In Italy, most non-EU citizens wishing to stay for more than 90 days in 180 would need to apply for a long-stay visa.

In some cases, rules vary by country so be sure to check with your Italian embassy.

Is residency right for me?

Residency is of course more than just declaring that you live in Italy.

Whether or not taking up residency – and therefore paying income tax – in Italy would be the right choice for you is an often complex decision which depends on your personal circumstances.

READ ALSO: What are the benefits of having Italian citizenship vs residency?

Taking up permanent residency has an impact on access to national health services (depending on the system in your home country) as well as on taxes.

Second home owners will already be paying some Italian taxes, but this in itself does not mean they have any residency rights.

Those who own second homes in Italy are “liable for any property taxes such as IMU, garbage tax, and any other local taxes,” O’Farrell explains.

“As they are not residents, income tax does not come into play,” he adds.

Becoming a permanent resident in Italy gives you certain rights and privileges that visitors do not have – notably in heavily-touristed areas where visitors may face additional charges or restrictions, such as in the case of the Amalfi Coast’s summer driving limitations.

Residency also means filing annual tax returns with the Italian authorities, even if all your income comes from your home country or elsewhere, and registering with the Italian healthcare system (which may not be free).

And it’s important to note that the rules around who counts as resident in Italy for tax purposes are not always straightforward: you may be considered ‘tax resident’ by the Italian authorities if you meet certain conditions, even if you haven’t officially registered as a resident in Italy.

Reader question: When do I need to start paying Italian taxes?

For these reasons, many non-EU citizens with a second home in Italy may decide sticking to the 90-day rule is their best option.

It’s important to point out that the 90-day limit is for the whole Schengen area, so for example if you have already spent 89 days in Italy you cannot then go for a week in Spain. 

This Schengen calculator allows you to calculate your visits and make sure you don’t overstay.

If you are caught over-staying your allocated 90 days you can end up with an ‘overstay’ flag on your passport which can make it difficult to enter any other country, not just Italy, and is likely to make any future attempts at getting visas or residency a lot more difficult.

How do I apply for Italian residency?

If you’re a third-country national, you’ll need to start by getting a visa.

There are several types of long-stay visa available depending on your circumstances. The one most likely to apply to second home owners choosing to spend more time in Italy would be the ‘elective residency’ visa.

This type of visa is designed for those who want to live in Italy and have the financial means to support themselves without working. It is often referred to as a retirement visa, but you don’t have to be retired to apply. The application costs  €116.00.

The visa however is only the first step, and it must be applied for before you arrive in Italy.

READ ALSO: ‘Do your homework’: An American’s guide to moving to Italy

Once in Italy, you’d then need to begin the process of obtaining a residence permit.

There are a few different types of permit to stay in Italy, depending whether you’re there for work, study, family reasons or simply leisure. The permit applied for must match the holder’s reason for stay and the conditions of their visa.

Find further details of how the residency application process works here.

Please note The Local cannot advise on specific cases. For more information about how the immigration rules apply to you, consult the Italian consulate in your country or, if you’re in Italy, the Questura (police headquarters and immigration office) in your province.

For more details about the process of applying for an Italian visa and residency permit, see the Italian Interior Ministry’s website or the EU immigration portal.

Member comments

  1. I’m a GBR passport holder.

    I’ve owned a property in Italy since 2007. I pay for garbage collection etc etc. to the local commune. They know who I am and where my Italian home is. Does that make me officially part of the Commune population and therefore entitled to a Permesso under the withdrawal agreement???

    I pay a mortgage to an Italian bank. I have a codice fiscale. I have never before applied for Residency in Italy but I pay to declare Italian income (none) via an accountant on an annual basis. Brexit and the 90-day rule have removed my rights to FOM.

    I’m sure I’m not alone on this one but let’s be honest, it remains unclear and there are zero articles that really deal with this. Hence 2 thirds of UK passport holders living in Italy deferring from a Permesso application. Incredible really…..

    1. Hi,

      Your rights are protected by the Withdrawal Agreement if you were registered as lawfully resident in Italy before the end of the Brexit transition period (so by December 31st, 2020).

      If not, you can still apply for a permesso after that date, but you may not be covered by the WA. You would need to make an appointment with your local Questura to find out what the rules are in your situation.

      Please find some more information about these rules here:

      And in our ‘Dealing with Brexit’ section here:

      Best wishes,
      – Clare

  2. Really, British people have to make a choice now. We chose residency in Italy after owning a house here for years and visiting for about 6 months every year. We still have a very small flat in England “just in case”.

    We have been residents since 2018 and it’s expensive – two tax returns each, paying around 2,700 euros into the health service every year, not being able to insure a car in England anymore, etc. However, I don’t think there’s any other way around it now. You either choose to live in Italy or GB, unless you’re happy with just taking holidays in Italy.

    Brexit ruined everything for us, and for a lot of other people too.

  3. as far as I am aware you can have permanent residency in more than one country at a time – I know of many people who do. The Italian tax authorities website states that you don’t pay income tax in Italy if you reside in Italy for less than 183 days.

    1. Hi TP – I would be very interested in your sources for the double residency assertion. I had previously thought that it was possible, but the Local is informing us otherwise. Thanks .

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Moving to Italy: Italy’s flat tax for pensioners and can you work with an elective residency visa?

Moving to Italy, a country infamous for its red tape, can seem like a daunting task. Our new newsletter is here to answer your questions - this time we're looking at how many people benefit from Italy's flat tax for pensioners and whether you can work on Italy's elective residency visa.

Moving to Italy: Italy's flat tax for pensioners and can you work with an elective residency visa?

Here at The Local we’re an international team living in Italy – which means we’ve either grown up navigating Italian bureaucracy or been through the simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking process of moving countries.

Our new newsletter is aimed at people who are in the process of moving, have recently moved and are still grappling with the paperwork or perhaps are just thinking about it – and we’ll share a regular selection of practical tips. Our team is also available to answer questions from subscribers to The Local.

Who benefits from Italy’s flat tax rate for pensioners?

Since 2019, Italy has offered a special tax rate of just seven percent for people who retire in certain parts of the country on a foreign pension.

You might assume that the vast majority of Italy’s foreign retirees, of whom there are many, would jump at this offer – but the strict entry requirements mean that many pensioners don’t meet the government’s criteria.

To be eligible, retirees must live in a town of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants in one of eight southern regions, have a foreign-sourced pension, and have lived outside Italy for the previous five years.

It’s perhaps unsurprising, then, that the latest data from Italy’s Department of Finance reveals that fewer than 500 people are taking advantage of the seven-percent tax rate, with just 474 people declaring a foreign pension under the scheme on their 2023 tax returns.

If you’re interested in benefitting from the flat tax rate, you can learn more about the requirements here.

Does Italy’s elective residency visa allow you to work?

Italy’s elective residency visa (ERV) is the smoothest path to Italian residency for many non-EU nationals without close family ties to Italy, Italian ancestry or a job offer.

At a minimum income requirement of €31,000 per person per year or €38,000 for married couples, it doesn’t require vast reserves of wealth, and there are few other strict barriers to entry.

Unfortunately for those of working age, one of those barriers is that you can’t work once you arrive in Italy on the ERV. The government is clear that all your income must be passive – and if you do get caught working while on the visa, you risk being kicked out of the country.

That means it’s mostly retirees over 60 who end up benefitting from the scheme. You can learn about the best ways to set yourself up for a successful ERV application here.


The Local’s Reader Questions section covers questions our members have asked us and is a treasure trove of useful info on all kinds of practical matters. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, head here to leave us your questions.