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15 things you’ll need to get used to about living in Italy

Moving to Italy means embracing a new culture, language and mindset. It can be exciting, life-enhancing but also challenging. Here are some of the aspects of life in Italy you'll need to get used to.

The Italian lifestyle has plenty of perks, of course, but daily life is not all a dreamy holiday schedule of daily aperitivo and motoring through rolling hills in a Fiat 500. Movers to Italy and new arrivals need to get used to certain aspects of living here.  

It can take time to become accustomed and that’s half the fun, but there’s no doubt they can be a challenge, some more than others.

Even though she has plenty more reasons to love living in Italy, The Local’s Karli Drinkwater rounds up some of the trickier differences you’ll have to get used to. Readers will no doubt have their own views, so feel free to share them in the comments section below.

1. Food rules

You have no idea how much food controls everything about life in Italy until you’re in the country. It is the sun around which all life rotates and woe betide if you go against the forces of Italian nature and stray from the culinary norms.

My mum always tuts on her visits to Italy, usually complaining about not being able to have a cappuccino after lunch or why you can’t sprinkle parmesan on certain dishes (mainly fish).

READ ALSO: Seven surprising Italian food rules foreigners fall foul of

It took me a while to understand all the faux-pas I was making at first when all eyes swivelled on me.

Occasionally curious, other times they threw me a look as if I’d insulted their grandmother. ‘Ma cosa fai?’, they’d say incredulously as they gestured with their palms pressed together.

Photo: Karolina Kołodziejczak/Unsplash

Still, as much as I’ve developed a deep appreciation for Italian food and wine, (and I fully acknowledge it’s my mum in the wrong here) it makes me giggle into my napkin to watch the reactions when mum orders a lemonade to pour into her Vermentino.

2. Cake for breakfast.

I’ve got used to this one – but only sometimes. I couldn’t eat sweet stuff every day as soon as I get up, no matter how many times they tell me it will give me energy. And possibly diabetes.

3. Eating times

Not only are there rules on what you can eat with what, on what and in what order, there are also set times for said structured dining.

It varies around the country, but often in the countryside and especially in the north, you can’t eat lunch after 2.30pm. That is, nowhere is still serving after that time.

It’s a move away from life in other countries where food is available 24/7, but in Italy there are plenty of times when the kitchen is closed, which can throw your day off if you didn’t know about it.

It makes sense and reassures me that the food is fresh, but occasionally you want to go have a meal at 3pm. Maybe you had a busy day and lunch got pushed back, you know?

READ ALSO: The common Italian food myths you need to stop believing

Photo: Gabriella Clare Marino/Unsplash

4. How much you have to eat

Okay, the last food-related one. I did warn you food was at the centre of everything.

Be prepared to eat in Italy. A lot. With family, friends, whoever you meet. You always eat. Nobody invites you for a coffee or a cup of tea. You go to eat and usually Italians will want to show their hospitality to you by cooking.

Now, I’m not saying that’s not lovely – just that you need to be prepared. And it’s not one dish – expect various courses including a starter, a pasta dish and a meat dish, followed by dessert and some after-dinner liquor and biscuits. It’s enough to give you an abbiocco that will definitely require a pennichella.

Multiply that for celebrations such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I want to cry thinking about that coming around again, knowing I’ll barely be able to see or walk after the 12 courses that stretch on all day until after midnight.

There’s a reason one of the first Italian words I learned was, ‘Mangia!’ (Eat!).

READ ALSO: What to expect when meeting your Italian in-laws

5. Fashion

Making ‘la bella figura’ (a good impression) is still paramount in Italy and Italians are very style-conscious.

You might be a fashionista already and take pride in your appearance, sure. But there are more rules about what you can wear when. If it’s mid-20s Celsius, you’d think there was nothing wrong with wearing a pair of sandals, right?

If it’s only April, wrong. Some locals will notice and comment on your bare toes at that time of year.

If I do that in the perfectly reasonable weather for it, some people tell me I look like a tourist (which is not ideal if you live in Italy).

6. Language

Boh‘ is a good Italian word to learn early on, equal to ‘I don’t know’ or the similarly short plosive in English, ‘meh’.

Learning Italian is an absolute must, no matter how long it takes you to get through everyday interactions. It’s something you’ll definitely have to face, which of course you should when you move to a new country anyway. But it’s best to know that you should study before moving here if you can, or at least book onto an intensive course when you arrive.

Italians are known for not usually speaking much English, although you’ll see differences in the big cities where multilingualism is much higher. It can mean moving here with no Italian language skills is stressful to say the least, depending on where you live.

It hit me, as I’d previously studied other languages before moving to the country where it’s spoken, but in this instance, I didn’t have the opportunity and just jumped in feet first, hoping for the best.

In other countries, you may find you have some grace period where you can get by speaking some English but it’s not really the case in many parts of Italy. But perhaps being thrown in at the deep end is the best way to learn.

READ ALSO: 12 signs you’ve cracked the Italian language

Photo by Emily Levine on Unsplash

7. Bureaucracy

Where do we even begin with this? One thing is sure – it never ends.

Italian bureaucracy is legendary: the red tape that could wrap around the Earth three times and have you coming back for appointment after appointment, only to be told they’ve lost your files altogether.

Beat the queues: 19 bits of Italian bureaucracy you can do online

Get used to form-filling, departments more entangled than a pan of spaghetti, and the need for an iron resolve to keep going. I’ve had more than my fair share of repeated trips to the Questura (immigration office) to collect my post-Brexit ID card, only to be told it’s still not there (even when the official website says it is ready for collection).

Don’t try to use logic, it only makes things worse.

8. The obsession with plastic

There’s no logic for this one either. There seems to be a compulsion in Italy to use plastic.

Italians frequently buy water in plastic bottles literally by the barrel load and happily carry it up four flights of stairs to their apartment. Even though in most places, the tap water is perfectly drinkable – a privilege not the whole world enjoys.

And it doesn’t end at plastic water bottles. If there’s a BBQ, out come the single-use plastic plates, cups and cutlery. Ma perché?

Life in Italy: ‘How our shopping habits have changed since we moved from the US’

Photo by Andreas Solaro / AFP

9. Arriving late

Italians are late for everything, which can be irritating if it happens all the time. Even high schools and universities have an academic quarter-of-an-hour, meaning it’s acceptable to turn up 15 minutes after the lesson start time.

It’s just something you’ll have to adapt to if you’re a punctual person. On the other hand, if you’re not, it’s great to not stress too much if you’re also running late. One thing you can do is to tell your friends to meet 15-30 minutes earlier than you actually plan to be ready. That way, they might actually be on time.

10. Queuing – or not

Queuing? What queuing? It can be chaotic, people push in and you just might lose your patience if you’re from a line-loving country like the UK.

But get used to it you must. Maybe you’ll end up loving the passionate disorder?

11. Cash gifts

Being a guest to practically anything, but especially weddings, is likely to make you sweat when you realise the culture of gift giving in Italy.

You spend a fortune on presents and it’s expected – don’t think you can spend time on finding something thoughtful, but perhaps doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Nope, they want cold, hard cash and they’ll make a note of how much you gave so they know what to give you back when it’s your turn.

My husband told me of times he was a witness (gulp, more than once), where you’re expected to give eye-watering amounts of money – in the ballpark of €1,000.

It’s a custom that I’m not sure Italians totally love. If there’s a summer packed full of weddings, you may hear some say that they can’t afford to go on holiday that year as they are invited to too many.

Photo: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

12. Cleaning standards

There’s keeping your house clean and tidy and there’s the Italian translation of what that means.

I have to confess I’m always a little apprehensive when Italian family and friends come over, as I know they have such high cleaning standards and look around our shelves with a scrutinising eye.

The vacuum cleaner is all I can hear from my neighbours or they’re outside beating their rugs. 

My in-laws in the south have two kitchens – one for everyday use and one that is pristine and only used when guests visit.

13. The role of women

Even though it’s a universal problem, Italy lags behind when it comes to gender equality and you might be shocked at how big that gap is.

Housework is still widely considered the woman’s domain, even if they have a full-time job. In fact, the word often used for ‘cleaner’ in Italian is ‘donna delle pulizie’. A female is specified in the term – literally, ‘woman of cleaning’.

When you’re independent and have long looked after yourself, it’s tough to get your head around the fact that in Italy, there are clearly defined, disadvantageous roles for women.

Although fortunately, not everyone is stuck in this mentality.

14. Dark houses

You can’t criticise Italians for wanting to keep cool in the summer, because it is absolutely sweltering in July and August.

So to survive those summer months, many older Italian houses are often dark and designed to let not much light – and heat – in. It makes sense, but it can feel a bit depressing to always be stuck in gloomy rooms.

READ ALSO: Italian property problems: Why do ten strangers own my bathroom?

15. Questionable TV shows

Italian TV, perhaps like TV in all countries for foreigners, can really turn your head at best – and at worst, can cause outrage

From the dolly girls in skimpy outfits dancing around an aged male presenter on Saturday evening shows, to the more than dubious ‘comedy’ sketches of controversial satire, it might be better to stick to Netflix.

What would you add to this list? Or perhaps you don’t agree with some of the points? Let us know in the comments below!

Member comments

  1. After living in Italy for some months, and doing business here, the most surprising experience have been the resistance to make appointments days ahead. It could be on a Thursday: The other: “Can we meet some time next week? Any time, it is up to you”. Me: “Yes, of course, what about Wednesday at 2 PM?”. The other: “OK. I will confirm early next week .”. So then I have to block Wednesday 2PM not knowing for several days if there will be a meeting. Happens all the time.

    1. Jon, this still drives me crazy! Nothing can be planned in advance. On the other hand, at least people are very forgiving when I have to change plans at short notice!

      Thanks for reading,
      – Clare

  2. Great list. However I can live with those. However, one of my bug bears are the midday closing hours. I still can’t get used to it. Having lived in Italy, way North and all way South, to rush to do my shopping so people can have the aforementioned lunch and siesta, drives me crazy every time.

    1. Oh yes, and supermarkets being closed on Sunday afternoons! I forget all the time.

      Thanks for reading!
      – Clare

  3. frances the noise level even if they are sitting either side of a table, they have to talk as though they are 20 feet apart to each other. also the everlasting barking of their dogs, which they never tell to be quiet.t

    thank you

  4. I don’t agree about the cleaning standards in the homes – they don’t seem anything above my own standards and can never say I’ve noticed. It does disturb me that they believe they have high standards of cleanliness when you consider the state of the outside public spaces and this doesn’t add up somehow. You can’t have a standard for your own personal space and a totally different extreme standard elsewhere, something’s not right.

  5. I am surprised about queueing being a problem in the part of Marche I live in in is rigourously followed particularly in hospitals and other institutions. The order of people arriving is noticed by everyone and you place mentally recorded usually by an older lady. Woe betide anyone who pushes in and you are reminded vigorously when it’s your turn! I’ve always found it amazing that the queue exists, everyone stands around or wander around chatting and talking until their place is next, Then a call goes out and they go to the counter, door or what ever. Maybe this area is different because it’s not a big city, I’m not sure

  6. They always want to call you, even though you have filled in all the forms and updated the web site with all the relevant information. Even though your Italian is poor, they still want to call you to go over it all again, verbally.

    Queuing does exist, it just doesn’t look like a queue. So learn to ask “sei l’ultimo?” and when they go in, you know it’s your turn next.

  7. Bruno Bozzetto, the Italian cartoonist, created an animation titled “Europe vs Italy”. Bruno highlights just a few of the differences between Italy and the rest of the world. I’ve watched it many times over the past 10 years as it always brings a good laugh, especially the part about bureaucracy. You can view it on YouTube here:

  8. I remember many years ago my newlywed wife and I booked a tour for our entire wedding trip in Italy. On our arrival in Rome from the USA we were boarded on a beautiful bus on our first trip to Florence. On our way the tour guide gave us a thorough presentation of what to expect and all the places we would be visiting. In particular I will never forget the advice she presented, she said “for those of you on your first trip, you will fall in love with Italy. There will be many places and experiences you will enjoy and there will also be others that will frustate and disappoint you. My advice is to accept it, try to enjoy it all and don’t try to change anything. The Italians have been living in their own culture for centuries, you will not succeed in changing it in your two week vacation or maybe ever.”
    It is still true today.
    I am Italian born, I travel back to Italy often and I too experience the frustrations but part of me likes it. It reminds me I am home again and this unique behavior right or wrong, it strangely adds the charm of what makes Italy different then other countries.

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Can foreign residents in Italy vote in the European elections?

The year 2024 is a bumper one for elections, among them the European elections in June. Italy is of course a member of the EU - so can foreign residents vote in the elections that will almost certainly affect their daily lives?

Can foreign residents in Italy vote in the European elections?

Across Europe, people will go to the polls in early June to select their representatives in the European Parliament, with 76 seats up for grabs in Italy. 

Although European elections usually see a much lower turnout than national elections, they are still seen as important by Italian politicians.

Giorgia Meloni will stand as a candidate this year, hoping use her personal popularity to give her Brothers of Italy party a boost and build on her success in Italy to “send the left into opposition” at the European level too.

When to vote

Across Italy, polling takes place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2024.

Polling stations will be set up in the same places as for national and local elections – usually town halls, leisure centres and other public buildings.

You have to vote at the polling station for the municipality in which you are registered as a resident, which should be indicated on your electoral card.

Polling stations open at 8am and mostly close at 6pm, although some stay open later.

Unlike in presidential or local elections, there is only a single round of voting in European elections.

Who can vote? 

Italian citizens – including dual nationals – can vote in European elections, even if they don’t live in Italy. As is common for Italian domestic elections, polling booths will be set up in Italian consulates around the world to allow Italians living overseas to vote.

Non-Italian citizens who are living in Italy can only vote if they have citizenship of an EU country. So for example Irish citizens living in Italy can vote in European elections but Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc. cannot.

Brits in Italy used to be able to vote before Brexit, but now cannot – even if they have the post-Brexit carta di soggiorno.

If you have previously voted in an election in Italy – either local or European – you should still be on the electoral roll.

If not, in order to vote you need to send an application more than 90 days before the election date.

How does the election work?

The system for European elections differs from most countries’ domestic polls. MEPs are elected once every five years.

Each country is given an allocation of MEPs roughly based on population size. At present there are 705 MEPs: Germany – the country in the bloc with the largest population – has the most while the smallest number belong to Malta with just six.

Italy, like most of its EU neighbours, elects its MEPs through direct proportional representation via the ‘list’ system, so that parties gain the number of MEPs equivalent to their share of the overall vote.

So, for example, if Meloni’s party won 50 percent of the vote they would get 38 out of the total of 76 Italian seats.

Exactly who gets to be an MEP is decided in advance by the parties who publish their candidate lists in priority order. So let’s say that Meloni’s party does get that 50 percent of the vote – then the people named from 1 to 38 on their list get to be MEPs, and the people lower down on the list do not, unless a candidate (for example, Meloni) declines the seat and passes it on to the next person on the list.

In the run up to the election, the parties decide on who will be their lead candidates and these people will almost certainly be elected (though Meloni would almost definitely not take up her seat as an MEP, as this would mean resigning from office in Italy).

The further down the list a name appears, the less likely that person is to be heading to parliament.

Once in parliament, parties usually seek to maximise their influence by joining one of the ‘blocks’ made up of parties from neighbouring countries that broadly share their interests and values eg centre-left, far-right, green.

The parliament alternates between Strasbourg and Brussels. 

Find out more about voting in the European elections from Italy on the European Parliament’s website or the Italian interior ministry’s website.