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Italian word of the day: ‘Infinocchiare’

Don’t let yourself get fennelled by a finagler.

Italian word of the day: ‘Infinocchiare’
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

It happens to tourists everywhere – especially those unwise enough to order at a restaurant in Venice without closely examining the price list.

Every once in a while on holiday – or sometimes even in your hometown – you’re going to get punked, hustled, duped, hoodwinked by a huckster.

There are several ways to describe the act of cheating someone in Italian, including imbrogliare and ingannare, as well as some more colourful words we can’t really print. But few are as poetic as infinocchiare – literally, to fennel someone.

A me pare che tu ti sia fatto infinocchiare da una bambina.
It sounds to me like you’ve let yourself be hoodwinked by a little girl.

Mi ha infinocchiato per bene.
He set me up perfectly.

Where does this expression come from?

Apparently, it refers back to restauranteurs as early as Roman times serving their guests poor quality or soured wine.

To try and hide the drink’s bitter taste, the unscrupulous host would sprinkle it with fennel seeds that provided an olfactory cloak.

In fact some sources say that dishonest cooks were also known to chuck fennel seeds in any old dish that wasn’t up to scratch, including food that was going bad.

Did the trick ever really work?

Who’s to say, but fennel seeds are known for their strong flavour, which is why restaurants will often serve them at the end of your meal along with your bill as a palate cleanser – so there’s probably more than one Roman publican who got away with it.

As for you, keep training up that nose so you can sniff out the fennel the next time a deal seems too good to be true.

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Italian expression of the day: ‘Al volo’

We’re sure you’ll learn this Italian phrase in no time.

Italian expression of the day: ‘Al volo’

If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian airport and looked up at the departure board, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with the word volo, which is the Italian equivalent of ‘flight’ – but also the first person singular of the verb volare (to fly) in the present tense.

And if you’re a fan of classical music, you may of course have heard of Italy’s famous opera trio Il Volo (‘The Flight’).

But what do Italians mean when they say they’re going to do something al volo (hear it pronounced here)? 

Much like its closest English equivalent, ‘on the fly’, al volo has very little to do with aircraft or flying as it’s one of the most common Italian phrases to say that you’re doing something ‘quickly’ or ‘readily’, often without having prepared it or thought about it much beforehand.

Facciamoci una pasta al volo e poi usciamo.

Let’s cook some pasta on the fly and then get out.

Ho dovuto preparare la presentazione al volo perché non mi avevano avvisato della riunione.

I had to put the presentation together on the fly as I’d not been notified of the meeting. 

But usage of al volo is not limited to practical actions or tasks you may do quickly and without much thought. 

In fact, you can also pair it with the verb capire (understand), comprendere (comprehend) or imparare (learn) to say that you grasped something ‘immediately’ or ‘in no time’, meaning you won’t need any further explanation. 

Tuo figlio capisce tutto al volo. Ha un grande futuro davanti a lui, a mio parere.

Your son understands everything in no time. He’s got a great future ahead of him, in my opinion.

And if you haven’t fully understood or grasped something on your first try (which is painfully likely when dealing with Italy’s infamous red tape, even for locals), don’t worry: you’ll always have the option to ask a domanda al volo, or a ‘quick question’, to clear up your doubts. 

Another popular way to use the phrase is in relation to big opportunities, whether that be in life, in education or at work. So an opportunity that va presa al volo must be seized immediately as it’s too good to be missed. 

Finally, if you’re planning on watching Euro 2024 matches on Italian TV over the next month, you may hear football commentators use al volo multiple times while analysing a match as colpire la palla al volo means to strike it while it’s in the air, or ‘volley’ it.

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