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French phrase of the day: Dans ces eaux-là

You don’t have to be a fisherman to use this expression.

French phrase of the day: Dans ces eaux-là
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know dans ces eaux-là?

Because it’s invaluable when you want to make an estimation without sounding too confident.

What does it mean?

Literally “in those waters”, dans ces eaux-là is used for making an approximation. It’s for when you want to say something is “roughly” correct.

An idiomatic equivalent in English would be “in that ballpark” or “in that region”.

If you want to compare two things which are particularly similar, you can say something is dans les mêmes eaux (in the same waters) as something else.

Some people like to extend the water metaphor even further: like this Ouest France description of Lionel Messi’s salary at PSG: “Avec un salaire évalué par la presse française à environ 40 millions d’euros net par an, Messi naviguerait dans les mêmes eaux que Neymar” – With a salary estimated by the French press at around €40 million net per year, Messi would be sailing in the same waters as Neymar, meaning the teammates are supposedly earning comparable, if not identical wages.

Use it like this

La maison date du milieu du XVeme siecle, dans ces eaux-là – The house dates back to around the middle of the 15th century

On se retrouve à 19h ou dans ces eaux-là ? – Should we meet at 7pm or something like that?

Notre chiffre d’affaires avait baissé de 20 pourcent en 2020 et devrait rester dans ces eaux-là cette année – Our turnover fell by 20 percent in 2020 and should stay there or thereabouts this year

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French Word of the Day: Cousinade

This French word might come up when discussing summer plans or genealogy.

French Word of the Day: Cousinade

Why do I need to know cousinade?

Because you might be able to attend one of these if you have extended family in France.

What does it mean?

Cousinade – roughly pronounced koo-zee-nad – may look similar to cassonade (brown sugar) or cuisine (kitchen), but the term does not have anything to do with cooking.

French people use it to talk about family parties or events. It is defined as a ‘family event where cousins [les cousins] are invited’. 

Depending on the family, these might be just first cousins, or it could be an even larger gathering of extended family. These often take place around holidays, or once a year in the summer-time to bring people together.

However, even though they are often used interchangeably, a cousinade is not exactly a réunion de famille (family reunion). 

The latter can bring any members of an extended family, while the former tends to focus on people with a common set of ancestors. 

People looking to learn about their heritage might organise a cousinade, for example. In 2012, over 5,000 relatives gathered for a cousinade in Vendée in France, and at the time it made the Guinness Book of World Records.

Use it like this

J’ai interrogé ma grand-tante sur notre ascendance à la cousinade l’année dernière. – I asked my great-aunt about our ancestry at the family party last year.

Ma famille est trop petite et déconnectée pour les cousinades. – My family is too small and disconnected for family reunions.