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German word of the day: Feierabendbierchen

Not just a beautiful example of a compound noun, this word evokes a strong image of a tradition of the German way of life which has been hit by the pandemic.

German word of the day: Feierabendbierchen
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Das Feierabendbierchen (literally a “party-evening-little-beer”, but more accurately: a “cheeky wee post-work beer”) is the drink you have after leaving the office to wash away the stress and adrenaline of the working day. For most Germans this falls at about 5pm, but a Feierabendbier can be had at any time of the day really. 

This word can be found in non-diminutive form (Feierabendbier) or the diminutive form with -chen, as above, which basically makes it a bit more playful. 

This compound noun may be made up of both “Abend” and “Feier”, but there is no need for the consumption of the Feierabendbierchen to take place either in the evening or at a party. 

The word ‘Feierabend’ usually just refers to the part of the day when work is finished, capturing the ecstatic feeling of escaping a stuffy office and emerging into a free evening with limitless possibilities. 

Recently, the term has come to be regarded as a buzzword for the importance of a work-life balance, of maintaining harmony between the regimented hours of the working day and the rest and relaxation necessary to maintain productivity.

READ MORE: Why every country should get on board with the German Feierabend

But this work-life balance has been notoriously difficult to maintain in over a year of successive lockdowns, particularly when there is no physical shift between workplace and home for many people.

It is difficult to imagine that the Feierabendbierchen was not affected by this change as we became confined to our own four walls with family or a close social bubble only, especially as pubs and bars only reopened last month.

Research has shown that, in keeping with the overall decline in per capita alcohol consumption in Germany since the start of the pandemic, beer sales were particularly hit during the lockdown months. Sales of beer fell by 5.4 percent in 2020 – the largest decline in a decade – meaning that individual consumption had decreased on average by approximately 5 litres.

This is a large deal for a country with over 1,200 breweries, 5,000 beer brands and a flourishing brewing industry generating revenues of almost 8 billion Euros, and suggests that fewer Germans are indulging in Feierabendbier than ever.

READ MORE: Why German Beer Day is celebrated in April 23rd

However, since the start of July, working from home is no longer compulsory in Germany, and employers are free to decide whether to call their employees back to the workplace. 

As Germans transition from Homeoffice back to their workplace, perhaps the Feierabendbierchen is bouncing back -or people are at least able to meet one or two of their colleagues again.

We hope that the tradition will have recovered in time for this Friday – August 6th – so that Germans can celebrate the end of work on International Beer Day with a festive pint. 



Was machst du nach der Arbeit? Hast du Lust auf ein Feierabendbier? 

What are you doing after work? Do you fancy an off-work beer? 

Am Ende eines langen, schwierigen Tages schmeckt das verdiente Feierabendbierchen fast doppelt so gut. 

At the end of a long, hard day, your well-earned beer after work tastes almost twice as good.

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German word of the day: Dudelsack

This hilarious sounding German word describes something quintessentially Scottish.

German word of the day: Dudelsack

Why do I need to know Dudelsack?

In the run-up to the German v Scotland opening match of Euro 2024, there were a lot of these gracing the streets of Munich. More importantly, why wouldn’t you want to know a word like Dudelsack?

Just say the word aloud and it will brighten your day. 

What does it mean?

Dudelsack (pronounced like this) is one of those German words that’s both charmingly literal and somewhat onomatopoeic, describing a big bag or sack that makes a ‘doodling’ kind of noise: in other words, the bagpipes.

As well as sounding like the noise this traditional Scottish instrument makes, dudeln also translates as ‘to drone’, and anyone who’s heard the bagpipes will know that this is also a fairly accurate description of how they sound. 

READ ALSO: 10 German words with hilarious literal translations

As Scotland geared up to play Germany in the opening match of Euro 2024 in Munich, many sacks were doodled in the Bavarian capital. 

Seeing parades of kilts and hearing the distinctive wail of the Dudelsack against the backdrop of Munich’s gothic town hall isn’t something you experience every day, and we’re sure it’s an experience the people of Munich also won’t forget for a while. 

Use it like this: 

Hör mal auf, Dudelsack zu spielen! Es geht mir auf die Nerven.

Stop playing the bagpipes! It’s getting on my nerves.  

Weißt du, wie der Dudelsack klingt? Man hört ihn überall in Schottland.

Do you know what the bagpipes sound like? You can hear them everywhere in Scotland.