‘Do it for others’: Macron pushes young people in French to get vaccinated

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday took to Tik Tok and Instagram to try counter misinformation about Covid vaccines following a third weekend of demonstrations over a controversial Covid health pass.

'Do it for others': Macron pushes young people in French to get vaccinated
France's President Emmanuel Macron gestures after delivering a speech prior to his departure on the final day of his visit in Papeete, French Polynesia on July 27, 2021. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)

Macron discarded his customary dark suit and tie for a black t-shirt in a short video from the presidency’s holiday residence in southern France, in which he repeated that vaccines were the “only weapon” that could beat back a fourth wave of coronavirus.

“Some of you have been hearing false rumours, some of it rubbish it has to be said,” he said in the selfie video, in which he urged the vaccine-shy to put their questions and concerns directly to him.

Later Macron responded to the first question, apparently from a “youngster in good health” who saw no reason to get vaccinated because they were unlikely to develop a serious form of Covid-19.

Macron responded: “We are never sure. There are young people in good health who have ended up in hospital. Then there are those who end up with what they call ‘Long Covid’, which can affect many young people.

“If you don’t do it (get vaccinated) for yourself then it for your loved ones,” added Macron. “Because by getting vaccinated you are reducing the risk of contaminating others, in particular those in your family. Do it for other people,” he said.

He was speaking after an estimated 200,000 people demonstrated across France on Saturday.

The protests were the biggest since Macron last month announced that people would have to furnish proof of vaccination, a negative Covid test or recent recovery from Covid to gain entry to most museums, cinemas and sports venues.

The rules will be extended to bars, restaurants, long-distance trains and shopping centres on August 9.

Opponents accuse Macron of running a health “dictatorship”, saying the measures impinge on freedom of choice.

In scenes reminiscent of the “yellow vest” anti-government protests of 2018-2019, tens of thousands have staged protests, some of which have ended in rioting.

Macron, who is expected to seek re-election next year, has been the chief target of the demonstrators’ ire.

On Saturday night, a vaccine centre on the French Caribbean island of Martinique was set alight, while in the southern city of Montpellier demonstrators rounded on a pharmacist conducting Covid tests, accusing him of being a “murderer” and a “traitor”.

So far, 42.6 million people in France have received at least one vaccine shot, representing 63.2 percent of the population. Of these, 35.7 million are fully vaccinated (52.6 percent of the population).

A further 19,600 infections were recorded on Sunday, up from under 5,000 in mid-June  — an increase blamed largely on the spread of the Delta variant and the fact that France has opened up after months of closures in winter and spring.

The government’s Covid advisory committee president Alain Fischer said Monday he believed  the 90-percent vaccine coverage among over-12s needed for herd immunity could be achieved by “the start of the autumn”.

Nearly 112,000 people have died in France since the start of the pandemic.

Member comments

  1. Unfortunately he’s wasting his time. Judging by the attitude of the under 30’s I know they will not be vaccinated under any conditions. They seem to regard not being vaccinated as a “badge of honour”.

    1. I suspect there were a few wry smiles in the AZ board room at the President speaking out at vaccine misinformation.

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Will Macron resign in case of a French election disaster?

The polling is not looking good for president Emmanuel Macron's party in the snap elections that he called just two weeks ago. So will he resign if it all goes wrong?

Will Macron resign in case of a French election disaster?

On Sunday, June 9th, the French president stunned Europe when he called snap parliamentary elections in France, in the wake of humiliating results for his centrist group in the European elections.

The French president has the power to dissolve parliament and call fresh elections – but this power is rarely used and in recent decades French parliaments have run on fixed terms. Very few people predicted Macron’s move.

But polling for the fresh elections (held over two rounds on June 30th and July 7th) is looking very bad for the president’s centrist Renaissance party – currently trailing third behind Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement National and the combined leftist group Nouveau Front Populaire.

Listen to the team from The Local discussing all the election latest in the new episode of the Talking France podcast. Download here or listen on the link below

The election was a gamble for Macron – but if his gamble fails will he resign?

What does the law and the constitution say?

Legally, Macron does not need to resign. In France the presidential and the parliamentary elections are separate – Macron himself was re-elected in 2022 with a five-year mandate (until May 2027).

His party failing to gain a parliamentary majority does not change that – in fact the centrists failed to gain a overall majority in the 2022 parliamentary elections too (although they remained the largest party). Since then, the government has limped on, managing to pass some legislation by using constitutional powers.

The constitution also offers no compulsion or even a suggestion that the president should resign if he fails to form a government.

In fact the current constitution (France has had five) gives a significant amount of power to the president at the expense of parliament – the president has the power to dissolve parliament (as Macron has demonstrated), to set policy on areas including defence and diplomacy and to bypass parliament entirely and force through legislation (through the tool known as Article 49.3). 

In fact there are only three reasons in the constitution that a president would finish their term of office early; resigning, dying in office or being the subject of impeachment proceedings.

Since 1958, only one president has resigned – Charles de Gaulle quit in 1969 after the failure of a referendum that he had backed. He died 18 months later, at the age of 79.  

OK, but is he likely to resign?

He says not. In an open letter to the French people published over the weekend, Macron wrote: “You can trust me to act until May 2027 as your president, protector at every moment of our republic, our values, respectful of pluralism and your choices, at your service and that of the nation.”

He insisted that the coming vote was “neither a presidential election, nor a vote of confidence in the president of the republic” but a response to “a single question: who should govern France?”

So it looks likely that Macron will stay put.

And he wouldn’t be the first French president to continue in office despite his party having failed to win a parliamentary majority – presidents François Mitterand and Jacques Chirac both served part of their term in office in a ‘cohabitation‘ – the term for when the president is forced to appoint an opposition politician as prime minister.

But should he resign?

The choice to call the snap elections was Macron’s decision, it seems he took the decision after discussing it just a few close advisers and it surprised and/or infuriated even senior people in his own party.

If the poll leads to political chaos then, many will blame Macron personally and there will be many people calling for his resignation (although that’s hardly new – Macron démission has been a regular cry from political opponents over the last seven years as he enacted policies that they didn’t like).

Regardless of the morality of dealing with the fallout of your own errors, there is also the practicality – if current polling is to be believed, none of the parties are set to achieve an overall majority and the likely result with be an extremely protracted and messy stalemate with unstable governments, fragile coalitions and caretaker prime ministers. It might make sense to have some stability at the top, even if that figure is extremely personally unpopular.

He may leave the country immediately after the result of the second round, however. Washington is hosting a NATO summit on July 9th-11th and a French president would normally attend that as a representative of a key NATO member. 

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