How Italy just made it easier to download the Covid-19 ‘green pass’

After complaints of technical difficulties, the Italian government has updated its Covid certificate website with new options for people trying to download proof of vaccination, recovery or testing.

How Italy just made it easier to download the Covid-19 'green pass'
A Covid-19 'green pass' will soon be necessary to access many public spaces in Italy. File photo: Pascal POCHARD-CASABIANCA / AFP

As Italy prepares to extend the use of Covid-19 health certificates, which will be required to access a host of public spaces in Italy from August 6th, reports abounded of residents finding themselves unable to download the document through no fault of their own.

EXPLAINED: When, where and why will you need a Covid health passport in Italy?

The government had promised that anyone who was vaccinated, tested or recovered from Covid-19 in Italy would automatically be sent an authorisation code that would allow them to access their certificate online – but with less than a week to go until the document becomes more important than ever, many people were still reporting that were still to receive their code.

Meanwhile people who were vaccinated in Italy but aren’t enrolled in the public health service were also having difficulties accessing their records without a tessera sanitaria, or Italian healthcare card.

In the past few days, the Italian government has updated its official certificazione verde (‘green pass’) website to provide solutions for people who find themselves with either of these problems.

You can now retrieve your authorisation code online

While people still waiting on a text or email with their so-called AUTHCODE previously had no option but to contact the Health Ministry’s helpline – with no guarantee of a response – they can now go online to request the code themselves.

The official website now includes an option to retrieve the code by going to this page and entering the following details:

  • Codice fiscale (tax code)
  • Tessera sanitaria number
  • “Type of event” – vaccination, recovery or test
  • Date of vaccination/recovery/test

Your AUTHCODE will be displayed immediately, allowing you to use it right away to download your certificate (find full instructions here). 

This option is only available to people who are enrolled in the Italian health service, however, since it requires the number of a valid tessera sanitaria.

People vaccinated without a health card no longer need an authorisation code

People who managed to get vaccinated in Italy despite not being signed up for public healthcare – no mean feat – now have the easiest way of all to download their green pass.

Unlike users who have a tessera sanitaria, people outside the public system can now request their pass using nothing more than their codice fiscale and the date they got their shot. Go to this page and select the option ‘Utente non iscritto al SSN vaccinato in Italia‘ (‘User not enrolled in the National Health Service vaccinated in Italy’). 


This simplified option does not work if you are enrolled in Italy’s National Health Service, nor if you click ‘Utente senza tessera sanitaria‘ (‘User without a healthcare card’). 

Nor can you access your certificate of recovery or negative test certificate this way: if you are outside the National Health Service and are claiming the green pass through either of these routes, you will still require a code from either the test provider or the doctor who treated you.

Read more about how to download your green pass in those circumstances here

Paper certificates remain valid until August 12th

If all else fails, the European Commission has recommended that paper certificates of vaccination, recovery or negative test results should continue to be accepted until August 12th. 

That means that you should still be allowed to show your proof of immunisation issued by a vaccination centre in Italy, a medical certificate from your doctor or a print-out of your test results as a health passport when the new rules come into force from August 6th – even if it does not contain a QR code.

Be aware, however, that individual operators checking certificates in Italy may not be aware of the EU’s recommendation and might insist you show a QR code. If you’re eligible, it’s advisable to download the standardised, QR-enabled version as soon as possible.

Photo by Denis LOVROVIC / AFP

People who have a certificate from another country in the EU or Schengen Zone, or one of these five countries outside the bloc, do not need to download the Italian version of the pass: certificates from your home country will be accepted in Italy.

Find the latest updates in our green pass news section and further details on the official website (currently only available in Italian).

Member comments

  1. Thank you so much for this article. I received my green pass within seconds

    As usual your articles are so so useful.

    Thanks again

    1. Hi Francis,

      We’re really glad to hear it. Thanks for reading!

      Best wishes,
      – Clare

  2. Thank you so much for this article and clear instructions. Getting my green pass might have been the easiest Italian-oriented task I’ve ever completed! I’m thrilled Italy has made it so easy. Grazie mille!

  3. This was really useful. I have been trying to get my DGC using my CIE app for weeks, without success (I don’t have a tessera sanitaria). The new site using only codice fiscale and date of vaccination is quick and really easy to use. Thanks!

  4. Hi, I managed to get both of my covid vaccines in Genoa, Italy. I am currently on a tourist visa here so have neither a Codice fiscale or Tessera sanitaria number. Does anyone know how I could possibly get the green pass?

  5. I have received my first vaccination shot and waiting on my second. It was a struggle to get my vaccine shot, and NOW the website that is linked to here in this article isn’t allowing me to get the ‘Green Pass’ using my codice fiscale. I get an error message saying: “La certificazione non è disponibile. I dati inseriti potrebbero essere errati. Per maggiori informazioni visita le FAQ del sito.” I entered all of the info correctly Multiple times. Yet again, the system is enforcing this regulation but not accounting for people in the country who are ‘in between’ waiting to receive their new permesso and don’t have their health card yet. It’s infuriating!

  6. Can you clarify if the Green Pass Certificate is indeed available to people who have received only one of two vaccination shots? I’m wondering if I am having trouble getting mine because I have only received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Thanks!

  7. As of yesterday, digital NHS covid vaccination QCR was not being accepted 🙁. Has anyone else had problems?

  8. UPDATE: I saw in another article that you have to wait 15 days after you receive your first dose to get the certificate. I’m assuming that means business days. So that MIGHT be why I’m having trouble getting mine since I’m just shy of that time frame. I figure this might be helpful info for anyone else in the same situation…

  9. Congratulations to The……………………Having followed the link on your article ‘How Italy just made it easier to download the Covid-19 ‘green pass’ I thought ‘shall I try it or not?’ this after 18 months of sheer hassle trying to get vaccinated, finally achieved two weeks ago thanks to our new amazing Doctor – (last one was an incompetent buffoon)
    Having tried ‘official’ channels to get green pass with the usual frustrating failure, I thought what’s the harm in trying the link………TRUST me, it could not have been more staightforward or simple. It took all of 10minutes to get green passes for myself and my wife both in PDF format and QR code on our phones.
    So thank you Clare and your brilliant team. Just to add, without The I am sure living here would be just that bit harder, your information and advice is extremely helpfull virtually on a daily basis. Thank you.

    1. Hi Stuart,

      We’re really glad to hear that it worked, and that you’ve found other articles useful too! Thanks for reading The Local.

      Best wishes,
      – Clare

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Italian government begins talks on Covid ‘super green pass’

Italy is set to tighten the rules on its health certificate scheme from December as Covid-19 contagion and hospitalisation rates continue to rise.

Employees in Italy must show Covid health passes to access workplaces.
Employees in Italy must show Covid health passes to access workplaces - but are the rules about to get stricter? Photo: Marco Bertorello/AFP

Note: This article is no longer being updated. Please find the latest news here.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi will hold a meeting with regional leaders on Monday evening, beginning several days of talks on a new government decree which is expected to be announced by Friday, reports national broadcaster Rai.

As the health situation has worsened across Italy in recent weeks – particularly in the north-eastern regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and the autonomous province of Bolzano – leaders of local governments are increasingly pushing for new measures, mainly in the form of further restrictions on the unvaccinated under a so-called “super green pass” scheme.

KEY POINTS: Italy’s new plans to contain the Covid fourth wave

Italy began rolling out its health certificate or ‘green pass’ for domestic use in August, initially making it a requirement at many leisure and cultural venues such as cinemas and indoor restaurants, before extending its use to workplaces and some forms of public transport. 

The certificate shows that the bearer has been vaccinated against Covid-19, has recovered from the disease within the last six months, or has tested negative in the last few days.

Instead, the proposed ‘super green pass’ would only be issued to those who are vaccinated or recovered, with passes issued based on testing in future only valid for entry to workplaces.

Photo: Andreas Solaro/AFP

While no concrete decisions have yet been made, sources within the health ministry have indicated that it is considering the measure for any region declared a higher-risk ‘orange’ zone.

“Closures and restrictions must not be paid for by the vaccinated,” said Health Undersecretary Andrea Costa, adding that the ‘super green pass’ plan would “guarantee the unvaccinated access to workplaces and basic needs, but certain activities such as going to a restaurant, cinema or theatre should be reserved for the vaccinated if the situation worsens.”

“It is clear that we must bring in new initiatives,” he said in an interview with Sky TG24 on Sunday.

EXPLAINED: Will Italy bring in a Covid lockdown for the unvaccinated?

At the moment all of Italy remains in the lowest-risk ‘white’ zone, with few health measures in place.

However several regions are now nearing the thresholds at which they would be moved into the ‘yellow’ zone next week, and – if the situation continues to worsen – then risk being placed under orange zone restrictions two weeks later.

Costa said a planned third dose obligation for health workers “is already foreseen and I think it will be approved this week.”

Health Minister Roberto Speranza put forward proposals last week to make third doses obligatory for the healthcare staff already subject to a vaccine requirement, and also to cut the validity of Italy’s Covid-19 health certificate – the so-called green pass – from 12 to nine months for people who are vaccinated, including with a third dose.

READ ALSO: Italy to start Covid boosters for over-40s on Monday as infection rate rises

The changes have not yet been formally approved, but are expected to come in from December 1st under the planned new decree set to be signed into law by the end of the week.

Other measures the government is reportedly considering include cutting the validity of green passes based on PCR test results from 72 to 48 hours, and those from the results of rapid testing will be reduced from 48 to 24 hours.

There have also been calls from health experts and regional leaders to stop issuing green passes based on rapid test results altogether, as these are less reliable than the results of a PCR test.