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French Expression of the Day: Cul sec

If someone shouts this French expression at you, don't worry, they are not talking about your bottom.

French Expression of the Day: Cul sec
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know cul sec?

Because you might hear this expression when at a party or bar in France. 

What does it mean?

Cul sec directly translates as ‘dry bottom’, which sounds like an inappropriate thing to say in public, but actually it’s a drinking term.

Although cul is often translated as ‘arse’ or ‘butt’ it can also mean the bottom of an object. So if someone in a bar shouts cul sec, they’re not talking about the human cul, but rather the cul (bottom) of the drink. When the glass is sec (dry), the drink is gone.

READ ALSO: Cool cul: 13 of the best French ‘bottom’ expressions

French online dictionary l’Internaute defines cul sec as “boire un verre d’un seul trait, sans s’arrêter”, which means “have a drink in one go, without stopping.”

It’s what in English is also known as ‘chugging’ or ‘downing’ a drink. Someone might say this to you in the imperative sense – like Cul sec ! which means “Down it!”

The full expression is faire cul sec (to do dry bottom) or boire cul sec (to drink dry bottom).

Cul sec isn’t a vulgar expression, but if you’re at a work party or with your French in-laws we suggest you refrain from downing your drink in one.

It might sound like the English phrase ‘bottoms up’, but in fact that is simply a toast, and doesn’t mean that you have to down your drink in one. Interestingly, you might hear ‘bottoms up’ (in English) used as a toast in France, although in the English-speaking world it’s pretty archaic.

More common options for a toast in France santé (good health) or tchin-tchin (cheers).

Here’s a video of French president Emmanuel Macron doing a cul sec while helping the Toulouse rugby team celebrate their victory in the final of the Top 14 domestic championship.

Use it like this

On fait cul sec ? – Let’s down it?

Allez les gars, cul sec ! – Come on guys, down it!  

Si tu perds, tu dois boire cul sec ton verre entier. – If you lose, you have to down your whole drink.

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French Phrase of the Day: Les carottes sont cuites

This French expression can be used in the kitchen, as an important coded message during war-time, and when the end is near.

French Phrase of the Day: Les carottes sont cuites

Why do I need to know les carottes sont cuites?

Because this expression might signal the end of something.

What does it mean?

Les carottes sont cuites – roughly pronounced lay ca-rote sohn queet – translates as ‘the carrots are cooked’.

While you might use this literally when preparing a meal, the phrase is also an old-fashioned idiom.

Figuratively, it means ‘the situation is hopeless’ or ‘the decision is final’. The expression is very similar to ‘your goose is cooked’ or ‘your tea is out’ in English. It can also just mean ‘it’s over’.

Generally it has a negative connotation, which might be explained by the phrase’s origins.

There are a few guesses – the first involves the word carrotte having a close pronunciation to crotte (poop). The second evokes a phrase used in the 18th and 19th centuries.

At the time, avoir ses carottes cuites meant ‘to be dying’ or close to death. It was a bit of gallows humour – carrots were usually accompanied by meat dishes, so the joke is that the dying person would soon be meat themselves, ready to be eaten alongside some carrots. 

Over time, les carottes sont cuites went on to describe hopeless or unchangeable situations. 

That said, it has been used for some optimistic moments, notably during the D-Day landings, when les carottes sont cuites was a coded message from Radio Londres announcing the imminent landings  to their listeners.

Use it like this

Les carottes sont cuites. L’homme d’affaires a déjà décidé de le licencier. – It’s over. The businessman already decided to sack him.

Maman a déjà décidé de te punir ! Les carottes sont cuites. – Mummy already decided to punish you! Your goose is cooked.

C’est terminé. Les carottes sont cuites. Il a fait son choix. – It’s over, my goose is cooked. He made his choice.