Lost your job in Germany? Here’s how to pick yourself up and get paid what you’re owed.

Losing a job is often a stressful, worrying experience. It can be even more so when you’re in a foreign country, with little understanding of what to do next.

Lost your job in Germany? Here's how to pick yourself up and get paid what you're owed.

Together with legal tech firm CONNY, we tell you how to survive losing your job in Germany, and how you can ensure that you receive what you’re entitled to.

Don’t panic

There are a hundred reasons why we might find ourselves out of work – from a culture fit, to workplace financial pressures. Rather than a reflection of our worth, sometimes things just don’t pan out. While German labour law recognizes this, there are strict protections for workers regarding the termination of employment – these will come into play soon enough.

First, just breathe. Take some time to reflect and decompress. The experience of losing a job can impact your health and it’s a good idea to ensure that a bad situation isn’t made worse with illness. Looking after yourself is key, and a good investment in what will come next.

Feel like you have been unfairly dismissed by a firm in Germany? Use CONNY’s Termination Checker to see whether you could receive a severance payment.

Be proactive

Germans do love their bureaucracy, and as with all aspects of life, there are certain responsibilities for those whose employment is terminated.

First, you’re going to have to register for unemployment benefits, or Arbeitslosengeld (literally ‘Work-loss-money’). You are entitled to this as someone who has paid into unemployment insurance. How much you receive will depend on how long you paid into the system, but the minimum is six months.

You have three months prior to your notice period ending to register with the Agentur fur Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency). If you find yourself suddenly terminated without a notice period, you only have three days to register, with your termination notice, unless you want to miss out on a week’s payment.

Registering for unemployment is a relatively painless process, compared to other nations. You can either visit the Agentur fur Arbeit website, or call +49 800 4 555 500. English-speaking operators are available. We do not currently recommend visiting an office in person, due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Claim what you’re owed

As mentioned before, there are strict protections against unlawful termination of employment in Germany. Even so, many employers aren’t aware of all the intricacies of the law. This means that people often find themselves unlawfully terminated, and may be entitled to a severance payment, usually a multiple of your months employed.

If terminated, you could employ your own lawyer to fight your case, but who has the time and resources for that? This is why CONNY is such a fantastic resource for expats. A legal tech startup that focuses on labour, tenancy and telecommunications law, CONNY makes it easy for working expats to have their case heard and receive a generous payout.

The process is easy. If you find yourself terminated, you can use CONNY’s Termination Check to see whether you have grounds for a severance payment. This only takes around three minutes. If so, you can then speak to a lawyer, without financial risk, who can move your case forward, without you having to do anything else. Depending on how long you worked for your employer, you could then be in line for a significant payment, giving you time and space to find a better, more fulfilling job. You only pay a commission to CONNY if you are successful, meaning there is no risk to you!

For peace of mind, you can also take up ‘CONNYcare’. For only one euro a month, you have your personal specialist at CONNY who helps you with all labour law related questions. Moreover, you get a free consultation by a lawyer in case of a dismissal and a 25% discount on CONNY’s labour law services.

Think you were recently dismissed unfairly? Looking to protect yourself in the event of termination? Visit Conny Legal and find out how you can be protected in the event of an unfair dismissal. You can also use CONNY’s severance pay calculator to see how much you may be owed, below.

Member comments

  1. (德国之声中文网)《纽约时报》近日刊登了题为”郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论”的文章,以西方媒体中极其少见的视角和口吻关注了郭文贵和班农两人是如何结合雄厚的资金和政治影响力形成反中共联盟,并助推包括闫丽梦这样所谓的”吹哨人”,实现政治目的。

    这篇文章的作者分别是AMY QIN, 王月眉和 DANNY HAKIM。Amy Qin是《纽约时报》国际记者,负责报道中国文化、政治和社会话题。王月眉(Vivian Wang)是时报驻华记者,此前曾为城市版报道纽约州政治,在芝加哥长大,毕业于耶鲁大学。Danny Hakim则是《纽约时报》商业版调查记者。也是欧洲经济驻外记者,担任过奥尔巴尼和底特律分社社长。他参与的报道获得了2009年普利策突发新闻奖。

    文章以闫丽梦博士的故事开头,梳理了她从香港研究室出逃至美国,然后向美国各大媒体爆料的过程。文章称:早在今年1月中旬,在香港做研究的闫丽梦就已经听到传言,称中国大陆出现了一种危险的新病毒,政府正在将其淡化处理。刚开始闫丽梦博士在向她喜欢的中文Youtube节目主持人王定刚提供信息时并不愿意公开自己的身份,作者指出:”而到今年9月时,她已不再这么谨慎。在美国福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)露面,向数百万人宣布一个未经证实的说法:新冠病毒是中国制造的生物武器。”




  2. 班某、郭某贵、闫某梦 一丘之貉

    #闫某梦#班某#郭某贵 The evolution of Yan Limeng from researcher to whistleblower is the product of the cooperation of two unrelated but increasingly united groups to spread false information: one is a small but very active overseas Chinese group Guo Wengui.

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Reader Question: Can I have a freelance side gig as an employee in Germany?

Going freelance in Germany - or even starting a side hustle - can be a rewarding and exciting challenge. But it can come with its own bureaucratic challenges. What are the rules around having a freelance gig if you already have a job?

Reader Question: Can I have a freelance side gig as an employee in Germany?

Whether it’s to try out freelancing or simply to earn a bit of extra money, many people in Germany may have thought about trying out a side gig – or a nebenberufliche Tätigkeit – while they still have a job. It might be an especially attractive option for part-time workers looking to try out a new project as well.

Germany generally allows this, provided that your employment contract doesn’t prohibit it explicitly.

That’s why the first thing you should do if you’re thinking about starting a side hustle is to read your employment contract.

At first, you’re looking to see if side gigs are explicitly prohibited. If there’s no explicit mention of it being prohibited, the next thing to look for is whether you need to seek the company’s permission – possibly through their HR department – to take up your side gig. If you do, this will be explicitly spelled out in your contract.

Once you do that, you need to check and see whether your side gig falls under the Trade Act (Gewerbeordnung). If it does, you will have to apply for the corresponding business license. If it doesn’t, you can be classed as a Freiberufler – or freelancer – and won’t need a special licence to start your business.

You’ll need to do some homework on what kind of business you are – and you’ll need to register with the tax office. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Benjamin Nolte

However in both cases, you will still have to register with your local tax office (Finanzamt). 

In Germany, some professions will require you to have a Befähigungsnachweis – “certificate of competence” – proving you have expertise in your area and are appropriately accredited. These include regulated trades like working as a financial advisor or real estate agent.

Other trades, like marketing services and hospitality, won’t need such a certificate, but you might still be classed as a Gewerbe – which brings some different rules with it. Those who belong to the so-called “new self-employed”, such as artists, writers and journalists, are Freiberufler and don’t need a trade licence.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about becoming a freelancer in Germany

Do I need extra insurance?

For your job as an employee, you already will have the necessary health, care and pension insurance – with your contributions from your income there getting taken off your payslip.

If you have a side gig, you remain insured through your main job and don’t need to take out additional insurance. Your contributions – based on the income from your main job – will remain the same.

This changes if your side hustle becomes your main hustle – measured by your working hours. As long as the number of working hours you spend on your side hustle amount to less than your main job, you don’t need extra insurance.

In most cases, having a side hustle in Germany won’t impact your health insurance eligibility or contributions. Photo: thirdman /Pexels

The exception to this is if you take on an employee who works more hours than a mini-jobber. Hiring a mini-jobber is still fine.

If your side hustle does become your main hustle and you’re publicly insured, you need to advise your Krankenkasse.

KSK: How creative freelancers can pay less for German health insurance

What income tax do I have to pay?

First up, Germany has a tax class basically designed for second jobs. It’s called Tax Class 6 and it exists alongside your other tax class. That means that the income from your main job will be taxed according to the rules of one of five different tax classes. Which one you belong to in this case depends on family variables like your marital status or whether you’re a single parent.

Tax class 6, however, doesn’t take any of these variables into account and exists only for your side income. As such, your main employment income will never be taxed according to tax class 6 and your side income won’t receive the breaks and credits that your main income will if you normally belong to a tax class that gives you any advantages.

Tax class 6 will apply to any income you earn on your side hustle above €538 a month. Anything you earn up to this amount though is exempt from additional tax.

It’s important to note that if you do earn more than the monthly €538 minimum on your side hustle and thus have income subject to Tax class 6, you’ll need to file a tax return.

EXPLAINED: What German tax class are you in?

Do I have to charge VAT?

If your side hustle is earning you €22,000 a year or less, you can class yourself as a “small firm” or Kleinunternehmer – and you don’t need to charge VAT on your invoices. This is also the case if you earn above this amount but your income is earned abroad or from foreign clients. 

If you earn above that amount and work with German clients, then you will need to charge VAT and submit VAT returns to the Finanzamt. There can be advantages in doing this though, as it’s through these returns that you can get VAT back that you spend on legitimate business expenses.

EXPLAINED: What are the best bank accounts in Germany for freelancers?