Why has Zurich’s coronavirus vaccination plan been delayed?

Switzerland’s most populous canton is lagging behind the majority of the country when it comes to vaccinations.

Why has Zurich's coronavirus vaccination plan been delayed?
Photo: Arne Dedert / POOL / AFP

With a population of 1.5 million people, almost one in five people who live in Switzerland live in the canton of Zurich. 

But despite a relatively centralised population and some of the best access to resources in one of the world’s wealthiest countries, Zurich is lagging behind when it comes to vaccinating its population. 

What is the situation in Zurich? 

As at February 2nd, 2021, Zurich is vaccinating slower than 21 of Switzerland’s 26 cantons on a per capita basis. 

Zurich has vaccinated just 2.99 percent of its residents, which is slower than the Swiss average of 3.64. 

Only Bern, Neuchâtel, Aargau and Fribourg are vaccinating slower. 

UPDATED: Which Swiss cantons are vaccinating fastest against coronavirus? 

Is this a flaw of Zurich’s vaccine rollout – and how will things run in the future? 

What is Zurich’s vaccination strategy?

Cantonal authorities told Watson that the vaccination planning is a “logistical challenge with many unknown variables”. 

Zurich started vaccinations on January 4th – more than a week after the first vaccinations started on December 23rd 

Zurich started vaccinations at the Institute for Travel Medicine on Hirschengraben, which can carry out 600 vaccinations per day. 

According to the canton’s vaccination strategy, which was released in December, after risk groups are prioritised, health workers will get the jab in February. 

READ MORE: How can I get vaccinated for Covid-19 in Switzerland? 

Members of the general public were to be vaccinated from March at large vaccination centres across the canton, however the NZZ reported in January that this is now likely to start in April. 

When these centres hit full stride, an estimated 5,000 to 8,000 people will be vaccinated across the cantons. 

Why has the vaccine rollout been delayed? 

According to the NZZ, Zurich’s vaccination plan may have been too ambitious. 

Zurich wanted to set up six large vaccination centres, however cantonal authorities are still on the lookout for operators. 

Medical entities in Zurich have been reluctant to participate, citing low remuneration and a lack of staff. 

“We will not apply to operate a vaccination centre,” said Urs Müller, the CEO of Bülach Hospital. 

The centres require approximately 100 people daily, which Müller said the hospital does not have. 

“If we had so many staff available in the hospital that we could simply assign for other tasks, then we would not run our business very efficiently.”

Operators are paid CHF50 per vaccination, which Müller says is too low for operators to recoup their costs. 

“We already have enough to struggle with the financial damage caused by the pandemic,” Müller said. 

‘Accelerated with more vaccine’

Cantonal authorities have blamed hold ups in vaccine procurement for the delays rather than organisational hurdles, saying “timetable in the canton of Zurich could only be accelerated with more vaccine.”

By the second last week of January, approximately 24,989 vaccinations were carried out in Zurich. 

Delays in delivery however will continue to be felt into February, with 90,000 instead of the promised 113,000 Biontech/Pfizer doses delivered before the end of February

People can register to be vaccinated in Zurich at the following link


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Can you avoid high costs of medication in Switzerland by getting drugs abroad?

Most drugs, including generics, are quite a bit cheaper in other countries. But can you have your Swiss prescription filled abroad and bring the meds back?

Can you avoid high costs of medication in Switzerland by getting drugs abroad?

Not only are medicines more expensive in Switzerland than in many European countries, but their price continues to climb.

For original meds whose patents have expired, Swiss consumers now pay 14.3 percent more than patients abroad.

A year ago, the price difference was 10.8 percent, according to the health insurance association Santésuisse and the group for research-based pharmaceutical companies Interpharma . 

As has been the case for years, the price differences are particularly significant not only for brand drugs, but also for generics and biosimilars.

In a comparison with Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Sweden, the price of generics in Switzerland is 45.3 percent higher, while bio-similars cost nearly 30 percent more.

How is the price of drugs determined in Switzerland?

“The price of medicines covered by statutory basic medical insurance is not set on the open market but through complex state interventions,” according to Interpharma.

The prices of drugs that are reimbursed by the basic insurance are controlled by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

In order to determine the price of a medicinal product, the FOPH first considers the cost of therapy with products authorised to treat the same disease.

It then compares the prices of the same products in other countries with a pharmaceutical industry that is economically comparable to that of Switzerland’s.

The final price of drugs reflects Switzerland’s high-cost economy in general: research and development are more expensive in Switzerland than elsewhere, and production costs are higher as well.

Increasing healthcare premiums are an important factor as well.

And prices are set to increase even further. 

FOPH is adapting a new model for calculating the distribution margin. 

A distribution margin is the difference between the distributor’s cost of acquiring goods and the price at which those goods are sold.

From July 1st, 2024, inexpensive medicines whose factory price is less than, or equal to, 15 francs will become more expensive.

This change will affect more than half of medications currently being sold in Switzerland.

As a result of this move, “additional costs of several hundred million will be passed on to patients,” according to Intergenrika, which represents generic drug manufacturers in Switzerland. 

How much cheaper are medicines in neighbour countries?

Swiss-German news platform 20 Minuten compared the prices of some common drugs in Switzerland and Germany. 

For instance, painkiller Ibuprofen (400 milligrams, 20 tablets), costs €3.45 in Germany and 5.90 francs in Switzerland — a surcharge of 71 percent. 

A box of pantoprazole (a popular drug used to treat gastric reflux) is 12.95 francs in Switzerland compared to around 2.62 euros in Germany – a markup of 394 percent.

Similar price disparities also exist between Swiss drugs and those sold in France and Italy.

Can you import medicines to Switzerland to save money?

According to Switzerland’s drug regulatory agency, Swissmedic, people “may import a month’s supply of medicines into Switzerland for their own use but not for third parties”.

This rule is for both residents and tourists.

This means that you are only allowed to bring medications you will use yourself, and not sell them to others.

What about prescription medications?

While doctor’s orders issued within the European Union are valid throughout the EU, Switzerland is not covered by the agreement on recognition of cross-border prescriptions.

Therefore, pharmacists in neighbour countries — or elsewhere within the EU, for that matter — are not obliged to accept prescriptions from Switzerland.

You will have better luck in the UK, however,

From January 1st, 2021, a prescription issued in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein Norway or Switzerland can be dispensed in the UK if the prescriber is from a medical profession recognised in Britain.

Keep in mind, however, that names of drugs may be different there, so your doctor should write out the prescription accordingly.

Yes, but will your Swiss health insurance pay for the medicines you purchased abroad?

According to FOPH, “the costs will only be reimbursed for medicines that you require because of illness during a temporary stay abroad.”
If, on the other hand, you bring in meds for use while in Switzerland, then you must pay for them out of your own pocket.