Lockdown in France ‘not necessary at present’, says French PM

The French Prime Minister said on Thursday that it was holding off from imposing a third Covid lockdown because new infection numbers have stabilised and a vaccination rollout is accelerating.

Lockdown in France 'not necessary at present', says French PM
Prime minister Jean Castex, left, will be joined by health minister Olivier Véran for the press conference. Photo: AFP

Prime Minister Jean Castex told Thursday evening's press conference that the current state of the coronavirus epidemic in France did not warrant a new lockdown.

“A new lockdown can only be a last resort. Today’s situation does not justify it . . . we are not where we were in October,” he said.

“The objective we should set ourselves should not be to postpone (a lockdown) as long as possible, we should avoid it.”

The French PM did announce however that a new lockdown is to be imposed on the overseas territory of Mayotte.

School holidays begin on Saturday in some parts of France, and the PM confirmed that people will be able to travel over the holidays.

He said: “We have chosen not to limit travel between regions. Such a measure would have been justified if the circulation of the virus was very uneven between regions but this is not the case.”

He added that the great care that people took when travelling over the Christmas holidays – getting tests in advance, respecting rules and hygiene measures – saw the country avoiding a post-Christmas spike in cases.

READ ALSO February holidays in France – what are the rules and the official advice

The number of new cases of the virus reported per day. All graphics: French government
Last Friday France rowed back from imposing a third lockdown, instead opting to tighten restrictions already in place and close France's borders to non-EU travel.

This was described as a “last chance” to avoid another lockdown.

Covid-19 case numbers in France remain high but stable at around 20,000 new cases a day, but pressure is increasing on the country's hospitals with 64 percent of intensive care capacity now taken up with Covid patients.

The number of Covid patients in hospital recorded since March 2020

Castex said: “The health situation remains particularly fragile. Every day, France records an average of 20,000 new infections and 1,600 new hospitalisations.

“If the situation remains worrying, it is better than that in several of our neighbours”

“The mortality rate one of the lowest in Europe.”

Covid deaths around Europe per 1 million inhabitants

“The percentage of positive tests remains stable. . . The virus has not significantly increased its circulation these past weeks.”

There are also concerns around new, more contagious variants off the virus like the one first identified in the UK, which now accounts for 14 percent of all cases in France.

IN NUMBERS Are France's Covid stats good enough to avoid a third lockdown?

If, however, the health situation deteriorates, the government would “not hesitate to do what is necessary”, Castex added.

He said it was “not the time” to relax current restrictions, which include the closure of cafes and restaurants except for takeout meals, and of large shopping centres, and tough border restrictions, especially for non-EU travel.

Member comments

  1. The real reason is that these spineless creatures are afraid of any demonstrations and being unpopular because of next year’s elections.

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Do I need a prescription to get antibiotics in France?

A new law means that a prescription is not always required if you need antibiotics in France.

Do I need a prescription to get antibiotics in France?

In most cases, people in France requiring antibiotics will need a prescription (ordonnance) from a doctor.

However, there are two exceptions, according to a new decree published in France’s Journal Officiel on Tuesday.

The updated law allows French pharmacists to dispense antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription for two common infections; cystitis (UTIs) and tonsillitis/strep throat (angines in French), which can both be confirmed by a test at the pharmacy.

If you suspect you have either of these infections, you can go to the pharmacy to get a test, known as a Test Rapide d’Orientation Diagnostique or TROD.

If the test is positive, the pharmacist will be able to prescribe antibiotics without you having to visit a doctor. You can visit the pharmacy on a walk-in basis, with no need for an appointment, and at least one qualified pharmacist should be on the premises at all times.

The move comes after a relaxation on the rules around vaccines allowing pharmacists to give eight common vaccines without a doctor’s prescription – in addition to the Covid and seasonal flu vaccines which can already be accessed at a pharmacy without prescription. 

Pharmacists in France receive a minimum of six years of training and can offer medical advice for a range of conditions, as well as dispensing medication. 

READ MORE: More than prescriptions: 11 things you can do at a French pharmacy

What about prescriptions?

For all other types of conditions requiring antibiotics, a prescription will still be required.

In France, only doctors (both general practitioners and specialists), dental surgeons (chirurgiens-dentistes) and midwives (sages-femmes) are authorised to prescribe medicines.

As such, you would need an appointment with one of these professionals to get a prescription.

What if I’m just visiting France?

French residents would normally go to their registered doctor if they fall ill, but people who are either just visiting France or who are not registered in the French health system can access doctors too.

If you do have the carte vitale – the card confirming that you are registered in the French health system – you can still book an appointment with a doctor, although you won’t be entitled to any state reimbursement. You would have to either pay the costs yourself (€26 for a standard GP appointment, plus the cost of the prescription) or claim on your health or travel insurance if you have it.

Booking a GP appointment can be as simple as phoning a local doctor or using an online service such as Doctolib. You may also call up SOS Médecins if you want a home visit, but this costs more than a usual visit.

READ MORE: How to make a doctor’s appointment in France