Life in Barcelona: ‘Residents fear a second lockdown more than a second wave’

Barcelona hasn't returned to a full lockdown but residents have been advised to ‘stay at home’. Barcelona-based journalist Esme Fox explains what life is like as fears persist about a second-wave and yet more restrictions on daily life.

Life in Barcelona: 'Residents fear a second lockdown more than a second wave'
People sit at a terrace bar overlooking the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona on July 25, 2020. AFP

Covid-19 cases in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona, including in the city itself, have been increasing over the last few weeks, causing major concern and a reintroduction of restrictions.

The local Catalan government has advised people not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary and to stay within the city limits in bid to curb the latest outbreaks, however fines cannot be issued for going outside without a valid reason like before, and authorities are appealing to people’s social responsibility. 

Masks have been mandatory in the whole of Catalonia since July 9th, but many people had been wearing them long before that.

The difference now however is that masks must be worn everywhere, even outside where social distancing is possible. The only reasons you can remove them are for eating and drinking, exercising, sunbathing and swimming.

But masks are not the only things that have changed in the city, the lack of tourists is also strongly felt. La Rambla now feels like any other street, you can stand in front of the cathedral and take a picture without any other people and the famous market, La Boqueria, is almost empty. 

Shops, bars and restaurants remain open; however, dining venues have been reduced to 50 percent capacity once again and only meetings of up to 10 people are allowed.

People sit on the stairs of the National Art Museum of Barcelona (MNAC) in Barcelona on July 25, 2020. The Catalan government ordered the closure of all nightclubs, discos and event halls across this region of northeastern Spain following a surge in cases of coronavirus.AFP

On July 18th, all public cultural and sporting venues were closed, meaning that cinemas, gyms, sports facilities and nightclubs had to be shut down again, just little more than a month after they reopened. 

While some restrictions have now loosened, and gyms and cinemas can re-open, nightclubs remain closed. Despite the ‘stay at home’ request from the local government, most locals are ignoring the advice and continue to eat out in bars and restaurants and flock to the beaches.

In the stifling summer heat, these are some of the only places you can escape outdoors and not have to wear a mask.

Beach capacity in the city has recently been reduced by 15 percent, and on weekends people are often turned away when it’s too full or are required to queue until others leave. 

As of July 29th, even more restrictions have been brought into place. There is also now also a two-week ban on drinking alcohol in public places, which in Spain is known as ‘botellón’.

This means no more drinking on the beaches or in the parks. Many of the new outbreaks in the region have stemmed from parties and social gatherings and authorities are hoping this new ban will help to curb new infections. Fines ranging from 3,001 to 15,000 Euros can be issued to anyone breaking the rules. 

People sit at a terrace bar overlooking the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona on July 25, 2020. AFP.

On Monday, July 27th, Quim Torra, president of Catalonia asked citizens to act with ‘responsibility’ in order to avoid a more extreme lockdown. 

“The 10 most important days of the summer lie ahead of us now”, he said. We have 10 days to see if, with a renewed collective effort, we can start turning things around. Because if we don’t, we’ll have to take a step backwards”. 

While locals don’t seem to have followed his advice so far, without as many tourists in the city, social distancing is easier – bars and restaurants in the centre are not so crowded and there’s space on the beach during weekdays.

People here fear the virus, but there seems to be an even greater fear of a second lockdown. Across Spain, people were confined to their homes, not even being allowed out for a walk in more two months, and most people are terrified of having to go through that again.

It seems that most people just want to able to enjoy the outdoors as much as they can, in case a new mandatory lockdown is put in place. 

Recent figures released on July 30th, however, do suggest that the spread of the virus in Barcelona is slowing down and that the restrictions and social distancing measures may just be working. Even so, locals can’t let their guard down just yet. 


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Barcelona to have its own Thyssen museum

The Catalan capital will soon have its own Thyssen art museum on the central Paseo de Gracia avenue, joining cities such as Madrid and Málaga.

Barcelona to have its own Thyssen museum

The Thyssen-Bornemisza is one of Madrid’s most prominent art galleries, known as one corner of Madrid’s Golden Triangle of Art, along with the Prado and the Reina Sofía, and houses part of the Carmen Thyssen private collection. Another branch of the Museo Carmen Thyssen opened in Málaga in 2011.

Now, a new museum with artwork owned by Baroness Thyssen, Carmen Cervera, is set to open in another of Spain’s most artistic cities – the Catalan capital of Barcelona.

The museum will be made up of pieces from Cervera’s extensive private collection. One of the world’s most important art collectors, the baroness, who was born in Barcelona, told newspaper La Vanguardia that having a museum here would be the best way to pay homage to her home city.

“To be able to host a significant museum in my city of Barcelona, showcasing some of the finest works of Catalan art is the best legacy I can leave to future generations,” she told the newspaper.

Cervera and investment firm Stoneweg made a bid for the city’s iconic Comedia cinema, located on the corner of Passeig de Gracia and and Gran Via, to be turned into the museum.

Sources say that the current agreement has been signed for 25 years, meaning that the rest of the baroness’s private collection, currently rented out to galleries and exhibitions around the world, will now have a home.

Cervera already had plans to move part of her collection to Barcelona in 2012 in the Fira de Barcelona at the foot of Montjuïc, but ultimately the project failed and since then she has been keen to find a new home in the city.

The plan is that the museum will house part of her art collection, as well as various cultural activities.

The Comedia cinema showed its last film in January of this year after screening the latest movies for six decades and has remained empty since then.

The owners received many proposals and ideas for transforming the venue but ultimately decided to go with the new Thyssen art museum.

Currently, the baroness, who has a large collection of Catalan art from the 19th and 20th centuries, has museums in Málaga and Andorra, an exhibition space in Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava) and works in the Thyssen-Bornemisza Foundation in Madrid.