ANALYSIS: What it’s like living in Spain as fears of a second wave become real

If you have ever watched Back to the Future, you may have an idea of how things feel in Spain right now as fears of a second wave and another lockdown grow, writes Graham Keeley in Barcelona.

ANALYSIS: What it's like living in Spain as fears of a second wave become real
People queue to be tested at a temporary testing centre for the novel coronavirus in the Spanish Basque city of Gernika. AFP

There is a sense that Spain is going back in time.

When the country emerged from lockdown in June, it appeared that many had the sensation that Covid-19 was over.

Restaurants were full, bars were open, people did not wear masks much and the good times were back again.

Of course, back then you still read about new Covid-19 cases and the occasional death but it appeared that many people thought: that would not happen to me.

Well, now it might.

Just as it was at the height of the pandemic, the daily news is filled once again with the number of  new cases, which are now averaging 3,000 per day.

Compare that with June, when the average daily number of coronavirus cases was 132.

The death toll is also rising per day. As I write it has been over 100 for three days this week. But it is nothing like the dreadful days of March or April.

Masks are part of daily life, like leaving the house with your keys and wallet.

You think twice about going to a restaurant, staying at a hotel, travelling on public transport. Does it look safe? Do I really need to go there?

A friend who is returning to Madrid after months away is making the journey home with some trepidation as the capital now has one of the highest rates of infection.

The language of the government reminds me of the financial crash of 2008.

Then, the Socialist government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero banned ministers using the word 'crisis' – even though everyone knew Spain was heading for economic ruin.

Now another Socialist government, this time led by Pedro Sanchez, seems to want to avoid the words 'second wave'.

Officials like Fernando Simón, the country's health emergency chief, have come very close to saying the words but then he is not a politician.

Semantics aside, life is about to change for millions in a practical way next week when the schools start to go back.

Harvard University said schools should not return until the infection rate was about 20 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The current rate in Spain is an eye-popping 191 per 100,000.

Anyway, the government seems intent on getting the eight million pupils back into the classrooms so their parents can work and save the economy.

What does this mean?

Amid a rather confused message about how school life will be- with different versions according to which of the 17 regions you live in – it seems some things are beginning to emerge from the ether.

From the age of six, pupils will be asked to sit and learn about geography or science wearing a mask all day.

That is uncomfortable enough normally but in September, when temperatures are around 25C, it is not going to be fun. Imagine how classrooms full of children wearing masks will react? Good luck to the teachers.

Photo: AFP


Pupils will be split up into different classrooms. Perhaps some will be sitting at desks in the playground?

Mass testing of pupils is on the cards, another addition to the rather strange schooling our children are going to go through.

What effect  all this is having on their education and their mental welfare will probably only be known later. Missing so much school cannot be a good thing.

As a parent, you wonder quietly to yourself what if  one pupil at a school is diagnosed with Covid-19? Will the school close?

As infection rates rise, some parents have considered withholding their children from school.

A friend of mine says amid the confusion around regulations and the soaring coronavirus cases, she is going to keep her two daughters away from school for a few weeks. I suspect she is not alone.

Yet, despite this, I am sure – in fact in our family's case I know – that everyone is looking forward to going back to school.

The kids want to see their friends, experience this weird new version of school and perhaps – if they were honest – get away from their parents.

It is, if I were honest, just the same for the parents. Around this time of the year is pretty much always like this for parents in a country where the summer holidays drag on interminably.

Except this time round, they just started in March.

If as we expect, the schools go back, then the great majority of us worker bees will probably still be stuck at home “teletrabajando”.

Nadia Calviño, the Spanish economy minister, insists Spain is on the road to recovery but controlling the coronavirus outbreaks will be key to keeping this trend going.

A friend of mine has lost his job because of the pandemic. As he struggles to try to find a job, the recovery seems a long way off.



Graham Keeley is a Spain-based freelance journalist who covered the country for The Times from 2008 to 2019. Follow him on Twitter @grahamkeeley .







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OPINION: Bellingham is the Real example of a Brit integrating in Spain

Real Madrid’s English midfielder has not only had a dreamlike first season at his new club, he’s won the hearts of Spaniards with his desire to learn the language and fit in. With all the bad press Brits in Spain get, is he their saving grace?

OPINION: Bellingham is the Real example of a Brit integrating in Spain

Jude Bellingham couldn’t have wished for a better start at Real Madrid with 23 goals in all competitions, scoring in both El Clásicos, winning La Liga and now the Champions League after Los Blancos’ 2-0 win against Borussia Dortmund on Saturday.

Already adored by the Santiago Bernabéu, he’s literally and metaphorically football’s Golden Boy (he won the award for best young male footballer playing in Europe in December 2023).

On and off the pitch, anyone who’s followed Jude Bellingham’s meteoric rise is flabbergasted by his maturity, humility and good values at just 20. 

He’s a likeable young man who is open to appearing on camera hugging his parents and showing respect to senior figures at the club, at an age when such sudden stardom could quite easily go to his head. 

In fact, he’s arguably already left more of a mark on Real Madrid and Spanish football than fellow Brits David Beckham and Gareth Bale ever did.

Even if in a footballing sense some may question that remark after just one season, it’s certainly overwhelmingly true when it comes to how Spaniards view British footballers as a reflection of where they hail from.

Bellingham celebrates Real Madrid’s 15th Champions League with his mother Denise, his father Mark and his brother Jobe. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP)

In essence, Jude is the anti-guiri – a foreigner in Spain who wants to adapt and learn, not one who expects others to adapt to him – and in the process is unknowingly doing a lot to clean up the questionable image Spaniards have of the Brits who visit their shores.

READ ALSO: Is the Spanish word ‘guiri’ (foreigner) offensive?

In an article published in sport newsite Relevo in July 2023, soon after his signing for Real Madrid, journalist Sergio Santos ran with the headline “Jude Bellingham, the least English Englishman Real Madrid has known”, in reference to how worries were quelled regarding Bellingham and how generally badly British footballers have previously fared in Spain. 

The main reason Real Madrid bet Bellingham would be different was his “adventurous” nature and adaptability, having left his native Birmingham to play for Borussia Dortmund in Germany at a very tender 17 years of age.

As soon as he signed for Real, he voiced his commitment to learn Spanish as quickly as possible, and judging by his most recent interview during Champions League celebrations at the Bernabéu, he’s stuck to his promise. 

Speaking at a low-intermediate level of Spanish and displaying high levels of understanding, Bellingham appeared to have also fully embraced Spaniards’ touchy-feely nature as he hugged the reporter interviewing him. 

Such is his desire to live and breathe Spanish that Bellingham now often celebrates his goals with a Spanish ¡Vamos! (The equivalent of ‘Get in!’ in English).

By comparison, Beckham and Bale not only spoke less Spanish after four and nine years respectively at Madrid, they rarely dared to have a go at showing off a few words of castellano with reporters.

For Michael Owen, the language barrier was the main reason he left the galácticos after just one season.

Young supporters hold sign reading ‘Bellingham give me your shirt please, today is my birthday’. (Photo by Thomas COEX / AFP)

Other Brits who played in Spain such as Gary Lineker, Steve McManaman, Steve Archibald and Michael Robinson did manage to improve their Spanish, but not quite at the pace of the precocious Jude. 

In terms of integration, Bellingham’s warm nature and friendship with the Spanish players has surprised many who were accustomed to the nonchalant attitude of Gareth Bale, who never really seemed to care much about Spain, or football for that matter (his number one love being golf).

Beckham’s legacy at Real Madrid was by no means unsuccessful but his superstardom meant he lived a different existence to most of his teammates, always pampered and never forced to integrate.

Kieran Trippier, who spent three years at Atlético de Madrid, admitted it was hard to adapt at first but that his first priority was to learn Spanish by having classes every day. He may not be the perfect example of Spanish integration, but at least his Argentinian teammates got him to exchange tea for mate.

By contrast, only one month into the season, Jude Bellingham was already referring to the Santiago Bernabéu stadium as mi casa (my house), posting on Instagram that he was “settled” and taking every opportunity possible to write something in Spanish.

Whether his dietary and work requirements have allowed him to indulge in a few tapas and cañas (small beers) in true Spanish style we don’t know, but the 20-year-old was mobbed last December as he attempted to take a leisurely stroll down Madrid’s iconic Gran Vía. 

Bellingham may just be a footballer, but he’s arguably the best ambassador for Brits abroad that there is currently. 

More an insider than an expat, a gentleman than a hooligan, Bellingham has replaced the legendary late footballer-turned-pundit Michael Robinson as Spain’s most loved Englishman. 

READ ALSO: Spain pays tribute to Michael Robinson, hero of football commentary

At a time when anti-mass tourism feelings in the country are simmering and the patience towards the drunk and disorderly behaviour of some British tourists has worn thin, Real Madrid’s new superstar offers proof that there are UK nationals who want to integrate, learn the lingo and respect the culture when in Spain.