What you are allowed to do in Switzerland again as of June 6th

On June 6th, most of the Swiss government's coronavirus lockdown restrictions will be loosened. Here's what you are allowed to do again from today.

What you are allowed to do in Switzerland again as of June 6th
Nothing says 'the end of lockdown' like a Swiss flag waving in the wind. Photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP

On Wednesday, May 27th, Swiss Health Minister Alain Berset announced which of the current coronavirus lockdown measures would be relaxed and when they would be relaxed. 

Swiss president Simonetta Sommaruga told the media “Switzerland is reborn”, saying “we now know it is possible to control the virus”. 

“The number of new cases of infection has remained stable at a low level for a number of weeks now, as has the number of hospital admissions and deaths,” she said. 

Berset also announced that the state of emergency, first declared on March 16th, will officially end on June 19th. 

Swiss president Simonetta Sommaruga. Image: AFP

You can go to restaurants and bars in bigger groups

Previously, groups at restaurants in Switzerland could not exceed four, and there was a voluntary requirement that all customers provide their data so that they can be tracked and contacted in the event of an outbreak. 

As of June 6th, the maximum of guests per table will be scrapped – but larger groups will be required to register, with the information of each attendee to be kept. 

A distance of two metres between groups remains mandatory. 

You (or your kids) can go on summer camp

Summer camps will again be allowed from June 6th, provided they don’t exceed the maximum of 300 children.

Complete lists of those in attendance must be kept.  

READ: How effective have Switzerland's coronavirus lockdown measures been?

Camping at regular camping sites – whether in a tent or in a camper van – is again allowed. 

You (and your kids) can go to school or vocational training again

Middle schools, vocational schools and universities will again be allowed from June 6th. 

You can train and play sports again

Training for all sports will again be allowed from June 6th, regardless of group size. 

All sports – except those with a high level of contact – will be allowed to train again. 

The one requirement is that a list of those in attendance must be kept. 

You can hit da club again – but be sure to keep your distance

Party people will be pleased, as they can now visit discos and nightclubs again.

Although the risk of transmitting the coronavirus would appear high in nightclubs, the Swiss government requires establishments to adhere to a range of distancing and hygiene rules. 

This is set to include a maximum of 300 people at each establishment, while patrons will also be expected to keep two metres apart at all times. 

Nightclubs – along with all bars and pubs – will also have to close at midnight. 

However, as reported by Swiss media outlet Watson, clubs will again be allowed to open at 6am – enabling after hours parties. 

You can go to zoos, campsites, casinos, amusement parks and swimming pools again

Campsites, swimming pools and leisure facilities such as rope and climbing parks can reopen on June 6th. 

Amusement parks, casinos, zoos, botanical gardens and wellness facilities are also allowed to open from June 6th. 

You can visit brothels again

From June 6th, brothels and sex work is again allowed to take place. 

Brothels have listed sex positions which are approved – and which should be avoided. 

Swiss media outlet 20 Minutes also said that patrons of adult services have been advised that 'face-related services' should be avoided as much as possible. 

READ: Swiss brothels outline list of coronavirus-safe sex positions in a bid to end lockdown

Grandparents can babysit their children again

Seniors have been encouraged to again resume their social life, while grandparents may also babysit their grandchildren once more

You can meet in groups, attend sporting events and demonstrations again (actually you could do this from May 30th)

Groups of up to 30 people will again be allowed to meet in public places from May 30th, increasing from the current limit of five. 

The maximum number will be higher for events. From June 6th, groups of up to 300 people to be allowed for protests, trade fairs, private events and ceremonies, theatre performances and film screenings.

People at these events will however be required to keep a distance of two metres at all times. 

Demonstrators will need to apply for a permit and will need to explain how they plan to minimise the spread of the virus. 

You can go to sporting events again (well, from June 8th onwards)

Switzerland’s top-flight football competition – the Swiss Super League – will be allowed to resume from June 8th. 

Groups of up to 1,000 people will be allowed at sporting events from July, however venues will need to provide indications as to how they will ensure that social distancing requirements are met. 

What else can you do soon? Cross the border from June 15th

Complete freedom of movement will be restored in and out of Switzerland by July 6th at the latest. 

Some border controls will be relaxed earlier however, with border controls to Germany, Austria and France lifted by June 15th. 

From June 8th, applications from EU/EFTA workers will again be processed. Swiss companies will also be allowed to hire workers from non-EU/EFTA countries provided they are in a highly-skilled category, and this is either in the public interest or there is an urgent need. 

One further issue to be discussed is the fate of Switzerland’s southern border. 

Italy unilaterally announced on May 17th that it would be opening its borders on the June 3rd – much to the surprise of Swiss authorities. 

Swiss authorities caught by surprise by the re-opening of Italy's borders 

Switzerland said today that the border with Italy will not be opened on June 3rd. 

Karin Keller-Sutter said during the press conference that she respected Italy's decision – but the border opening would not be reciprocated. 

“Of course we are also in contact with Italy. It had announced that it would reopen its borders to tourists on June 3. We respect this sovereign decision.”

However, Switzerland and other neighbouring countries in Italy want the reopening to take place in a coordinated manner. We will not open our borders with Italy on June 3rd.”

Therefore, if Italy does open the border earlier, it would be possible for Swiss residents and citizens to cross into and back out of Italy from June 3rd. Italian residents would however not be able to cross into Switzerland. 

What will happen at Switzerland's southern border? Image: AFP

When will the next round of lockdown relaxations be made? 

On June 24th, the Federal Council will announce further relaxations – including whether larger events are to be allowed. Currently, events with more than 1,000 people are banned until August 31, 2020. 

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EXPLAINED: What does the ‘bio’ label on foods in Switzerland really mean?

All major Swiss supermarkets have products designated as ‘bio’, which refers to their ‘organic’ farming or manufacturing methods. But what exactly does this label represent?

EXPLAINED: What does the 'bio' label on foods in Switzerland really mean?

In its press release published in June 2024, Bio Suisse, an umbrella group for organic food producers, said that residents of Switzerland are international ‘bio’ champions. 

“With consumption of 454 francs per capita, Switzerland ranks first in international comparison,” the organisation said. “In no other European country is the organic basket of goods as large.”

In terms of preference for organic food, “Switzerland is ahead of Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg and Sweden. Germany follows in sixth place and France just behind in seventh place,” Bio-Suisse added.

This finding is not surprising because the consumption of this more expensive type of food is directly linked to income: the wealthier the country, the more its residents are willing to spend on organic products.

What does a ‘bio’ label stand for in Switzerland?

In a nutshell, organic products must meet much higher standards and comply with more requirements than the ‘conventional’ foods in the way they are grown and manufactured.

Contrary to most conventional production methods, organic farming is more sustainable — that is, it protects the environment and conserves resources instead of depleting them.

A total of 7,362 organic farmers and producers are members of Bio Suisse.

In addition, more than 2,300 operations abroad are also certified according to the Bio Suisse standards, which means their farming / production methods are equivalent to those practiced in Switzerland.

Can you trust a ‘bio’ label, or is it just a lot of hype (as some people claim?)

In Switzerland, this process is strictly controlled by various organic farming ordinances, which are enforced by the Federal Office for Agriculture (BLW). 

This means that every farm that produces, prepares, trades or imports organic products is inspected and certified at least once a year by one of the four accredited and approved certification bodies in Switzerland.

These laws also set out the principles by which agricultural products and foodstuffs labelled as organic must be made, and which non-toxic substances are authorised for use in organic farming and for preparing organic food.

Why are organic products more expensive than conventional ones?

Among the main reasons are more rigorous production and certification standards, which must meet all the requirements set out by the BLW.

Also, operational costs involved in the use of natural, pesticide-free fertilisers and high-quality animal feed, are higher in organic farming than in conventional one.

Additionally, the supply of organic food in Swiss supermarkets is more limited than that of conventional one, which pushes prices up.

And then there is this often-asked question: is organic food in Switzerland in really healthier?

Some people will swear by the better quality and higher nutritional value of organic products, while others will say the benefits are exaggerated.

There is no definite answer to this question, except this: some studies have shown possible health benefits of organic foods when compared with foods grown using conventional process.

However, there is limited information to prove how these differences can give potential overall health benefits.

But Zurich authorities believe in the ‘power’ of organic foods: in 2022, they mandated that most of the food served in the city’s hospitals, care centres, childcare facilities, and schools, be organic.