Let’s talk Covid-19: Call for video interviews for French film project

Film group Lost in Frenchlation has a call for entries open to anyone wanting to take part in a collaborative film project which will document this pivotal period of history we’re living through.

Let's talk Covid-19: Call for video interviews for French film project
Photo: AFP

It may not have crossed your mind yet, but the past three months on planet earth will have their own chapter in history books and documentaries 50 and 100 years from now. 

It’s a momentous and trying time which every country will look back on, hopefully in the knowledge that despite the loss of life and hardships it caused, it at least served to make a positive change in society.

This is the thinking behind Paris-based cinema group Lost in Frenchlation, which in normal times runs regular screenings of French films with English subtitles in the capital and regularly contributes French cinema articles to The Local.

A year ago, they hosted a screening of Chris Marker’s 1963 Le Joli Mai (The Lovely Month of May), a film which captured a cultural, political, and social portrait of Parisians at a turning point in French history.

This year they themselves want to document history in the making, with the help of anyone else in France who also wishes to participate.

“We are launching a collaborative project aimed at encouraging people to reconnect with each other and project the voice of a society in transition,” Lost in Frenchlation writes.

“At a time when humanity has been plunged into uncertainty and individualism, and as we go through a major environmental and humanitarian crisis, our project aims to find a solution in listening to each other, showing empathy for others, sharing common human values and embracing togetherness.”

The film group is calling on people who want to take part to connect with a willing stranger in the street and film the interaction (max. 3 mins).

The interviews should be centred around three main questions:
1. The person’s experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic
2. What they are hoping for or fearing about the years ahead
3. What changes they are willing to make to better society

Submissions are open to pros and beginner filmmakers alike, just remember to stick to the current safety measures such as social distancing during filming.

Participants can send their videos to [email protected]. Lost in Frenchlation will select extracts to be featured in their project which they will screen in their partner cinemas once they reopen.

Whether you’re in Paris or somewhere in France or the world, you are welcome to send in your filmed Covid-19 conversation with a stranger. Interviews can be in French, English or any other language.

So, what do you think? Want to take part and one day see your video on the big screen?

If so, find out more here.  

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The disability comedy besting blockbusters in France

A low-budget French comedy about a camp for disabled people has become a "societal phenomenon" in France, trouncing Hollywood blockbusters like "Dune 2" and Mad Max spin-off "Furiosa".

The disability comedy besting blockbusters in France

“A Little Something Extra” has sold 5.8 million tickets as the latest box office numbers were released on Wednesday.

It is the latest example of a film to become a massive hit outside Paris, where snobbier cinephiles tend to ignore broad comedies in favour of arthouse chin-strokers.

But five weeks after its release, even Parisians are now flocking to see the light-hearted tale about a bank robber who pretends to be disabled to hide out in a holiday camp.

Each week it has easily bested new Hollywood releases, including “The Fall Guy” and “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” with budgets many times its own €6.2 million.

READ MORE: 12 popular French films that teach you something about France

Experts say “A Little Something Extra”, starring and directed by stand-up comedian Artus (who goes by a single name) has struck a chord at a time when the country is embroiled in a bitter European election campaign.

“We’re in a moment in France where the political atmosphere is highly charged and people are looking for something to bring them back together,” Eric Marti, of box office analysts Comscore, told AFP.

Describing it as a “societal phenomenon”, he said the film, which features several actors with disabilities, was inclusive without the increasingly unpopular left-wing rhetoric about representation.

“It has a notion of inclusion — but for real. It’s not a lecture. It’s simple, funny, moving and respectful,” said Marti.

Some of the biggest successes of recent years in France have featured disability.

“La Famille Belier” was about a deaf family — remade into the Oscar-winning “Coda” — and remains the biggest such hit of the last decade, for now.

Even bigger was 2011’s “The Intouchables” about a quadriplegic aristocrat and his live-in carer (played by “Lupin” star Omar Sy) that sold some 19.5 million tickets.

“A Little Something Extra” has benefitted from long-term investment in France’s cinema, said Marti.

“But in all countries where cinemas have recovered from the pandemic… it’s places where local films have worked well,” he said.

“France maybe has a few more than most. It shows we aren’t dependent on the latest American blockbuster.”