LATEST: France says quarantine plan won’t apply to people arriving from UK, EU or Schengen area

People arriving into France could face a mandatory two-week quarantine - although on Sunday the presidency made it clear it would not apply to anyone coming into the country from the UK, the EU or Schengen area. Here's what we know so far.

LATEST: France says quarantine plan won't apply to people arriving from UK, EU or Schengen area
Travel from the UK to France is currently heavily restricted. AFP

France said on Sunday that it would not quarantine anyone arriving from the EU, the Schengen area or Britain due to the coronavirus, as it prepares to start easing confinement measures after two months of lockdown.

On Saturday, the government had said it would extend the state of emergency to contain the crisis until at least July 24, and anyone entering France – and there are tight restrictions on who exactly can enter France right now –  would have to remain in isolation for two weeks.

But the quarantine rules would not apply to “anyone arriving from the European Union, the Schengen zone or Britain, regardless of their nationality”, the presidency said on Sunday.

And for French and EU citizens arriving in France from other regions outside the EU, the Schengen area and Britain, “the rules will be announced in the coming days”, the presidency said.

On Saturday health minister Olivier Véran had announced a “compulsory quarantine will concern anyone entering the national territory, an overseas territory or Corsica”.

The measure was part of proposals to extend the State of Health Emergency until July 24th, which is set to be debated by parliament on Tuesday.

As part of the planned measures, Veran said all travellers entering France, who need to meet certain criteria and carry an international travel certificate, may have to remain confined for two weeks.

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The minister said people who are not symptomatic would be quarantined and those who develop symptoms and are diagnosed positive for coronavirus by a doctor will be put in isolation.

This would typically concern “French people who travelled abroad and who want to come home,” he said.

Before Sunday's announcement from the presidency The Local had asked the French Prime Minister's office to clarify the rules, but in a short statement to RFI radio a spokesperson said: “This may apply to anyone who arrives after being in an area where the infection is circulating.” 

Veran's announcement sparked more questions than answers, especially on the matter of who would the quarantine apply to. What about cross-border workers, truck drivers or people crossing France by car to get to their home in another European country.

After his speech some clarifications were made.

Interior Minister Cristophe Castaner later added that there would be exceptions for people who regularly cross the border such as frontalier workers and haulage drivers. 

He said there were already provisions in place for people “who live close to the border or who live in France and travel regularly to another country for work”.

Then on Sunday the presidency made it known that anyone from the EU, the UK or the Schengen area would be exempt.

The French Embassy in the UK tweeted that the measures would not apply to people travelling from the UK to France.

The plans still need to be approved by the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.

The first State of Health Emergency declaration passed easily, but the extension appears to be causing more political problems, leading to several amendments.

Tight restrictions on people entering France

Entry into France is currently heavily restricted with an international travel certificate required for everyone crossing the border and only those who meet certain criteria allowed in, such as permanent residents in France or cross-border or health workers. (More details here)

Tourists and those with second homes in France are currently not allowed to travel to France and are warned they may be turned away at the border.

The French government has not specified how long these travel restrictions will be in place after May 11th. France's borders, like the rest of the EU and Schengen area are closed to non-EU passengers except for essential travel reasons.

Quarantined in hotels or medical centres?

It was also not clear where people would be quarantined or isolated with the government planning to announce further details in the coming days, but the government said quarantine would be financed “by state means”.

French media suggested people would be quarantined in hotels or medical centres.

The condition of the length of quarantine, the place where people will be asked to stay, the health monitoring and restrictions on outings that apply to those quarantined will be specified in the coming days after the advice of the Scientific Council, said the minister. 
While the parliament is set to vote on the raft of emergency measures the practical aspects of the quarantine rule will be decided by decree.
The total duration of isolation, whatever the situation, could never exceed 30 days, said Véran and people will have the right of appeal to a judge who must decide their case within 72 hours.

Infected people already in France will, however, not be forced to accept isolation and treatment, as “we trust French people's sense of responsibility”, Veran said.

The government had initially announced a plan for everyone in France who test positive for Covid-19 to isolate for two weeks either at home or in special accommodation, and initial plans were to give local authorities the power to enforce quarantine.

However this was altered after protests over heavy-handedness, and now the quarantine will be something that people are only asked to do in order to protect the health of others.

“We are going to have to live with the virus for a while,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said after Saturday's  cabinet meeting deciding the extension.

“Learning to live with the virus, that's what's at stake in the coming months.”

Member comments

  1. I agree with Boggy. A quick google search reveals the following: “In 2016, France welcomed 64.5 million European tourists and 18.1 million non-European tourists.”


    Obviously the raw numbers might be very different with Covid-19 post lockdown, but assuming the ratio holds then EU visitors represent 78% of tourists in France. Including schengen would make the percentage a bit higher.

    So the quarantine rules might only apply to less than 20% of visitors. I hope I’m wrong.

  2. I am Australian – we have extremely low cases of the virus – and I may be put in quarantine if I come over and lose two weeks of my five week stay in my own house there? That does not seem reasonable.

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How Paris’s Olympic carpool lanes will work 

Throughout the Olympic and Paralympic Games periods, some 185km of lanes on roads around Paris will be reserved for event-related traffic – here’s what you need to know.

How Paris’s Olympic carpool lanes will work 

Between July 15th and September 11th, ‘Olympic lanes’ will be in use along certain stretches of key roads in and around Paris.

These lanes will be reserved for use by accredited vehicles to transport athletes, accredited journalists and official delegations, as well as emergency and security vehicles, cabs, ambulances and public transport.

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The lanes will be activated on July 15, on the following roads:

  • A1 between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle, until September 11th;
  • A4 between Collégien and Porte de Bercy until August 13th, then from August 30th to September 8th;
  • A12 between Rocquencourt and Montigny le Bretonneux until August 13th, and again from August 27th to September 8th;
  • A13 between Porte Maillot and Rocquencourt until August 13th, then from August 27th to September 8th;
  • Boulevard périphérique, from Porte de Vanves to Porte de Bercy, via the north until August 13th, then from August 22th to September 11th;
  • Boulevard Circulaire (La Défense) until August 13th, then from August 22nd to September 11th;
  • Lanes on certain routes in Paris.

None of these roads will be closed – lanes along these routes that are not reserved for Olympic or Paralympic Games traffic are open to road users as usual.

The lanes in question will be signposted – signs, clearly marked with the words “Paris 2024”, will be in place from July 1st, and will be removed by the end of the day on September 15h. 

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Who can use dedicated Olympic lanes?

Only vehicles and road users that have been properly accredited by the Organising Committee of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games can travel along these lanes during the periods indicated above. 

They include:

  • vehicles of accredited persons;
  • cabs;
  • public transport vehicles;
  • vehicles designed to facilitate the transport of people with reduced mobility;
  • and emergency and security vehicles.

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All other vehicles are prohibited from using these lanes throughout the Olympic Games period. Any vehicle circulating on an Olympic lane without having received prior authorisation is liable to a fine of €135 and possible further prosecution.

Road users without Olympic accreditation are advised to be aware of possible travel issues, as more vehicles are filtered into the other lanes. Therefore it would be wise to allow a little extra time for your journey if you are using one of the listed roads during the Games period.

An interactive map, showing routes with Olympic lanes is available here