Nurses open up about life on the coronavirus front line in France

Overworked French health personnel struggle to keep up the morale as the number of coronavirus patients in the need of hospital care continues to grow.

Nurses open up about life on the coronavirus front line in France
Hospital workers protested in demand for higher salaries and better work conditions in November, 2019, saying they were pushed to the brink. Now, they are facing their as of yet biggest challenge. Pho

Every evening at the stroke of eight, millions of people across France take to their balconies to bang pots, beat drums, blow trumpets and to whistle and clap as loudly as they can.

The wave of sound from the nightly ritual in support of the country's health workers has become a morale-boosting moment of communion for a population confined to their homes for nearly three weeks.

But with the hundreds dying every day, the stoicism of the everyday heroes it celebrates is being sorely tested.

“Waking up this morning I cried. I cried eating breakfast. I cried getting ready,” nurse Elise Cordier wrote in a Facebook post that revealed the fear and anguish of those on the front line.

Once in “the hospital locker room,” she said, “I dried my tears. I breathed in. I breathed out. The people in the hospital beds are crying too, and it is I who am there to dry their tears.”

With the peak of the new coronavirus still to hit France, medical staff are girding themselves for a situation they never imagined they would face.

“Our teams are afraid of the uncertainty awaiting us this week and the whole month of April,” said Professor Elie Azoulay, who leads the intensive care unit of a Paris hospital which has tripled its capacity with 50 new beds. All are now full.

'They inspire respect' 

“They are afraid for themselves and their loved ones, afraid of not making it, of being overwhelmed,” Azoulay said, knowing that nurses and doctors have lost their lives elsewhere.

“But they are stoical too, dignified and frankly they inspire respect,” he added. “The nurses have amazed me.”

Not only do staff have to contend with the death and suffering of patients gasping for air as COVID-19 weakens their lungs, but also the fear that they themselves will fall ill and infect their families at home.

“They talk of a wave, of a tsunami, which by definition means that we will be submerged,” said Benjamin Davido, medical crisis director at the Raymond-Poincare hospital west of Paris.

“The fear is that we are going to have say to sick people on stretchers: 'Sorry, we have no more beds,'” he said.

The other great worry, Davido said, was having to tend to their own colleagues. Emotions aside, “it is not exactly what you would want ethically.

Everybody knows this and has started talking about it,” he said.

Anxiety has not been helped by the chronic shortage of masks and protective gear in French hospitals, with anger peaking after the death of the first French doctor 10 days ago, a man who had returned from holiday in his birthplace of Madagascar to help with the first major outbreak.

IN MAPS: How the coronavirus epidemic has hit different parts of France

Photo: AFP

'Don't come home, Mum'

Hospital psychologists who in the past were there to look after patients are now turning their attention to their colleagues.

At Clermont-Ferrand in the centre of France, psychiatrist Dr Julie Geneste said that beyond the fear of “not being able to cope”, most of the calls they have received to their support unit have been about “dealing with the anxiety of relatives and friends and the fear of infecting them.”

“This is something new, that our generation has never known at this level,” she said.

“We were not prepared for this,” said Etienne, a young doctor in the Paris region, who has been shaken by seeing one of his patients turned away from intensive care.

“We are all in agony… Some of my colleagues are in a state of shock, people are going off sick fearing for their families.”

Psychologist Nicolas Dupuis said he has seen calls rocket to 200 a day to the Pro-consult service he works for that supports medical staff. Carers are often caught in a double bind, he said, between their loyalty to their family and to their patients.

Dupuis said one nurse was being nagged by her partner to undress as soon as she arrived home and “bugged her all weekend when she touched her face – even when she had clean hands.”

But often it is their children's fears that hit hardest. One care assistant told him, “My seven-year-old daughter said to me, 'Mum, if you get sick, don't come home'.”

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Why washing your car in France can lead to a €450 fine

France has strict regulations about washing your car, and failure to abide by these can lead to hefty fines.

Why washing your car in France can lead to a €450 fine

For many car owners, warm weather means time to finally give the vehicle a good wash.

But motorists in France should know that washing your car, motorcycle or other vehicle at home can actually be against the law in France – with some regulation even covering activities in your own driveway or garden.

Failing to respect the rules can lead to hefty fines. 

What does the law say?

There are two levels of regulation that affect car-washing – the Environmental Code and local regulations, but both of them are concerned about the same thing; the environmental impact of the runoff from your car washing.

During summer you also need to check if there are any drought restrictions in place, as some of these also ban any type of car-washing. 

In 1979, Paris became one of the first cities in France to pass legislation restricting where you can wash your car. The original Paris law states “Car washing is prohibited on the public highway, riverbanks, harbours and quays, as well as in public parks and gardens”. 

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Since then, most départements across France have adopted similar decrees, which cover car-washing on public land – roads, pavements, parks or similar.

In order to find the rules in your area, contact your local préfecture (or ask the mayor), but most areas now have a ban on car-washing on the public highway, with a penalty of a third-class fine of €450. 

However there is also the Environmental Code, which operates on a national level, and that can cover even your own private property such as a driveway, garage or garden.

The Code states that “direct or indirect discharge of harmful substances into surface or groundwater is prohibited”.

This can affect wastewater from washing a vehicle as certain chemicals in car wash detergents, as well as any runoff motor oil, can have negative effects on local flora and fauna. Runoff can happen from both public and private land, which is why the Environmental Code has a wider scope.

Violating the rules on discharging harmful substances into water carries a maximum penalty of a two-year prison sentence or a fine of €75,000. Judges can also order defendants to carry out restoration of the environment that they contaminated.

The penalties are even harsher if you live in a coastal area where the runoff would go directly into the sea or ocean, or if you live next to a conservation zone. In this case, fines can go up to €100,000.

We should point out that these maximum penalties are more likely to be applied to companies which have been found to be polluting the local watercourse, rather than motorists washing their car, but the fines do have a large range.

So where can I wash my car?

First, you can go to a car wash (une station de lavage). Not only do car wash stations use less water than you would washing the vehicle at home (50 to 60 litres per vehicle instead of 200-300 litres at home), they also treat the wastewater. 

As a result, car washes do not risk polluting the waterways.

They are very common in France and include automatic car-washes, staffed car-washes where someone else does the hard work or the more common self-service type (usually coin operated) where you wash the car yourself use their pressure hoses and soap. These are often found in supermarket car-parks or at out-of-town shopping centre car parks.

Second, you can look for a designated car washing area. These would allow you to wash your own vehicle manually. They have special steps in place to treat the runoff water in compliance with environmental regulations. You can ask your mairie where these are located.

And finally, an alternative is to clean your car without using any water at all. To do this, you can purchase special wipes. There are also special dry-cleaning options, including sprays that you put onto your car, leave for a few seconds so that the dirt is absorbed, and then wipe off using a microfibre cloth.


During periods of drought, local authorities have the power to restrict non-essential water usage, including things like watering your garden or filling your swimming pool.

These regulations apply to any type of car-washing – on public or private space, or at a car-wash – and take precedence over any other local rules. 

You can check to see if your area is under water restrictions by going to the French government website and typing in your home or rental address. The website will inform you of what (if any) restrictions are in place, the penalties of failing to respect them, as well as offering government advice for how to decrease your water usage.