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French word of the day: Couvade

The French language is rich with really specific words that describe basically anything or any state of mind and don't quite translate. This is one of them.

French word of the day: Couvade
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know couvade?

It might be a French word, but it is describing an international phenomenon. 

What does it mean?

You might be familiar with the phenomenon that in English is known as ‘sympathy pregnancy’, which describes the not-so-rare case of a man putting on weight alongside his pregnant partner.

Well, there is a word describing that process in French: couvade.

La couvade comes from syndrome de la couvade, which is something that apparently 20 percent of French men experience.

A man suffering from this will experience similar pregnancy symptoms to his partner (belly-growing, morning sickness, etc).

But simply saying couvade can be used in a lighter, more teasing way for men who gain weight while their partner is expecting.

So if your Missus is expecting and your French friend asks, eyes lingering on your belly, tu couves pas un peu? – ‘are we getting a bit of a belly?’ – you will know what it means.

One French dad of our acquaintance tells us that 'it's because you have to drink for two'. Hmmm.


Seeing as syndrome de la couvade is actually classed as a mental illness it is probably better to use another term if you want to poke fun at a male friend who has softened a bit around the edges during his partner's pregnancy.

Bide is a very common (and harmless) option.

On a pris un petit bide, non? – 'Have we grown a little belly?'

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French Expression of the Day: Faire du lèche-vitrine

This French expression might come in handy in the weeks leading up the bi-annual 'soldes'.

French Expression of the Day: Faire du lèche-vitrine

Why do I need to know faire du lèche-vitrine?

Because you might opt for this if your bank account is running a little low.

What does it mean?

Faire du lèche-vitrine – roughly pronounced fair doo lesh vih-treen – translates as ‘to do the window licking’. 

If your friend suggests this for a Saturday afternoon activity, do not worry – it’s not to be taken literally. The phrase is the French equivalent of ‘window-shopping’ in English.

In France, people have been using this expression since the 20th century. Before that, in the 19th century, the word lécher took on a second meaning of ‘to brush against’, in addition to ‘passing one’s tongue over something’.

As for window shopping, the French expression gives the image of a person who is so enthralled with the items shown in the shop windows that they are close enough to the glass to lick it.

If you want a synonym for this expression, you might say on va flâner dans les magasins (we are going to leisurely walk around the shops).

There are a few other French expressions that use lécher – such as lécher les bottes à quelqu’un (to lick someone’s boots, or overly flatter them).

Use it like this

Mon compte en banque est presque vide. Je ne peux me permettre que de faire du lèche-vitrine. – My bank account is almost empty. I can only afford to window-shop.

Ma grand-mère adore faire du lèche-vitrine le samedi après-midi. – My grandmother loves window-shopping on Saturday afternoons.