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French word of the day: Purée

Few French people actually think about mashed potatoes when using this expression.

French word of the day: Purée

Why do I need to know purée?

It's a swearword you can use in front of basically anyone.

What does it mean?

As a swearword, purée falls among the really harmless insults that you may use as you please.

Purée ! – Mashed potato!

It is kind of like saying 'oh sugar!' if you drop a vase in front of your kids. Even an old, posh French lady could probably hear you exclaim purée without frowning.

When can I use it?


Use purée like you use putain – which French people tend to do constantly (read more about putain here) – just without the fear of offending someone nearby.

Tu as vu l'heure? Purée, on est en retard – Did you see the time? Shoot, we're running late

Purée, il pleut ! – Oh darn, it's raining!

Purée, on a pas fait assez de purée – Oh sod it, we didn't make enough mashed potatoes.

Another French variant is punaise, 'darn' it', or the funny-sounding saperlipopette, which according to an online dictionary is an “ancient term used to express astonishment”. 

Any other options?

Don't forget that purée really refers to a delightful side dish that is mashed potatoes. Although the most traditional version is crushed pommes de terres (potatoes) mixed with a generous lump of butter, purée technically means “mash” and you can use in front of all mashed veggies:

Purée aux épinards – mashed spinach

Purée de carotte – mashed carrots

Purée de pois cassés – mashed peas

Or (personal favourite) Purée aux truffes – mashed potatoes with truffle oil.

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French Expression of the Day: Faire du lèche-vitrine

This French expression might come in handy in the weeks leading up the bi-annual 'soldes'.

French Expression of the Day: Faire du lèche-vitrine

Why do I need to know faire du lèche-vitrine?

Because you might opt for this if your bank account is running a little low.

What does it mean?

Faire du lèche-vitrine – roughly pronounced fair doo lesh vih-treen – translates as ‘to do the window licking’. 

If your friend suggests this for a Saturday afternoon activity, do not worry – it’s not to be taken literally. The phrase is the French equivalent of ‘window-shopping’ in English.

In France, people have been using this expression since the 20th century. Before that, in the 19th century, the word lécher took on a second meaning of ‘to brush against’, in addition to ‘passing one’s tongue over something’.

As for window shopping, the French expression gives the image of a person who is so enthralled with the items shown in the shop windows that they are close enough to the glass to lick it.

If you want a synonym for this expression, you might say on va flâner dans les magasins (we are going to leisurely walk around the shops).

There are a few other French expressions that use lécher – such as lécher les bottes à quelqu’un (to lick someone’s boots, or overly flatter them).

Use it like this

Mon compte en banque est presque vide. Je ne peux me permettre que de faire du lèche-vitrine. – My bank account is almost empty. I can only afford to window-shop.

Ma grand-mère adore faire du lèche-vitrine le samedi après-midi. – My grandmother loves window-shopping on Saturday afternoons.