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‘Anxious and enraged’: Brits in Germany speak out as Brexit chaos continues

Watching events unfold in the UK is raising anxiety among Brits in Germany who - despite preparations by the German government - are still living in uncertainty.

‘Anxious and enraged’: Brits in Germany speak out as Brexit chaos continues
A pro-EU campaigner in London. Photo: DPA

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday lost a major vote in UK Parliament that could force him to delay Brexit, and is now trying to bring forward a motion for an early election.

It's the latest drama, which comes after Johnson’s controversial decision to suspend parliament just weeks before the October 31st Brexit deadline in a move that sparked outrage across the country last week.

Shockwaves have also been felt by British people living in Germany who – like others on the continent – still face uncertainty.

Matt Bristow, of citizens rights group British in Germany, told The Local that anxieties are already high among British people as insecurity over their future grows.

And he said the ongoing Brexit news cycle “absolutely” added to Brits in Germany’s concerns.

Glen Johnson, 42, who lives in Frankfurt, told The Local he looked at recent events “with utter despair”.

Lee Macey, 40, from London has been in Frankfurt since December 2017. As a British national abroad, he feels the events in the UK are “embarrassing”.

Meanwhile, Berlin-based Brit Rose Newell, 33, said she felt angry – and is helping to organize a demo in Berlin against the plan to suspend the UK parliament.

READ ALSO: Brits in Germany warned to 'prepare for a no-deal Brexit under Boris Johnson'


In Germany, the media has been reporting daily with “Brexit chaos” headlines. Last week Zeit said in an opinion piece regarding Johnson's move to suspend parliament: “This is how democracies end.”

Meanwhile, daily Bild spoke of a “Boris-Beben” (Boris-quake), indicating how the move shook the country.

FAZ said the action “once again illustrates the division of Britain”.

Boris Johnson on Wednesday. Photo: DPA

'No guarantees'

Whatever happens inside the House of Commons, the threat of a no-deal looms large. With everything up in the air, fears are growing over what will happen if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on October 31st.

As The Local has reported, the German government says it is planning a no-deal Brexit residency law – called the Brexit-Aufenthalts-Überleitungsgesetz (Brexit Residence Transition Act) – which guarantees that all British people and their family members will receive residence permits if the UK crashes out of the EU without a deal.

READ ALSO: New law set to guarantee Brits residency in Germany in case of no-deal Brexit

However that law hasn’t been passed yet.

“There’s nothing set in stone at the moment,” Bristow said. “People are saying there are no guarantees at this stage and they’re worried that even the very limited set of rights that we’re being told we’ll get are now at risk.”

Bristow said there are still unanswered questions. “Under a no-deal outcome there will be massive implications for pensioners, for cross-border workers, and in terms of health care,” he said.

“There are so many different things that the UK government has not yet realized.”

He said Germany was “well prepared” and open to discussing issues, but there are, understandably, still worries among Britons.

He said: “The German government has been incredibly supportive but there are issues – for example pensioners who have to suddenly pay for healthcare when they haven’t been doing so already because they’ve been covered by the UK system – that could put people in huge financial difficulty.”

'Anxious and enraged'

Berlin-based copywriter and translator Newell, who grew up in Gloucestershire, said she felt “anxious and enraged” about the situation in the UK, and the effect it’s having on so many people, both in Britain and on the continent.
Newell has dual German and British citizenship, but she is unsettled by the obstacles her German husband could face if they were to move to the UK in future, due to planned post-Brexit migration rules.
“In our case, we probably still can go home, but it’s going to be very expensive and a lot of paperwork,” she told The Local. “Considering the main reason we would spontaneously move home would be if a parent were dying or something, it adds a lot of general anxiety knowing we’ll face these sorts of complications.”
Newell said she feels for other couples facing a similar situation, who may be unable to jump through the same hoops.
“For many couples, this means that they are effectively trapped and they’ll never be able to move back to the UK,' Newell said. “A friend of mine has just married a German guy whom she’ll never be able to take home to live in the UK with her.”
For all The Local Germany's Brexit coverage CLICK HERE

Macey, who works in the tech industry in Frankfurt, said the German government’s reassurances that no British person would be forced to leave Germany were encouraging – but he still had concerns over applying for a residency title for the first time.

“I still do not know which residency title I would be entitled to, and what the conditions attached to that are – so would I have to stay in my current position? Or at least with my current employer, etc.”

Macey also said he was worried about other Brits, such as those in receipt of S1 healthcare or receiving benefits.

He mentioned a British person with disabilities who “is absolutely terrified” of applying for a residency permit in Germany.

Macey called on the German government to provide some clarity over “what residency titles are applicable to us, what the conditions attached to them are, and how the loss of our EU-citizens rights will be managed”.

Boris Johnson and Angela Merkel in Berlin last month. Photo: DPA

Going forward, Bristow of British in Germany said the citizens rights group will work with the German government to get more clarity on the future of Britons in Germany.

“We understand the German government is in a difficult position,” he said. “It has been very consistent in saying it is hoping for the withdrawal agreement to be passed. It has also made no-deal preparations.”

British in Germany also plans to march alongside other citizens' groups and those against Brexit, on October 12th in London at the Rally for our Rights demonstration.

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German conservatives vow to overturn dual citizenship if re-elected

Foreigners in Germany are waiting on tenterhooks for the introduction of the new dual nationality law on Thursday - but the centre-right CDU and CSU say they would overturn the reform if re-elected next year.

German conservatives vow to overturn dual citizenship if re-elected

“The CDU and CSU will reverse this unsuccessful reform,” Alexander Throm (CDU), spokesperson on domestic policy for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, told DPA on Tuesday.

“Dual citizenship must remain the exception and be limited to countries that share our values.”

Throm also criticised the new citizenship law for reducing the amount of time foreigners need to live in the country before naturalising as Germans, describing the new residence requirements as “far too short”.

“After five or even three years, it is not yet possible to determine with certainty whether integration has been successful in the long term,” he stated.

“The recent caliphate demonstrations and the rampant Islamist extremism, often by people with German passports, must be a wake-up call for us all.”

READ ALSO: Which foreign residents are likely to become German after citizenship law change?

Despite vociferous opposition, the alliance between the Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian sister party (CSU) was powerless to stop the traffic-light coalition’s citizenship reform passing in both the Bundestag and Bundesrat earlier this year. 

The reform, which permits the holding of multiple passports, lowers residence requirements and removes language hurdles for certain groups, is set to come into force on June 27th. 

But with the CDU and CSU emerging as clear winners in the recent EU parliamentary elections and regularly landing on 30 percent or above in the polls, it’s possible that the party could be on course to re-enter government next year. 

In this situation, the centre-right parties have pledged to try and undo what senior CDU politicians have described as a “dangerous” reform.

“It is not unusual for successive governments to reverse decisions made by the previous government,” Andrea Lindholz, the head of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group said in a recent response to a question

“We will maintain our position on this and will continue to strive for a corresponding change.”

READ ALSO: What are citizenship offices around Germany doing to prepare for the new law?

Whether the CDU and CSU can secure enough votes at both state and federal elections to change the law in the future remains to be seen.

The parties may also have to compromise on their plans with any future coalition partner, such as the Greens, Social Democrats (SPD) or Free Democrats (FDP), all of whom support liberal immigration laws and the holding of multiple nationalities. 

‘Citizenship devaluation law’

The CDU and CSU parties, which form a centre-right alliance nicknamed the Union, have long been opposed to dual nationality in Germany.

During their years of governing in a so-called grand coalition with the centre-right Social Democrats (SPD), the parties had regularly made reforms of citizenship one of their red lines, citing the danger of hostile nations influencing Germany from within. 

In a recent parliamentary speech back in January, Throm had slammed the bill as a “citizenship devaluation law” and accused the government of trying to generate a new electorate to win votes.

CDU politician Alexander Throm speaks in a debate in the German Bundestag

CDU politician Alexander Throm speaks in a debate in the German Bundestag. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christoph Soeder

In comments aimed primarily at Germany’s large Turkish diaspora, the CDU politician claimed that people who had lived in Germany for decades but not taken German citizenship had already chosen their old country over Germany.

The majority of Turks in Germany are also supporters of the authoritarian president Recep Erdogan, he argued.

Responding to the claims, FDP migration expert Ann-Veruschka Jurisch said the opposition was fuelling resentments against migrants by claiming the government was “squandering German citizenship”.

In fact, she argued, the reform has tightened up requirements by ensuring that people who claim benefits and cannot support themselves are unable to become German citizens.

READ ALSO: What you need to know about Germany’s citizenship law reform

In addition, the B1 language requirements have only been softened in a few exceptional cases, for example to honour the lifetime achievements of the guest worker generation who had few opportunities when they arrived, Jurisch said. 

If foreigners have committed crimes, the authorities will be able to investigate whether these involved racist or anti-Semitic motives before citizenship is granted, she added. 

With reporting by DPA