Depardieu’s new ‘reality’ project in an alcohol-free French spa

Contrive a meeting between France's most notorious and controversial novelist Michel Houellebecq and most notorious and controversial actor Gerard Depardieu in a luxury spa. Ban them from alcohol and cigarettes. And film the results.

Depardieu's new 'reality' project in an alcohol-free French spa
Photo: AFP

This is what French director Guillaume Nicloux has done in his new film Thalasso, blurring the line between fiction and documentary and offering fresh insight into two of modern France's best-known but provocative figures.

In the movie, which hit French cinemas on Wednesday, Depardieu, 70, celebrated for his talent as much as his love of excess, meets Houellebecq, 63, famed for his polemical and visionary novels, at a thalassotherapy seawater spa in Normandy.


Both men, who play themselves, are not in the least convinced by the spa treatment and are particularly frustrated by the ban on smoking and alcohol at the facility.

Houellebecq meets Depardieu while he is smoking in secret and, clad in regulation white fluffy dressing gowns, they begin meeting in their rooms to enjoy good wines and discuss life, death and politics.

'Being more themselves' 

“I wanted both Michel and Gerard to go into a creative process that is very particular. There was a script, a written document, but also everything that happened on the sidelines,” Nicloux told AFP.

“What interests me is exploring areas that are ambiguous and sometimes troubled, and the advantage of this process is it gives them the chance to be even more themselves than if I had made a documentary.”

Nicloux has worked with both men before and in 2014 made a film called “The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq” where the author is kidnapped during a promotional tour. In “Thalasso” Houellebecq again meets with his cinematic abductors.

The pair become an unlikely comic duo, with the cynical, mordant humour of the wiry Houellebecq a sometimes hilarious foil to the massive Depardieu's extravagant panache.

“I should have been a candidate in the elections,” muses Houellebecq, sitting on a lounger by the pool. “I did not know that (President Emmanuel) Macron would mess up so fast. I think I would do better.”

“All this politics is shit,” interjects Depardieu, his dressing gown open to reveal his ample chest. “I don't want to be their stooge. They are all the same, they say the same things.”

'Shame of France' 

Houellebecq shot to fame with nihilistic novels depicting misogynistic men trapped in loveless existences and hooked on casual sex.

His latest novel Serotonin – about a hard-drinking and depressed employee at the agriculture ministry in Paris who discovers the hardship of rural France – became an instant bestseller after it was published earlier this year.

His previous novel Submission, published in French on the same day jihadists attacked the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015, predicts that France will elect a Muslim president in 2022 and be subject to Sharia law.

But in a sign of his importance within the cultural establishment that he nominally scorns, Macron in April awarded Houellebecq the Legion d'honneur, France's top honour.

Depardieu, the star of classic French films The Last Metro and Cyrano de Bergerac, has in recent years been in the spotlight as much for his private life as for his career.

Prosecutors in June closed a case into allegations Depardieu raped a young actress due to lack of evidence. He had always maintained his innocence.

In 2013 Depardieu sparked a huge outcry by taking Russian nationality to protest a proposed tax hike on the rich in his homeland.

Always defiant, Depardieu is shown in the film smoking and wearing a gilet jacket emblazoned with the double-headed eagle crest of Russia.

“I want to say that you are the shame of France,” a fellow guest tells the pair in the film.

Satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo plastered its front cover on Wednesday with a giant, big-breasted Depardieu apparently having sex with a waif-like Houellebecq holding a cigarette, and asked: “What cinema will we leave for our children?”

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Three things to know about Paris’ new cheese museum

The Musée Vivant du Fromage has now opened its doors, promising a unique immersive and interactive journey into France’s ‘culinary and terroir heritage’.

Three things to know about Paris' new cheese museum

The venue, on Rue Saint-Louis en l’Île, in the fourth arrondissement, opened to visitors on June 13th. It’s in the same location as the former restaurant ‘Nos Ancêtres Les Gaulois’ (Our ancestors the Gauls), with the objective of becoming “an essential meeting place” for cheese lovers, as well as both novices and professionals within the industry.

Here are a few things to know about the new cheese museum;

It’s interactive

Fans of camembert, chèvre, brie, morbier, Roquefort and brebis, assemble! The museum promises an educational and fully interactive tour of France’s historic cheese heritage, including the science and varied tradition of cheese-making.

The first portion will give an overview of the ‘culture’ of cheese. Then, you will learn about its history, as well as how it is made and finish off with a tasting (dégustation).

READ MORE: Best Briehaviour: Your guide to French cheese etiquette

There’s a dairy and creamery

Part of the tour features a fully functional dairy, where visitors can witness cheese being produced before their very eyes. 

There are two goals for this part of the museum – to help people discover the different regions of France and their iconic cheeses, as well as to encourage young people  to consider careers in the farming and dairy industry, which is enduring something of a recruitment crisis in France.

You can also purchase cheese and souvenirs at the museum’s boutique.

It can host private events

The museum can be booked for private catered events for up to 150 people in the evenings, from 7pm, with or without the services of a cheese expert, who can guide guests through tastings and demonstrations. 

READ ALSO 7 tips for buying French cheese

Tickets are advertised at €20 for adults and €10 for children. For more information and to book a visit, log on to website of the Musée Vivant du fromage. Blessed are the cheese makers.