Swedish court jails Spanish doctor for child sex abuse

A Swedish court on Tuesday jailed a Spanish doctor for ten years for the sexual assault and rape of around 50 children aged two to 12.

Swedish court jails Spanish doctor for child sex abuse
The Stockholm court where the judgment was issued. File photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman / SvD / TT

Cristian Carretero, 29, was convicted of four rapes and 46 sexual assaults of minors, mainly young girls, as well as for inciting adults to fondle their children and possession of child pornography.

A primary care physician who studied at the University of Barcelona, Carretero faces expulsion from Sweden once he has served his sentence.

The court found that between 2015-2017, he committed the crimes at several Swedish medical centres and during online consultations.

He was arrested in December 2017 after children who were brought to him for minor ailments were subjected to needless genital examinations.

In online consultations, Carretero convinced parents to examine their children's genitals, while he filmed the act.

The court found him guilty of rape with aggravating circumstances “owing to the fact that he used his position as a doctor and abused a specific trust, well as the victim's ages.”

Almost 80 people registered as plaintiffs in the case, of which 55 were children. 

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Sweden jails best-selling thriller writer for tax evasion

The Stockholm appeals court sentenced Håkan Nesser, one of Sweden's best-selling contemporary thriller writers, to 18 months' jail for tax evasion on Friday. His wife received the same sentence.

Sweden jails best-selling thriller writer for tax evasion

The court found the couple guilty of not declaring to the tax authorities the transfer of nearly 13 million Swedish kronor ($1.23 million) from companies in Malta between 2013 and 2015.

“We’re in shock and we feel like we’ve been run over by a tank,” Nesser said.

He said he had hired an accountant to manage his financial affairs.

The crime writer was acquitted in the first instance in the spring of 2023.

At the time, the court accepted the author’s argument that the transfers had occurred through ignorance of tax rules.

Nesser has written 48 books that have sold some 20 million copies worldwide.

His first book was published in 1988.

His works, several of which have been adapted for the big screen or for television, have been translated into more than 20 languages.