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Swedish word of the day: nyfiken

If you're curious about the Swedish language, this is a great word to learn.

the word nyfiken written on a blackboard next to the swedish flag
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Nyfiken is the Swedish adjective meaning “curious”. 

You can use nyfiken as a standalone adjective, describing someone’s behaviour in general or at a specific point in time. So you could say: som barn var han alltid nyfiken (as a child, he was always curious/inquisitive) or nu är jag nyfiken (now I’m curious).

Note that Swedish nyfiken never has the meaning of “peculiar” or “strange”, which “curious” does in English. That means you can’t use nyfiken to describe an inanimate object (like a tree or a house) or an abstract concept.

The phrase en nyfiken flicka (a curious girl) always means that the girl is inquisitive, whereas “a curious girl” in English could either mean she is inquisitive or that she is peculiar. 

The noun form of nyfiken is nyfikenhet, which translates in English as “curiosity”, and as an adverb it’s nyfiket (curiously/inquisitively). And an interesting synonym of nyfiken is vetgirig, which literally means something like “greedy to know” (in a positive sense).

Nyfiken is often followed by the preposition , if you want to say “curious about” or “curious to”. Nyfiken på can then be followed by a noun, by typical question words (hur, vad, vem), or by att and a verb.

For example: jag är nyfiken på den strategin (I’m curious about that strategy), vi var nyfikna på vad vi skulle hitta i huset (we were curious about what we would find in the building), hon var nyfiken på att veta mer (she was curious to know more).

  • Don’t miss any of our Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading our new app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

If you’re thinking to yourself jag är nyfiken på ursprunget av ordet nyfiken (I’m curious about the origin of the word nyfiken), you’re in luck.

In fact, it comes from the word fika, but not the fika you’ve probably heard of (the beloved break for coffee and cakes). The coffee break fika comes from a reversal of the syllables of kaffe (coffee), but fika existed as a completely separate verb in Swedish long before they coined that noun.

In very old Swedish, fika meant “to hurry”, “to move fast”, or “to rush”, and over time its meaning changed from physical movement to a more metaphorical one, so that it came to mean “to strive (for something)” or “to work hard (for something)”. This was often combined with the preposition efter, for example han fikade efter beröm (he strove for praise).

The expression fika efter is rarely used in today’s Swedish because of how common the newer sense of fika has become. But it lives on in the adjective nyfiken, which literally means something like “striving to (know/learn) something new”.


Jag är nyfiken på henne

I’m curious about her

Grannarna såg jättenyfikna ut

The neighbours looked very curious

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.

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Swedish word of the day: jordgubbe

If there's one thing Swedes can't get enough of in summer, it's these.

Swedish word of the day: jordgubbe

Jordgubbe is made up of two words: jord and gubbe.

Jord means earth or soil, and it’s also used in Swedish for Planet Earth.

It’s easy to assume that jordgubbe means “earth man”, gubbe on its own being a common word for referring to a male person (usually gubbe refers to someone either very young or very old, and it can be either affectionate or derogatory, depending on the context).

But this is wrong.

  • Don’t miss any of The Local’s Swedish words and expressions of the day by downloading our app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Swedish Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button

Gubbe is also a Swedish dialect word used to refer to a small lump, so jordgubbe literally means “a small lump that grows in the earth” – more accurate, but less romantic than picturing strawberries as tiny little men who live in our garden and are to be picked and eaten with whipped cream… now that we think about it, “small lump” is probably better.

Strawberries were introduced to Sweden in the second half of the 18th century and were originally called ananassmultron due to their Latin name (Fragaria x ananassa).

The word jordgubbe has existed in the Swedish language since at least 1638, but was then the main name for musk strawberries, later known as parksmultron in Swedish.

Jordgubbar are one of the staple foods on Midsummer’s Eve and Swedes are convinced that they grow the best strawberries in the world.

Example sentences:

Polisen misstänker att gängkriminella har infiltrerat jordgubbsindustrin

Police suspect that gang criminals have infiltrated the strawberry industry

Goda jordgubbar! Är de svenska eller belgiska?

Yummy strawberries! Are they Swedish or Belgian?

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.