Italian word of the day: ‘Apericena’

Is it a snack? Is it dinner? No, it's apericena!

Italian word of the day apericena
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

We’ve all heard of the famous Italian ritual of aperitivo, or aperitif, a pre-dinner drink which in Italy must always be accompanied by snacks.

The Italian word aperto means to open or begin.

– Posso offrirvi un aperitivo mentre aspettiamo l’arrivo di Carlo?

– Can I offer you a cocktail while we wait for Carlo to arrive?

An Italian aperitivo is really more about the food than the drink, though.

These “snacks”, or at least some of them, are often included in the drink price. And their quantity, qality and substance varies greatly by region, restaurant and bar.

You could get anything from a dish of fat olives to a small plate of cheeses and meats. Bars might leave a few platters of snacks on the counter, or tempt people in with a full buffet table where you can fill your plate repeatedly with different types of pastas, salads, and various fried foods.

Aperol Spritz with a small snack is a popular Italian aperitivo. Photo: pixabay

Some older Italians do complain that the “new trend” of big aperitivo buffets is “like happy hour in the US”. But if you’ve experienced both, you’ll know that’s not really true.

The food involved in an apericena is a long way from a dish of stale happy-hour peanuts, for a start.

In some towns, bars get competitive with their aperitivi and offerings can be very generous indeed.

You might even be presented with a hot dish of fresh pasta or polenta con ragu to be enjoyed before you hit the buffet. A sort of pre-appetizer appetizer, if you can imagine that. (Only in Italy…)

With snacks in such abundance, there’s certainly no risk of that one cocktail going to your head.

But when there’s this much food, the question is: when is an aperitivo no longer just an aperitivo?

Some people might call these large buffets an aperitivo rinforzato: a ‘reinforced’ or ‘beefed-up’ aperitivo.

But it’s also increasingly known as apericena, as this ritual is becoming a replacement for dinner, or cena,

The concept is great for anyone on a budget, or those who just don’t feel like cooking. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s becoming more and more popular and the once-jokey portmanteau is now slipping into everyday speech.

– Andiamo sempre per apericena il venerdì

– We always go for apericena on Fridays

– stili di consumo hanno trasformato un aperitivo in un apericena

– consumer habits have changed an aperitivo into an apericena

If you’ve never indulged in an Italian aperitivo buffet, or apericena, now you know. it’s time to give it a try.

Do you have a favourite Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Choc’

This Italian word looks like it might be related to tasty breakfast pastries, but you’re more likely to see it in newspaper headlines.

Italian word of the day: 'Choc'

You may come across the word choc in Italian in some unexpected contexts. While it looks like it might be an abbreviation of the Italian word for chocolate (cioccolato), that would be choco.

It’s pronounced much like the English ‘shock’, and has roughly the same meaning.

As in French, choc is used in Italian as an adjective meaning ‘shocking’. But if you’re already familiar with the French usage, be aware that it doesn’t have quite as many different applications in Italian.

And it’s not a word you’ll hear used in spoken Italian very often. You’re far more likely to see it written down, and almost always in news headlines.

In fact, choc is one of those words – like ‘maxi’, ’tilt’, and ‘boom’ – which can be categorised as giornalese: language used almost exclusively by Italian newspaper editors.

You might spot it above reports of, for example, un arresto choc (a shock arrest), dati shock (shocking data), bollette choc (shocking utility bills) or even scontrini choc (shocking bills or receipts).

 A headline in Italian local newspaper GenovaToday

‘Shocking bill in the centre: 8 euros for a caffè marocchino’: A headline in Italian local newspaper GenovaToday on May 27th, 2024.

You might also see the English ‘shock’ used as an adjective in the same way. This is especially common in advertising: phrases like prezzi shock (‘shocking prices’ – by which we imagine retailers mean ‘shockingly low’…) can be a little jarring to Anglophones.

While we wouldn’t recommend peppering your Italian-language speech with either ‘choc’ or ‘shock’ – unless you want to sound like an over-enthusiastic advertising executive – at least you won’t be surprised (or shocked) when you see these words used around you.

Do you have an Italian word or phrase you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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