British in Italy look to Italian authorities to secure future in the event of no deal

British in Italy are making contingency plans to avoid the worst should they become third party nationals on the night of March 29th, 2019.

British in Italy look to Italian authorities to secure future in the event of no deal
Jeremy Morgan, chair of British in Italy, addresses a meeting on citizenship rights in Venice on November 20th. Photo: British in Italy.

British in Italy, the country branch of the grassroots campaign group British in Europe, held an open meeting in Venice on November 20th with a view to finding solutions for various potential Brexit outcomes and to qualm the fears of some of it members.

The main issues discussed were what happens if there is a deal, what happens if there is no deal, and issues arising from the ‘decreto sicurezza’ concerning citizenship applications from Brits.

The newly-approved ‘decreto sicurezza’, a new package of immigration laws, foresees that all citizenship applications via naturalization or marriage now need to be processed by the Italian government in four years, as supposed to two. This would mean that applications by Brits may not be reviewed before the end of the transition period.

Another potential quagmire for Brits in Italy is whether people who have applied for citizenship by March 29th, 2019, in Italy will be treated as third-country nationals or EU citizens. EU nationals can apply for citizenship after four years of residency; the minimum residency period for third-country nationals to apply is ten years.

The meeting in Veneto, northern Italy, also reviewed British in Italy's lobbying regarding ring-fencing and amendments to the decreto, according to a British in Italy member who attended the event.

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Despite the UK government announcing a new draft text agreement, which, if approved by the UK parliament, would see Brits in Europe retain their current EU rights until the end of the transition period in December 2020, British in Italy is still preparing for a no-deal outcome.

“We now have to work hard with the Italian administration to ensure that there are systems in place on 29 March to avoid the potential chaos when we lose our rights as EU citizens,” states a post on British in Italy’s Facebook page, following the November 20th meeting in Veneto.

Angelo Tosoni, vice president for the Veneto of the National Association of Local Councils, also attended the meeting and “promised to pursue the matter,” according to British in Italy’s summary of the event.

READ ALSO: What's at stake for Italy in the Brexit negotiations?

British in Italy is calling on the 26,000 registered Brits in Italy – some estimates say there are up to 65,000 Brits in Italy – to write to their local ‘sindaco’ – mayor – to make sure they are aware that Brits could become “clandestine” citizens on March 30th, 2019 (in the event of a no-deal and the Withdrawal Agreement, which covers citizenship rights, being scrapped) and to ensure municipal authorities are informed and prepared.

“The French and German governments have already started passing laws to give some certainty to Brits in this situation, but so far the Italian government has given no clear indication that it is preparing for what will happen on 30 March, whether it be under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement or a no-deal,” adds another recent post by British in Italy.

A source close to the matter told The Local that the Italian government could apparently make a statement on the matter in the coming days.

Are you a Brit in Italy worried about what you should do if Brexit talks collapse? Check out British in Italy’s checklist for a no-deal scenario.

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The British Embassy in Rome is hosting a discussion on citizenship rights in Rome on November 26th from 17.30 to 19.30 at the British School in Rome, Via Gramsci 61. Those wishing to attend should R.S.V.P. to [email protected].

See British in Italy’s website and social pages for more details. 

READ MORE: A Brexit checklist for Brits in Italy



Florence elects first woman mayor after runoff elections

The Italian city of Florence, a leftist bastion, on Monday elected its first woman mayor as Sara Funaro easily defeated the right-wing ex-director of the prestigious Uffizi Galleries.

Florence elects first woman mayor after runoff elections

Funaro, a local councillor with the centre-left Democratic Party, won 60 percent of the vote in a second round run-off against German-born art historian Eike Schmidt, official results showed.

Schmidt, a political novice known for his successful revamp of the Uffizi Galleries during eight years as director, was backed by far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s coalition government.

If elected, he would have been the first right-wing politician to lead the historically liberal city. But it was not to be.

Funaro, 48, has been a city counsellor since 2014 in the administration of outgoing mayor Dario Nardella, charged with welfare, health care, immigration and teaching.

A psychologist by training, she dedicated her victory to her grandfather Piero Bargellini, a venerable figure in Florence known as the “Flood Mayor” for directing emergency and recovery efforts during the catastrophic 1966 flood.