ANALYSIS: Why does France’s interior minister think supermarket ethnic food isles are a threat to the nation?

In an unusual move, France's Interior Minister went on TV on Tuesday evening to decry the 'ethnic foods' of supermarkets. Ingri Bergo examines the roots of this declaration.

ANALYSIS: Why does France’s interior minister think supermarket ethnic food isles are a threat to the nation?
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Photo: AFP

“It’s always shocked me to go into a supermarket and see that, when entering, there would be one type of ethnic food selection here and another one next to it,” declared Gérald Darmanin. 

The interior Minister was a guest on Tuesday's evening show of the French channel BFM, dedicated to the beheading of Samuel Paty, the 47-year-old teacher killed in a violent attack that has drawn parallels with the 2015 Charlie Hebdo terror attacks.

Like the satirical magazine before him, Paty had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, and police have discovered ties between the attacker and Islamist radicals.

READ ALSO What we know about the beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty

The incident has stirred up a ferocious debate on French state secularism, laïcité, leading President Emmanuel Macron to declare “war” on “political Islam.

Darmanin was invited to talk about all of this on Tuesday, but the comment that really seemed to stick with those who listened in was the one he made about ethnic supermarket aisles.


His words caused a stir on social media, prompting some to respond in outrage, while others – both French and internationals – mocked the minister for his words.



Comments like the one below declaring to 'soon to be put on a watchlist for buying fajitas' flourished on Twitter.


But why would the interior minister bring up ethnic food aisles in an interview about the government's response to a violent terror attack in the first place? 

The answer can be found in one little word the interior minister repeated several times during the interview: communautarisme.  

“This is how communautarisme begins,” Darmanin said about the ethnic food aisles.

Communautarisme is a French term that has no good English equivalent. It comes from communauté, which means “community”, and could be loosely translated to identity politics. 

Communautarisme is often used in a pejorative sense either to brush off criticism of France's universalist state model, or to criticise those perceived as failing to comply with its principles of laïcité – state secularism.

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Is setting up a halal section in a Carrefour in France promoting separatism or just.. organising? Photo: AFP

'Fighting separatism'

When asked whether he wanted to forbid ethnic food aisles in supermarkets, Darmanin said it was not up to him and pushed the responsibility over onto big business owners, who should do their part in “fighting separatism”.

“I'm just saying that big French businesses that sometimes have organised direct marketing (..) want to earn money on communautarisme, and, to me, that's shocking,” he said.

Some cheered the interior minister and said his comments on ethnic food aisles were spot on.

“Darmanin is right. A kosher food aisle or halal food aisle is the beginning of communautarisme,” said Christophe Barbier, a columnist in the French news magazine Express, in a video he posted on Twitter.

“Of course, we need to be able to find halal food or kosher food in the normal, general aisles. But one dedicated aisle is the beginning of communautarisme, because we know that everyone who goes there is Muslim or Jewish,” he said.


Barbier said Muslim or Jewish food aisles could not be compared with Mexican or Breton food aisles, because “when you see someone go into the Mexican or Breton aisle, you don't say 'hey, that's a Mexican' or 'that's a Breton'.”


Rim-Sarah Alouane, a French legal scholar and law Phd candidate who specialises in religious freedom, human rights and civil liberties in France, Europe and North America, told The Local that the interior minister's words were “absurd.”

Communautarisme implies that there is a certain part of the population who live on the margins of society and refuse to integrate into the French Republic,” she said.

Darmanin was promoting rather than fighting separatism, she said, referring to his comment during the interview that halal butcher shops and kosher food stores should continue as they do. It was just supermarkets that were promoting communautarisme.

“The big problem with laïcité in France today is that it’s poorly understood. And this ignorance makes it instrumentalised,” she said, adding that, like others before him, Darmanin was twisting French state principles to fit into his preferred narrative.

“It's a strategy of divide and rule,” Alouane said.

To fully understand that, we need to first understand France's principle of state secularism, laïcité.

'Laïcité is freedom'

France separated church and state back in 1905 with a law that was meant to ensure a principle of state neutrality – no religion was to be favoured by the French state – and of religious freedom – all French citizens were free to practice their religion without state interference.

In return, religion also needed to be pulled out from the state. That’s why French public schools today do not allow pupils to wear religious icons in school, why there are no religious assemblies in schools and why public officials such as teachers and police officers cannot wear the Muslim hijab headscarf.

It is also why the far-right party Rassemblement National has not succeeded in its mission to decorate French town and city halls with Christian cribs at Christmas.

France’s state secularism ensures the neutrality of the state, not individuals, who are free to express their religion – any religion – in any way they want. Except for those who fill a public role, who must be neutral during work hours.

READ ALSO ‘My body, my choice' – French Muslim women speak out about headscarves

Supermarkets and other private businesses can, however, organise their shelves however they see fit without breaching with principles of secularism.

“This is an economic matter, not a state matter. And it doesn’t just concern kosher and halal products, it's the same for Corsican sausages, vegetarian products, and so on,” Alouane said.

“The problem we are seeing today is that we want to impose neutrality on individuals, which is the contrary of laïcite. Laïcité  is freedom,” she said. “Interfering with religious matters in this way is in itself a violation of state secularism.”

Darmanin later said he did not regret his comments.

“I don't have one word to take back. Not one. Yes capitalism also has a responsibility in society, not everything can be about money,” he wrote on Twitter.




Member comments

  1. Does this idiot include the British and American food on sale? Are Kosher foods included? This fool should expand his horizons and go and live in other countries or stop trying to collect Brownie points on the back of a hideous crime.

  2. Is it all ethnic foods or just one ethnicity’s food I do wonder? Here where I live the only ethnic food aisle is for British foods…

    Backwards thinking. Small wonder racism and extremism continue to be problems in France. They cannot face up to their brutality in north Africa and elsewhere and cannot therefore begin the very long process of healing as a society and growing into the fully intgrated multi-cultural nation they could be.

  3. I would be very happy if the ‘ethnic’ foods I buy in my supermarket were to be integrated into the general aisles. Proper marmalade with the confitures d’orange, Japanese noodles with (Italian!) pasta, soya sauce with other sauces …
    Where food is concerned, the French are, on the whole, boring. If the way Mamie prepared something was good enough for her, it is good enough for me. Very little evolution, therefore ‘ethnic’ products will never be acceptable because unnecessary.

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Macron warns of ‘civil war’ if far right or hard left win election

President Emmanuel Macron warned that the policies of his far-right and hard-left opponents could lead to ‘civil war’, as France prepared for its most divisive election in decades.

Macron warns of ‘civil war’ if far right or hard left win election

French politics were plunged into turmoil when Macron called snap legislative elections after his centrist party was trounced by the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) in a European vote earlier this month.

Weekend polls suggested the RN would win 35-36 percent in the first round on Sunday, ahead of a left-wing alliance on 27-29.5 percent and Macron’s centrists in third on 19.5-22 percent.

A second round of voting will follow on July 7th in constituencies where no candidate takes more than 50 percent in the first round.

Speaking on the podcast Generation Do It Yourself, Macron, 46, denounced both the RN as well as the hard-left France Unbowed party.

He said the far-right “divides and pushes towards civil war”, while the hard-left La France Insoumise, which is part of the Nouveau Front Populaire alliance, proposes “a form of communitarianism”, adding that “civil war follows on from that, too”.

Reacting to Macron’s comments, far-right leader Jordan Bardella told French news outlet M6: “A President of the Republic should not say that. I want to re-establish security for all French people.”

Bardella, the RN’s 28-year-old president, earlier Monday said his party was ready to govern as he pledged to curb immigration and tackle cost-of-living issues.

“In three words: we are ready,” Bardella told a news conference as he unveiled the RN’s programme.

READ ALSO What would a far-right prime minister mean for foreigners in France?

Bardella has urged voters to give the eurosceptic party an outright majority to allow it to implement its anti-immigration, law-and-order programme.

“Seven long years of Macronism has weakened the country,” he said, vowing to boost purchasing power, “restore order” and change the law to make it easier to deport foreigners convicted of crimes.

He reiterated plans to tighten borders and make it harder for children born in France to foreign parents to gain citizenship.

Bardella added that the RN would focus on “realistic” measures to curb inflation, primarily by cutting energy taxes.

He also promised a disciplinary ‘big bang’ in schools, including a ban on mobile phones and trialling the introduction of school uniforms, a proposal previously put forward by Macron.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal of Macron’s Renaissance party poured scorn on the RN’s economic programme, telling Europe 1 radio the country was “headed straight for disaster” in the event of an RN victory.

On Tuesday, Attal will go head-to-head with Bardella and the leftist Manuel Bompard in a TV debate.

On foreign policy, Bardella said the RN opposed sending French troops and long-range missiles to Ukraine – as mooted by Macron – but would continue to provide logistical and material support.

He added that his party, which had close ties to Russia before its invasion of Ukraine, would be “extremely vigilant” in the face of Moscow’s attempts to interfere in French affairs.

Macron insisted that France would continue to support Ukraine over the long term as he met with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.

“We will continue to mobilise to respond to Ukraine’s immediate needs,” he said alongside Stoltenberg at the Elysee Palace.

The election is shaping up as a showdown between the RN and the leftist Nouveau Front Populaire, which is dominated by the hard-left La France Insoumise.

Bardella claimed the RN, which mainstream parties have in the past united to block, was now the “patriotic and republican” choice faced with what he alleged was the anti-Semitism of Mélenchon’s party.

La France Insoumise, which opposes Israel’s war in Gaza and refused to label the October 7th Hamas attacks as ‘terrorism’, denies the charges of anti-Semitism.

In calling an election in just three weeks Macron hoped to trip up his opponents and catch them unprepared.

But analysts have warned the move could backfire if the deeply unpopular president is forced to share power with a prime minister from an opposing party.

RN powerhouse Marine Le Pen, who is bidding to succeed Macron as president, has called on him to step aside if he loses control of parliament.

Macron has insisted he will not resign before the end of his second term in 2027 but has vowed to heed voters’ concerns.

Speaking on Monday, Macron once again defended his choice to call snap elections.

“It’s very hard. I’m aware of it, and a lot of people are angry with me,” he said on the podcast. “But I did it because there is nothing greater and fairer in a democracy than trust in the people.”