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Winter tyres and snow chains: What are the rules in France?

It's almost that time of year to dig out your studded tyres and chains. Here's a look at the rules for French winter driving.

Winter tyres and snow chains: What are the rules in France?
People chaining up their cars on their way up to the French Alps. Photo: AFP

If you are driving in certain parts of France – usually mountainous areas – from November 1st to March 31st, then you may be required to have winter equipment for your car.

France introduced a new law, the Loi Montage II (mountain law II), in 2020 making winter tyres compulsory in certain areas. While implementation was supposed to start in 2021, it ended up being delayed until the start of 2023. 

Motorists are expected to abide by the rules. In future years, failure to comply will result in fines, but 2023-2024 season will be another ‘education’ year, according to the French government. This means that no penalties will be issued during this year’s winter season.

Here are the rules you should know;

The mountain law makes either snow tyres, all-weather tyres or chains compulsory in 34 of France’s 96 mainland départements – generally those areas which are mountainous.

With those 34 départements, local authorities pick which roads the new rules apply to. 

You can use this interactive map to see each of the communes affected by the mountain law.

If you’re entering an area where snow tyres or chains are compulsory you will see the sign on the left, while the one on the right tells you are leaving the enforcement zone.

The law runs from November 1st to March 31st.

Many other European countries also have rules on snow tyres so if you are driving to a European neighbour during winter time, you should check what the rules are in that respective country. The European Consumer Centre France has a handy map outlining the different rules in Europe. 

In France, cars and other light commercial vehicles (with the M1 or N1 status) must either fit the car with at least two chains or employ four winter tyres.

Winter tyres (pneus contact/pneus neige/pneus hiver) – if you are using snow tyres or all weather tyres, these must be fitted to all four of your vehicles’ wheels when you enter an area covered by the mountain law. By the decree, these tyres should be designated as ‘3PMSF’ (3 peak Mountain Snow Flake). These tyres might be marked ‘M+S’, ‘M.S’ or ‘M&S’. 

The 2023-2024 winter season will be the final one where ‘M+S’ tyres are allowed.

Studded tyres (pneus cloutés/pneus à crampons) – These are tyres adapted to drive on icy roads. As a general rule, you may use studded tyres from November until the end of March. Regional governments may adapt this date to local weather conditions, but they are not compulsory. Vehicles fitted with studded tyres are not required to have any extra equipment.

Chains (chaînes) – if you use chains instead of winter tyres you only need these on two wheels of your car. They are allowed on all roads covered in snow, whatever the season. 

Chaussettes à neige – ‘snow socks’ – these are similar to chains, and again are only required for two wheels on the car. They tend to be a more affordable option.

You can find full detail on the winter rules here

French vocab

Tomber en panne – break down

Route barré – road closed

Déviation – diversion

Antigel – antifreeze

Route glacée – icy roads

Antipatinage – Traction control

Liquide de lave-glace spécialement adapté aux conditions hivernales – Windshield washer fluid adapted for winter conditions

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Can I use my American Express card in France?

If you are travelling to France with an American Express card, there are a few things you ought to consider beforehand.

Can I use my American Express card in France?

While many European establishments do accept American Express cards, outside of the US they are significantly less common and many businesses, especially smaller ones, refuse them. 

Why are American Express cards not accepted?

According to Forbes, it has to do with the fact that American Express is known for charging “higher merchant fees than other credit card networks.

“In other words: It’s more cost-efficient for many businesses (especially low-margin ones) to take Visa or Mastercard instead.”

The business magazine also noted that American Express credit card transactions made up just 4.61 percent globally. Whereas Visa and Mastercard transactions were significantly more common – making up 38 percent and 24 percent of the market share respectively.

READ MORE: Is it a good idea to rent a car in Paris?

What should I do if I have an AmEx card?

Travel blogs often recommend that AmEx holders bring along a Visa or Mastercard as well, in case they run into issues.

You can also consult American Express’ interactive map, which shows the businesses in France that definitely accept the card.

However, the map may not show every business that accepts AmEx, so feel free to ask (est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes ‘American Express’?) before sitting down for a meal or making a purchase. 

You can also look to see whether the store displays an AmEx sticker in the window. 

Generally, American Express cards are less likely to be accepted in small businesses – neighbourhood restaurants, cafés or independent shops – due to the reasons outlined above. You have a better chance of your AmEx card being accepted in larger companies and chains.

It’s also not accepted by all French apps for payment – so for example if you’re buying national rail tickets you can use AmEx for the SNCF Connect app, but it is not accepted by the Paris public transport app Ile de France Mobilities (which offers digital Metro, bus and tram tickets).

Any other things to consider?

Contactless payment (sans contact) is becoming much more common in France, albeit only for lower-value purchases.  If your AmEx card does not have the chip that allows you to tap and pay, then you may want to take cash out or bring another card along. 

If you still have an old-style card that requires swiping and signing, be aware that most smaller French businesses do not have this payment option.

ATMs should accept your AmEx card, so you should not have any issues being able to put in your pin number and take out cash, though there may be fees.

You’ll also want to look into the transaction fees associated with your card. Some AmEx cards offer the benefit of no foreign transaction fees, while others still charge them.

Finally, while AmEx no longer requires cardholders to inform them ahead of time if they will be travelling abroad, they still recommend “keeping your contact information updated in case we need to contact you while you’re away” and “downloading the Amex mobile app to conveniently manage your account on the go.”

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