How owning a dog makes you more ‘German’

Germany is a nation of dog lovers. Indeed, a stroll through the streets of any major German city will reveal not only plenty of dogs walking their owners, but entire stores devoted to their needs.

How owning a dog makes you more 'German'
Photo: Getty Images

There are around ten million dogs in Germany, more than in any other EU country. Perhaps this is because owning a dog suits the local mindset, involving organisation, group activities and a healthy amount of red tape. Think owning a dog is all about fun and companionship? There’s a lot more to it than that – especially in Germany! 

Have a dog yourself? We reached out to our international readers to learn about your experiences of having a dog in Germany – and we’ve now concluded that dog ownership can be a powerful factor in making you more ‘German’. In partnership with insurance company Coya, here’s your guide to how …

Being patient with bureaucracy 

If you move to Germany with a dog, the hurdles that presents may be among your first experiences with German bureaucracy. Prior to arriving, dogs must be microchipped and have an EU pet passport, in addition to a rabies shot (and there are restrictions on how soon prior to arriving this can be given). 

Is your dog your ‘child’? Find out about the benefits of Coya’s dog liability insurance

Most of the time, dogs arriving in Germany from another country will not have to go into quarantine – however, there may be some rare exceptions. It’s always best to check up-to-date German government information websites. 

As American expat Amanda Dawn told us, you need to “make sure your dog is registered at your local Bürgerbüro (municipal office), and pay the tax for being a dog owner and get their licences”. These taxes can vary widely depending on where you live – for example, in Berlin, you can expect to pay €120 per dog, in Munich, around €100.

You can expect to pay more for each subsequent dog you register. Your dog’s details will be taken, including their microchip identification, and you’ll have to pay a fee. Getting your paperwork is a rite of passage in becoming ‘German’ – and there will be no shortage of it if you have a dog!

Photo: Laura Borrell

More patience please – you’re on probation!

Bringing a dog into your home isn’t as easy as heading to a pet store and picking a puppy in the window – the sale of dogs at pet shops is prohibited in Germany. To get a dog, you must adopt one from a shelter, a tierverein (animal society) or a licensed breeder.

This can be a long process, involving questionnaires, home visits and probationary periods of ownership. All of these groups are extremely keen on finding the right home for their dogs, and will tell you over and over again that this is not a step to be taken lightly. Again the German love of bureaucracy shines through – bear with it and give yourself a pat on the back once it’s all done! 

Knowing new laws (on keeping your dog fit)

Germans take veterinary health seriously – you’ll be amazed at how many vets you’ll come across, especially in more rural regions with a higher percentage of working dogs. This focus on health extends to paying close attention to what dogs are eating and how often they’re walked. Don’t be surprised if a German tells you that your canine friend is looking a little tubby! 

The German federal government is highly likely to legislate mandatory exercise for dogs twice a day sometime in 2021. The proposed ‘dog walking law’ has attracted ridicule – but Germans love to legislate what would otherwise be common sense. 

Even if your dog is in great shape, you can never rule out an unexpected veterinary bill. Coya’s pet health insurance covers 80 percent of the costs for unexpected, necessary surgical interventions on your dog – and the company’s website and app are available in English, as well as German.

Dogs are family: find out more about protecting your dog with Coya’s pet health insurance

Socialising your dog – and yourself!

When we asked dog-owning readers of The Local about their experiences, the biggest response related to how having dogs made them more accepted among their German neighbours. As Laura Borrell, a Briton living in Berlin, told us: “One of my neighbours, who also owns a dog, said she might not have spoken to us when we first moved here, had it not been for our dogs! I speak okay German but my husband doesn’t and I think walking the dogs has opened up conversations for him!”

Madeleine Oliver, who lives in the Black Forest, has had similar experiences. She says: “There are quite a few dogs in our village, nearly all rescue dogs, two from abroad. We often walk our dogs together and when I am out and about on my own with the dog I chat with other dog owners I meet.” 

Photo: Madeleine Oliver

Keeping in line with the German love of turning everything into a team sport, there are any number of dog walking clubs and teams for those who enjoy dog training –- but as Madeleine tells us: ‘“Third party dog insurance is mandatory, even if you don’t visit a dog school”. 

Protecting your dog and yourself with insurance 

Germans love insurance. They’ll insure everything, from their homes and possessions right down to the smallest members of their family. Depending on your Bundesland (state) or Kreis (county), insuring your dog against any damage they might do, or any bites they might dish out may be mandatory – and this is for good reason. People in Germany are far more likely to hold you responsible for the actions of your dog, and no amount of talking will get you out of it. 

Coya’s dog liability insurance is there to take some of the worry out of owning a dog. For a low monthly fee you’re covered against any physical or material damage your pooch causes to others – it’s like private liability insurance but for your dog. As some four-legged friends have the potential to cause considerable chaos, Coya covers you for up to 30 million euros.

Additionally, you’ll be able to contact English-speaking representatives who can assist in a fast and friendly fashion wherever they may be, day or night. You can also access a stack of great advice covering everything from dog training to diseases. 

Learning to negotiate with landlords

Finding a rental property with a pet can be a hassle at the best of times, but even more so in a country where most people live in apartments. Landlords can’t refuse to rent you a property because you have a dog. But there are a million other perfectly legal ways that they can do so – or so it can seem.

Funnily enough, you don’t have to disclose that you own a dog before you sign a lease – but you must let the owner know if you have a dog prior to moving in. This can lead to negotiations and counter-offers, where the German qualities of organisation and preparedness are crucial. Be prepared or prepare to fail! 

Your dog may be your ‘best friend’ or a member of the family – as well as helping you to become more ‘German’. Click here to find out about the benefits of dog liability insurance with Coya. 

For members


Inside Germany: Inflation falls, Edeka’s far-right stand and school traditions

From inflation dropping to under two percent to supermarket Edeka's advert against the AfD ahead of elections and the 'sugar bag' loved by German schoolchildren, here's what we're talking about this week.

Inside Germany: Inflation falls, Edeka's far-right stand and school traditions

Relief as consumer prices fall to lowest level since 2021

Whether it’s the spiralling cost of energy, olive oil or even Döner kebabs, no one could have failed to notice the hike in everyday costs in Germany in recent years. 

The situation has been improving somewhat recently – but there was major news this week that will have many people jumping for joy.

The annual inflation rate fell to 1.9 percent in August, according to initial figures – down from 2.3 percent in July. 

Amazingly, the last time German inflation was below two percent was in March 2021.

The drop is being attributed to a 5.1 percent decline in energy prices. 

In other good monetary news, real wages increased for the fifth quarter in a row.

It’s no wonder German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was keen to highlight these developments on social media. 

His coalition government has been taking a beating in polls recently and he won’t be looking forward to the elections in Thuringia and Saxony on Sunday where the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is expected to make huge gains. 

“People have more money in their wallets again. Inflation is falling, real wages are rising for the fifth quarter in a row,” he tweeted. 

Falling consumer prices are a relief but you might be wondering just how food prices got so expensive (we’re especially looking at you, olive oil). 

The cost of groceries in Germany has risen by 33 percent since 2021, while the overall inflation rate since then is about 20 percent.

Germany’s Consumer Advice Centre wants to see companies be more transparent, and says food prices need to be monitored closely.

I’m sure we’d all like to see fairer prices during the weekly grocery shop. 

Edeka takes a stand against the far-right 

Speaking of those elections (and supermarkets), it isn’t often that big businesses take a political stance. But German supermarket Edeka has campaigned against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in an advert.

The supermarket chain’s latest ad, which ran in two German newspapers, features a variety of colourful fruit and veg – but highlights that blue, which is the AfD’s colour, “is not an option”. It says that “in Germany, ‘the blues’ are already the biggest threat to a diverse society”.

Back to school 

The new term is starting in Germany with many children already back in the classroom. It’s a wonderful time to learn about some of Germany’s cutest traditions. 

For example: the Schultüte (school bag).

On enrolment day, known as Einschulung, parents stuff these bags shaped like cones with huge amounts of sweets and other treats to celebrate the start of school. It is sometimes known as a Zuckertüte (sugar bag).

A pupil with a 'Schultüte' in Bavaria.

A pupil with a ‘Schultüte’ in Bavaria. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Gollnow

This tradition is said to date back to the early 1800s in Saxony and Thuringia. Starting in the larger cities, it quickly spread, becoming an integral part of school enrolment across Germany.

To many Germans, these cones are a significant symbol of starting school and entering a new phase of life.