‘Markets will teach Italy to vote for the right thing’: EU official’s comment causes uproar

Senior Italian politicians on Tuesday called for EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger to resign over an "absurd" comment in which he voiced the hope that the country's poor economic situation will keep populist parties out of government.

'Markets will teach Italy to vote for the right thing': EU official's comment causes uproar
EU budget commissioner Gunther Oettinger. Photo: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP

Italy is facing the likely prospect of fresh elections after President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday blocked a cabinet proposed by the anti-immigrant League and their allies, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S). The chaotic developments have spooked investors, who fear another election could see an even better result for the populist, eurosceptic parties.

In an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, EU commissioner Oettinger said here had been a “noticeable downturn” in government bonds, banks' market values and in Italy's economy in general, which “the government formation may be responsible for”.

“I can only hope,” he added, “that this will play a role in the election campaign, in the sense of sending a signal to voters not to hand power to populists on the right and left.” His argument was picked up by a journalist in a comment which Oettinger then retweeted: “The markets will teach Italy to vote for the right thing.”

Far-right League leader Matteo Salvini immediately pounced upon the message. “It's crazy, in Brussels they have no shame,” Salvini tweeted.

“'The markets will teach Italy how to vote.' That sounds like a threat to me! I'm not afraid,” he continued, before calling on Oettinger to resign “this afternoon” in a Facebook video.


Even the country's pro-European Democratic Party (PD) had strong words for Oettinger. “No one can tell Italians how to vote, not least the markets. Italy must be respected,” said Maurizio Martina, interim leader of the PD. Outgoing Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, also from the PD, called for “an apology or resignation” of the EU commissioner.

Five Star leader, Luigi Di Maio, also weighed into the debate. “'The markets will teach you to vote.' The words of the European Commissioner, Mr. Oettinger, are absurd,” said Di Maio.

“These people treat Italy like a summer colony where they come to spend their holidays. But in a few months a government of change will be born and in Europe we will finally be respected.”

European officials were quick to distance themselves from the remark. European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas labelled the comment “unwise”. 

“It is the Italians and only the Italians who will decide on the future of their country. Nobody else,” he said.

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker assured Tuesday that Italy's “fate does not lie” in the financial markets' hands and that Rome will pursue its pro-EU path no matter which party is in power. 

READ ALSO: What does Italy's constitution have to say about its political crisis?

Photo; Patrick Herzog/AFP


Italy says Russia media ban cannot erase effects of ‘illegal war’

Italy on Tuesday condemned Russia for blocking access to dozens of European media outlets, saying it would not erase the effects of a "violent, devastating and illegal war" in Ukraine.

Italy says Russia media ban cannot erase effects of 'illegal war'

The foreign ministry described the ban as “unjustified”, saying the Italian outlets affected – the broadcasters RAI and La7 and newspapers La Repubblica and La Stampa – had “always provided objective and impartial information on the Ukraine conflict”.

It said Russia’s attacks in Ukraine against civilians, cities and the energy network “will not be erased by the bans imposed on media and journalists in Italy and around the world who continue to follow devastating and inhumane activities with professionalism and independence”.

READ ALSO: Italy warns against ‘rash’ moves over arms to Ukraine

“The decision of the Russian Federation is one that does not remove or lessen the effects of a violent, devastating and illegal war,” it said.

Italy this year holds the rotating presidency of the G7 group of wealthy nations.

Russia said on Tuesday that it was blocking access to dozens of European media outlets, including AFP websites, in response to an EU broadcasting bans on several Russian outlets imposed last month.

The announcement comes after the European Union unveiled a ban on four Kremlin-controlled media outlets in May, accusing them of being “instrumental in bringing forward and supporting” Moscow’s Ukraine offensive.