‘In Berlin’s housing market people are getting mad, getting scared’

Germany’s affordable housing problems are magnified in Berlin, where a swelling population is leading to eye-watering rent increases. While some tenants are being pushed out of their homes, others are fighting back.

'In Berlin’s housing market people are getting mad, getting scared'
A protest against rising rents. Photo: DPA

When Marian Ryan moved into what she calls “the last scruffy corner” of Berlin district Prenzlauer Berg in 2010, she and her partner were already paying what most of the neighbours in their house considered too much: €700 cold for 75 square metres.

But the ground-floor location was ideal for Ryan, a writer with physical mobility issues who works from home. So in 2014, when the landlord offered her and all of her neighbours a €100-per-square-metre settlement to leave the building prior to renovation work, most refused. “Everybody thought that was an atrocious offer,” she said.

Ryan was experiencing something first hand that has become a central social issue in Berlin in recent years: an overheated rental market is making it lucrative for landlords to try and push out long-term tenants in order to charge new tenants much higher rents.

Two years after the initial offer, a representative of the real estate company came to discuss building renovations to the common spaces, like a new elevator and balconies. He passed out a letter stating that the changes would affect tenants’ rent, and they should contact the landlord to discuss it.

“It was all very vague, and it didn’t say anything about us having to leave,” Ryan said.

In late 2016, construction work commenced, with each project leaving a bigger mess, like uncollected trash accumulating for weeks. Ryan remembers it “like a frog being boiled in a pot of water, just gradually getting worse.”

Through 2017, construction noise and the chaos took its toll. When a jackhammer started deconstructing the marble tile in her hallway, the noise became unbearable. Ryan’s partner was ready to leave, and he contacted the landlord. They were sent a contract to sign, but it still had the name and settlement amount of a different tenant in the building, who had moved out two years prior.

“There were typos and things. All of these alarm bells went off – the contract was so unprofessional!” A lawyer from the Berliner Mieterverein whom they consulted agreed the terms were unfair, and their proposed deal included a gag order against the couple talking about their settlement.

Instead, they filed an injunction against the elevator construction. After two court cases, a settlement of nearly €30,000, and continued construction, Ryan and her partner moved out last autumn.

Photo: DPA

Germany: a renter society

Across the country, Germans are more likely to rent than people in most of the rest of Western Europe. Historically, the partnership between public-sector subsidies and private-sector development has contributed to a robust, high quality, and fairly stable rental market, making renting a more attractive option than owning for nearly half of Germans.

But this delicate balance has been breaking down recently.

Low-income housing in Germany is decreasing while rent prices in Germany’s big cities are rapidly growing, explains Dr. Jutta Hartmann of the Deutscher Mieterbund, Germany’s national tenant association.  

She cites less construction of homes, increased immigration, and complicated legal requirements on energy efficiency as major contributors.

Additionally, the much-lauded Mietpreisbremse, or “rental price break law,” introduced in 2015 to cap rent increases at 10% above the local average in areas with tight housing markets, has often proved ineffective.

SEE ALSO: Germany's controversial rent control law works after all (at least in central Berlin)

“In Germany, there are actually only around 1.25 million social housing units,” Dr. Hartmann explains. “Annually, between 40,000 and 50,000 apartments fall out of social housing agreements, and there has not been an expansion in the offerings.”

In 1990, a federal government report placed the number of social housing units at around three million.

The national trend is amplified in Berlin, where the population is growing by around 40,000 people a year. Since 2009, rents have increased across the capital city by 46%, while around 50% of households in Berlin are now entitled to rental assistance.

Many of the capital’s young, new inhabitants spend weekends hopping between open houses, vying with 50 or more prospective tenants in rapidly gentrifying neighbourhoods.

Loopholes in the Mietpreisbremse allow landlords to breach the 10% ceiling for a variety of reasons. For example, if the landlord spends more than one-third of the price of building a new unit on modernizing the flat, the Mietpreisbremse does not apply. That means that there has been more money spent on modernizing Berlin’s housing stock, but it has also led to coerced move-outs and outright evictions.

“The death of affordable housing”. Kreuzberg. Photo: DPA

Public housing mysteries sorted – sort of

There are about 1.6 million rental homes in Berlin, around one-fourth of which are either owned by the city’s six municipal housing companies or are part of social housing programs.

The municipal housing companies are for-profit, independent entities whose shares are held by the city. Encouraged by a city government eager to pay down its debts, several years ago city officials mandated that these companies raise rents, generate revenue, and create an income for the city to pay off debts. As a result, much of Berlin’s public housing is market rate and higher.

In 2015 a grass-roots initiative collected 50,000 signatures and threatened to force a referendum on social housing. The Berlin Senate responded by passed an affordable housing law, making social housing more affordable and less at risk for privatization. It provides more funds for the modernization of buildings, makes it more difficult to evict a tenant from social housing, and expands the role of tenant advisory boards to make the sale of public housing much more difficult.

It also stipulates that one in five apartments owned by those city-controlled companies shall be reserved for refugees and homeless people. The core feature of the bill caps rent for low-income tenants at 30% of their income, with the government stepping in to subsidize higher rents in municipal buildings.

However, as Dr. Hartmann points out, a number of units fall out of social housing agreements each year. This “fall out” has to do with a public sector subsidy offered in the 1990s to private developers which encouraged them to build low income housing in exchange for the promise that the rents would remain affordable for 20 years. Often renters have been forced out of their homes of over 15 years when the agreements expire and landlords have snapped rents back to market rates.

Critics of the city’s bill also claim it doesn’t go far enough. “It’s not a sustainable policy at all,” says Michael LaFond, referring to the 20-year subsidies. “We can’t afford to throw money out there to build homes that we won’t have 10 or 20 years later”, says Le Fond, founder of ID:22 Institute for Creative Sustainability, a non-profit idea lab for urban co-housing theory and practice.

Another critique is that this only reforms those 25% of rentals owned by municipal companies, leaving the other 75% to the private sector, which is gobbling up central Berlin real estate on the speculative market.

Taking back control?

On a Monday morning in late January, more than 100 people gathered in an old brick warehouse in central Berlin to discuss the development of a new social housing project. Haus der Statistik is the object of plans by ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin, an alliance of local artists, architects, and social and cultural associations.

The group has been working together since 2016 to take control of the austere former DDR statistics headquarters at Alexanderplatz and turn it into social housing, artist workspaces, and public education spaces. The project gives some hope for social housing in a time when many city residents see only anxiety and gentrification.

The motto of ZUsammenKUNFT cuts straight to the heart of Berliners working to keep their city on their terms: “Through solidarity, creating a Berlin that’s sustainable and cosmopolitan.”

Haus der Statistik. Photo: DPA

When it comes to working together though, nothing happens quickly, and nothing happens without the clear buy-in of all interested parties. Unlike in private housing like Ryan’s building, where tenants can be enveloped in construction without their consent, Haus der Statistik will be a slow road to consensus.

In fact, the planning meeting in January simply initiated an agreement to spend the next eight months negotiating how space will be divided and used.

But for advocates of social housing, it is the best way towards building a stable and sustainable rental market – and one fitting to Berlin’s alternative ethos.

“The story of Berlin is bottom-up organizing. It’s a question of power, and people in the city getting mad, getting scared,” says LaFond, “It’s a city of renters and low income people, and those people are expressing their basic interests and fears.”

LaFond predicts that “projects and initiatives will continue to put pressure on the government, and the government will continue to react and work for a more social real estate and housing policy,” predicts LaFond. “Things are moving. It’s really dynamic. And it is largely a question of power.”

READ ALSO: 'Bureaucracy makes you feel like a lowly beggar': surviving on the streets of Berlin

For members


How foreign residents in Germany are winning rent reductions

Rent is often the biggest expense for foreign residents in Germany. Even though there are rent controls in some cities, tenants can still be charged too much. Readers shared how they managed to get a rent reduction.

How foreign residents in Germany are winning rent reductions

The Local asked readers whether they have tried to reduce their rents in Germany, and to what end. 

Of the readers who responded, nearly half said they had never tried to reduce their rent. Among the other half of respondents, many said they either wanted to reduce their rent or were currently in the process of trying to have it reduced. 

About 18 percent of respondents to our survey said they had successfully reduced their rents in Germany before.

Why do residents want rent reductions?

Germany notoriously has the lowest rate of home ownership in Europe, which has long been attributed to being a country with high real estate prices and relatively low rents.

But this means that a large number of German residents are directly affected by rising rents. Low-income individuals living in urban hubs where rents have been rising rapidly in recent years are particularly vulnerable.

According to Germany’s statistical office (Destatis), 11.8 percent of the population was overburdened by housing costs as of 2022 – meaning these households spent more than 40 percent of their income on housing.

Unsurprisingly, a number of readers cited inflation and cost-of-living increases as the primary reason they wanted to try for a rent reduction.

READ ALSO: How to grow your savings in Germany during high inflation

A couple of readers noted that their current rent prices are making their living costs too high.

Rothe, 29, who lives in Aachen, says she can’t bear her current rent but is stuck in a contract.

Similarly, Lucas, 35, who lives in Horb am Neckar said he wants to reduce his rent to balance his expenses following the recent cost-of-living hikes. He says he’s tried to negotiate with his landlord, who doesn’t care to do so.

While landlords are unlikely to grant a rent reduction based on inflation or cost-of-living increases, there are a few reasons you can legitimately demand a rent reduction in Germany.

Make sure your rent isn’t exceeding the price brake limit

The rent price brake (Mietpreisbremse) isn’t perfect, but it’s arguably Germany’s strongest protection for tenants against rising rents. 

It’s designed to prevent landlords from raising rents to ‘unreasonable’ levels, but with no central agency for enforcement, the burden falls on tenants to demand legal rents.

READ ALSO: German rent brake to be extended until 2029: What you need to know

Andrew, 62, successfully reduced the rent he pays for his flat in Berlin’s Gesundbrunnen area with the rent brake rule. After he realised the “rent was high for the location”,  he contacted his tenant’s association.

He thought that his landlord responded in a reasonable manner: “They thought the condition of the flat justified the higher rent and paid a friendly visit to point out the features,” Andrew said.

“We countered that the features were all quite old and that the previous tenants had been on a lower rate.”

Mieten runter "rents down"

The words “Rents down” are graffitied on the wall of a rental building. About 75% of Berlin rents are set illegally high, a legal expert told The Local. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

The rent brake prohibits landlords from setting rents more than 10 percent above a local average value, which is recorded in a local rent price index. You can find your local rent price index by searching for the German term “Mietspiegel”, along with the name of your city or region.

Here is one for Berlin, which allows you to calculate your rent index based on your current address and a few factors such as the area of your flat and how old the building is etc.

Andrew recommends joining a tenants’ union and using an online calculator to check if your rent is reasonable. He also says you should be prepared to negotiate and to compromise where necessary.

Gerson, 50, who lives in North Rhine-Westphalia, also found that his current rent was too high for his location. He says he is currently looking for a company that can assist him with the process to demand a rent reduction.

David, 57, in Berlin said he believes his rent is “illegally high” compared to other and he has hired a lawyer to go through the process of trying to get a rent reduction. 

There are also legal service providers that can help with renters’ issues in Germany, and some that even specialise in winning rent reductions with the rent price brake. You can find some of them through an online search. You may want to look for one that will initiate the process at no cost to you. Some will even complete the service with no cost to tenants, applying their fees instead to the landlords at fault in the event that they win a rent reduction.

READ ALSO: Why are Berlin rents soaring by 20 percent when there’s a rent brake?

It’s also worth noting that the rent price brake only applies to rental markets that are considered highly competitive. So it applies to most of Germany’s big cities, but may not apply in suburban or rural regions.

Overcharged by faulty measurements

Rents prices in Germany are usually calculated according to a price per metre of living space. Therefore, in some cases, it may be worth double checking that your living space has been calculated accurately.

One reader, who didn’t wish to be named, told The Local that he had previously reduced his rent for an apartment in Düsseldorf in this way.

“We had a small attic apartment with slanted walls,” the reader said. “The total square metres of the apartment were based on measurement from wall to wall. However, walls had to be straight to a height of at least 1.2 metres before the slanted side can begin [or else] the total square metres start from the point where the vertical height of 1.2 metres is available.”

After he learned about this requirement he measured the apartment, and found that his own rent had been based on a measurement of the floor plan, not the legally defined living space. Then he contacted his tenants’ association, which sent an architect to confirm the measurements.

Initially sceptical, his landlord sent another architect to check the measurements. But when it was confirmed, his rent was lowered accordingly. “Turned out that we had to pay for about 10 square metres less all in all,” the reader said.

This incident was 15 years ago, and these types of regulations can vary from region to region.

His advice to readers is to check up on the local regulations that may apply to your situation. 

In other cases, some renters have been able to negotiate rent reductions for other inconveniences – such as excessive noise, for example.

READ ALSO: How to get a rent reduction for problems in your German flat