The 10 heartiest German dishes to get you through winter

Winter is here, so it's time to stock up on carbohydrates for the cold months ahead (not that you don't already do the rest of the year).

The 10 heartiest German dishes to get you through winter
Käsespätzle. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/markusunger.

Luckily German cuisine is synonymous with heartiness. Here are ten of the best dishes the country has to offer when it’s chilly and snowy out.


Archive photo shows a woman eating Grünkohl the traditional way. Photo: DPA

Alternatively known as ‘Braunkohl,’  this dish is an integral aspect to traditional cuisine especially in northern Germany.

Made with kale (Grünkohl translates to ‘green kale’), potatoes and sausages or Kasseler (cured pork steak), the dish is heavy indeed – but oh-so-heart-warming!

Since kale in the country is harvested after the first frost of the year (which allows it to develop its unique, sweet yet somewhat bitter taste), restaurants will likely be serving this dish until at least February (even to-go in winter 2021). Added bonus: kale has one of the highest levels of vitamin C and folic acid compared to other winter vegetables.


Knödel in mushroom sauce. Photo: DPA

Knödel are essentially boiled dumplings found across a slew of European countries, though Germany is one such nation they are said to originate from.

Made from mainly potatoes (bread or flour are typical additions), and known as Kloß in the north and west of Germany, the dumplings are often served as a side – though it’s not uncommon to see them served as a main course or in soups.

In Bavaria as well as in Austria Knödel are widely enjoyed as a dessert.


Archive photo shows a Frankfurt chef holding up Sauerbraten with the typical sides. Photo: DPA

Regarded as one of Germany’s national dishes, Sauerbraten is pretty much a German take on your typical pot roast. It can be prepared with a variety of meats but beef and horse meat are classic choices.

Sauerbraten isn’t called Sauerbraten for any old reason: the meat is marinated in vinegar, red wine, vegetables and herbs for up to ten days – thus making it exceptionally tender and juicy. Traditional side dishes include Rotkohl (red cabbage) and Knödel.

Eggs in a mustard sauce


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While it isn’t any surprise that meat is a dominant ingredient in German cuisine, there are vegetarians options that exist too.

In this simple dish, boiled eggs are served differently from the way Germans usually enjoy them at the weekends for breakfast. Instead, they come in a mustard sauce with an optional side of potatoes – especially popular among kids.



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While Kartoffelsuppe (potato soup) can be found in countries the world over, there’s something special about the way the Germans do it.

Of course to serve it up German-style means that it no doubt needs to have meat in it. So if you make it yourself, after cooking the potatoes as well as various other desired vegetables such as carrots or celery, you’ll need to add chopped sausages to it.

Feeling daring? Garnish it with fried bacon bits.


In Germany Kohlroulade is typically made with Wirsing (savoy cabbage), a common ingredient in the country’s cuisine that’s especially popular when temperatures start to dip.

Savoy cabbage differs from regular cabbage in that its leaves are softer and curlier.

But don’t be fooled; German cabbage rolls aren’t vegetarian as they’re traditionally filled with ground meat and herbs. The dish is also baked or cooked in a broth and served with tomato sauce.


The German answer to mac and cheese, Käsespätzle is an ooey gooey dish.

Known as a quintessential Swabian comfort food that originates from the Baden-Württemberg region of Germany, this egg noodle dish is layered with shredded cheese such as Emmental and topped with crispy, caramelized onions.

If it sounds simple, it’s because it is; the main ingredients for the noodles are flour and eggs. It’s also tastier when made at home, according to some Germans – proof that delicious food doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive.



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Popular in other parts of Europe, such as in Hungary where it originates from as well as in the Czech Republic, goulash is a stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with spices such as paprika.

Though it can be enjoyed all year round, there’s nothing like tucking into a deftig (hearty), steaming hot plate of goulash in the wintertime.

In Germany it’s common to make goulash not only with beef, but also with wild meat such as deer and wild boar. Rumour has it too that the German version differs from the Hungarian version in that potatoes are not included in the dish.


You’ve likely seen these at fairs throughout the Bundesrepublik all four seasons of the year as well as at Christmas markets during the holiday season.

But because they’re quite greasy, there’s something appropriate about indulging in them when it’s frosty out.

Essentially fried potato patties, Reibekuchen – also known as Reibeplätzchen – are served either sweet or savoury. While many choose to pair them with applesauce, others opt to dip them in herbed quark.

Store-bought grated potatoes are excellent for making these patties at home; when fried, they taste pretty much identical to what you can find at fairs.



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A German dish oftentimes reserved for special occasions, Rinderrouladen is similar to Kohlroulade in that they’re stuffed with ingredients. 

The dish is prepared by rolling thin slices of beef around bacon, mustard, pickles and onions – though mixtures differ from region to region. 

The rolls are then fried and after simmering long enough so that the flavours just blend together, it’s time to dig in. Guten Appetit! 

For members


How much should tourists really tip in Germany?

Some suggest that tourists from the US have pushed their tipping culture on metropolitan cities in Germany. Others say foreign nationals in Germany don’t tip enough. Here's what you need to know.

How much should tourists really tip in Germany?

As a visitor in Germany, or a newcomer to the country, knowing a couple key things helps to ensure a smooth transaction.

Initiating the payment process

The first is knowing how to ask for the bill: Wir möchten zahlen bitte (We’d like to pay please), is a tested and true simple option.

Then you just have to be able to navigate a couple likely follow-up questions: Mit karte oder bar? (With card or cash?) And, Zusammen oder getrennt? (All together or separate?)

In casual establishments, oftentimes when you wish to pay by card, the server will ask you to follow them to the cash register to complete the transaction.

Since paying at the register is not uncommon, it’s also common enough to simply get up and walk to the register when you’re ready to pay – especially if you’re short on time.

How to tip like a German

The second thing that’s good to know is how to tip in Germany.

American tourists, coming from the land of mandatory tip-culture, are prone to falling into one of two classic errors. The first is reflexively tipping 20 percent or more, even at places where tips tend to be much more modest. The second would be to think “Nobody tips in Europe,” much to the dismay of every server they come across in Germany.

The general consensus is that tipping is good practice in Germany, especially at any establishment where you are being waited on.

So not necessarily at a Döner kebab shop or an imbiss (snack shop) where you are picking your food up at a counter and very often taking it to go. But certainly at any restaurant where someone takes your order and brings food or drinks to you.

The Local previously inquired about customary tip rates in Germany with an etiquette expert, and also with a sociologist who conducted research on tipping culture – both of whom confirmed that Germans tend to think a five to 10 percent tip is standard.

Of course bigger tips for excellent service are also encouraged, but there are few cases where Germans would consider tipping 20 percent. 

For smaller transactions, like for a couple drinks at a cafe or a bar, a ‘keep the change’ tip is also normal in Germany.

If you were paying for a couple beers that came to €8.90, for example, you might hand the bartender a €10 bill and say “Stimmt so” to indicate that the change is a tip.

Especially compared to the US, it’s true that the expectation to tip is expressed less in Germany. But many Germans do make tipping a common practice. So making a habit to tip modestly when dining out in the country will help you blend in better with the locals.

READ ALSO: Eight unwritten rules that explain how Germany works