Government seeks to slash health bill with lower doctor fees

The Swiss government hopes to cut medical costs by half a billion francs next year in a move that could result in lower health premiums.

Government seeks to slash health bill with lower doctor fees
File photo: odua/Depositphotos

Health Minister Alain Berset announced moves to reduce pay-outs to specialists for operations that do not require a hospital stay.

By reducing medical tariffs, the minister hopes to slash health costs by 470 million francs  – or 1.5 percent of health insurance premiums, according to media reports.

It comes as the government seeks to rein in spiralling health costs.

Earlier this month it was announced that health insurance premiums could rise by up to five percent next year.

READ ALSO: Swiss health insurance premiums set to rise again next year

Berset had wanted to save 700 million francs, but his earlier plans for a revision of the medical tariff rules came in for criticism from doctors and hospitals.

Under the new rules that come into effect from January there will less paid out for procedures that now take less time than previously thanks to technical innovations.

These include cataract operations, colonoscopies and radiotherapy.

Doctors carrying out these procedures will receive around ten percent less in fees than previously.

The government hopes this will result in fewer unnecessary operations and patients will not suffer as a result.

“There will be no reduction in services to insurance policy holders,” Berset said.

It was anticipated that the move could result in lowered health insurance premiums from 2018 as insurers take the changes into account.

However, on Friday, the umbrella organization of health insurers, Santésuisse, cast doubt on this, saying the savings had to be seen first, the Blick newspaper reported.

For members


How can a foreign resident apply for Swiss disability insurance?

This particular benefit is part of the compulsory social insurance scheme for all persons living in Switzerland — including foreign citizens.

How can a foreign resident apply for Swiss disability insurance?

Disability insurance (DI), also known in Switzerland as ‘invalidity’ insurance, may sound as though you have to be physically handicapped in order to be eligible to receive this benefit.

But that is not so.

It is intended to replace lost income if you can’t work for long periods of time due to health problems — whatever the type of your ailment.

According to a government brochure on this subject, “the law defines invalidity as a total or partial incapacity to work or inability to perform previous tasks. The reason for the invalidity must be an impairment of physical, mental or psychological health that cannot be overcome with medical treatment and reintegration measures. Possible causes of the health impairment are a congenital infirmity, an illness, an occupational disease or an accident.” 

Are foreigners eligible for this insurance?

Everyone working Switzerland, regardless of the nationality, is insured for DI when they pay their compulsory social security contributions.

Note, however, that you will be entitled to draw full amounts (read more about this below) only if you contribute into the social security scheme from the time you turn 21 without any gaps.

You will receive these payouts for as long as you remain in Switzerland

However, if you move away, there will be some differences  based on whether you come from the EU / EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), or a third country.

Nationals of  EU / EFTA have the same DI rights as Swiss citizens — they will continue to receive the benefits even if they move back.

But if you come from elsewhere, benefits may be limited once you return to your country of origin, if that country doesn’t have a social security agreement with Switzerland.

How can you apply for these benefits?

In order to receive the DI, you will first need to complete an application form for IV/AI benefits (form available in German, French and Italian).

You will have to provide various documents, including medical certificates and other relevant paperwork detailed in the form that will allow authorities to determine whether you are eligible to receive disability  in the first place and, if so, how much (see below).

It is in your interest to register as soon as possible.

If you wait too long, your benefits may be reduced.

How much can you expect to receive?

These payments are intended to cover your essential needs, so don’t expect huge amounts.

The benefits are determined by two factors: your average salary before you become disabled, as well as the degree of your disability, which will be determined by health professionals designated by your social security office.

Logically, the more (and longer) you earned and contributed into the system, the more you will receive.

Generally speaking, the lowest possible full DI pension is currently 1,225 Swiss francs per month.

The highest is 2,450 francs per month — if  you earned 86,040 francs or more per year and you have paid uninterrupted contributions from age 21.

What if these amounts are not enough for you to live on?

In this case you could receive supplemental benefits at a level considered adequate to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Whether or not you are eligible for these benefits depends on your combined income and your personal wealth. You can only receive supplemental benefits as long as you live in Switzerland, though — unlike the basic DI, they are not transferable abroad.