Plastic bags on the way out in Austria’s supermarkets

Most of Austria’s larger supermarket chains have now voluntarily stopped providing their customers with plastic bags, as of January 1st. Instead, customers can buy a sturdy, reusable shopping bag at the checkout, if they haven’t brought their own from home.

Plastic bags on the way out in Austria's supermarkets
A discarded plastic bag on a beach.

This is due to an agreement reached between Austria’s Ministry of the Environment and environmental protection organizations, designed to help implement an EU directive which aims to reduce the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags.

An average plastic bag takes one second to make, is used for roughly 20 minutes and takes up to 400 years to degrade naturally.

Supermarkets belonging to the REWE group (which includes Billa, Penny, Merkur and Bipa) are still selling their stock of reusable plastic bags, but have said they will not be ordering any more once they have sold out.

The REWE group says this will mean a saving of 28 million reusable plastic bags. However, the little bags you get for fruit and vegetables will still be available, as will the plastic bags used to wrap meat or fish – which REWE says are necessary for hygiene standards.

However, environmentalists say that the voluntary ban on plastic bags does not go far enough and that single use fruit and veg bags should be banned altogether. Herwig Höfferer from Carinthia’s Chamber of Labour said that people should be encouraged to transport their fruits and vegetables home in their own bags. He recommends buying reusable cloth or paper bags, which can be left in your car or bag and used again and again.

Scientists estimate that every square mile of ocean contains approximately 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in it. According to Austrian NGO Global 2000, 40 tonnes of plastic waste end up in the Danube river every year.



Vienna reveals new plan for how to move away from gas heating

Authorities in Vienna want to replace the city's 600,000 gas heating systems with greener alternatives and have presented a plan for how they will do it.

Vienna reveals new plan for how to move away from gas heating

The “Vienna Heat Plan 2024” was presented this week which outlines a concrete strategy for replacing the city’s 600,000 currently installed gas heating systems with renewable energy alternatives.

Vienna has committed to ending its reliance on fossil fuels for heating and hot water by 2040.

As part of this goal, the capital wants to replace around 600,000 gas heating systems with renewable energy alternatives. On Monday May 8th the city presented the “Vienna Heat Plan 2024”, providing a clear plan for this transition.

The plan considers all buildings in the urban area and identifies where it is possible to expanding district heating, referring to a centralised heating system which efficiently serve multiple buildings.

The goal is to make district heating completely climate-neutral by 2040. Additionally, the plan also identifies areas where alternative solutions may be necessary, reported ORF.

The plan divides areas in three categories 

The areas in Vienna have been categorised into three groups based on demand and local conditions.

The first category include areas where district heating is most suitable.

The second category refers to areas with good potential for local heating networks. These networks can accommodate smaller, localised heating systems that serve buildings located close to each other. Additionally, the third category includes areas where individual climate-neutral heating solutions are needed for single buildings or properties, ensuring necessary adjustment to specific needs of a property.

Additional divisions within these groups have been made, considering factors like existing district heating connections and the possibility of expansion. The city wants to expand the district heating network to cover 1,700 kilometres in the future, according to

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Geothermal energy planned to be used in outer districts

The areas selected for local heating networks are mainly situated in the outer districts of the city. In those areas authorities plan to use geothermal energy, heat derived from the Earth’s core. Through the use of heat pumps, the plan is to supply heat to multiple buildings simultaneously, reported ORF.

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