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12 weird and wonderful Christmas traditions celebrated across Spain

Feliz Navidad (Happy Christmas) to all our readers! If you're spending Christmas in Spain, here are 12 traditions foreigners tend to find both brilliant and bizarre.

12 weird and wonderful Christmas traditions celebrated across Spain
Santa runs, crapping figurines of famous people, eggs and flares pranks and the Three Wise Men arriving on balloon, just some of the marvellous madness to expect at Christmas in Spain. Photos: Gabriel Bouys, Josep Lago, Jaime Reina, Cristina Quicler/AFP
From Catalonia’s ‘crapping log’ to the Basque Country’s very own version of Santa Claus, The Local guides you through the weird and wonderful world of Spanish Christmas.
Nativity scenes that make a statement
Spaniards love their nativity scenes and many municipalities display a public one in the run up to Christmas. But they don’t always follow the traditional format of Holy family in a stable surrounded by farm animals.
Some towns stage a “living” Belén – the Spanish word for Bethlehem – with real actors and real animals. But others choose to make a social statement with the scene. A few years ago, Barcelona caused controversy by displaying a modern take on the biblical scene with the figures displayed in what looks like a flea market or “a load of old tat” as some critics described it.
A giant 18-metre-high Nativity Scene in Alicante, which in 2020 broke the Guinness world record for ‘the largest nativity scene figurines’ (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / AFP)


Christmas crappers

The caganers or ‘crappers’ are a popular nativity scene decoration in Catalonia, where a defecating figure perched behind Mary and Joseph is said to symbolise fertilization (because fertility was a stretch), as well as bringing luck and prosperity for the year ahead.
The traditional figure is that of a young peasant from Catalonia, sporting a red barretina cap and a pipe. 
But modern crappers represent public figures of the moment, from politicians to sporting heroes. Not surprisingly, the Donald Trump figure was a best-seller a few years ago, now it’s Ukraine’s Zelensky and Argentinian footballer Messi. 
The late Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles depicted as ‘Christmas crappers’. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

Spain’s big fat Christmas lottery
It is the biggest lottery in the world and has been held almost without interruption since 1812. Expect huge queues in the streets to buy a ticket, lots of superstitions and theories, and absolute joy and champagne among the winners.
Lottery vendors and winners celebrate with champagne after ‘the Fat One touched them’. (Photo by JORGE GUERRERO / AFP)

Santa Claus Run
Thousands take part each year in Madrid’s traditional 10K charity run dressed in the red and white suits of Father Christmas or one of his elves, which makes for a sight to behold.
Finding a friend in the Santa Claus run feels like playing a game of ‘Where’s Wally?’. (Photo by CURTO DE LA TORRE / AFP)

The Basque ‘Father Christmas’
Move over Santa because there’s a fatter, more rugged version of you living in northern Spain. The Olentzero, as this pipe-smoking farmer-like legend is known, became the alternative to Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men for more militant Basque parents in the 1970s.
Nowadays, he tends to work in partnership with his ‘foreign’ present givers in most Basque households.
The Basques are different, even when it comes to Christmas. Photo: Midjourney AI/Wikipedia

Christmas ‘crapping’ log
As well as including crapping figures in their nativity scenes, Catalans also have Tió de Nadal, a jolly Christmas log which they stick in the fireplace every Christmas Eve.
Tradition says you must order Tío Nadal to defecate while spanking him with a stick. The ever-smiling tree trunk then waits for all the kids to go to bed before bringing them their presents.
Catalonia’s ‘crapping’ connection to Christmas is utterly bizarre. Photo: Josep Ma. Rosell/Flickr

Sing when you’re winning
Orphans brought up at Madrid’s San Ildefonso School have been responsible for singing out the winning Christmas lottery numbers since 1771.
Nobody knows exactly how such a peculiar way of calling the numbers came about, but legend has it that San Ildefonso’s orphans once chanted prayers through the streets of Madrid for alms.
They were then chosen for Spain’s Christmas lottery because as orphans they were considered to be less prone to cheating.
The San Ildefonso schoolchildren always use the same tone and rhyme when singing the numbers. Photo Handout: Sociedad Estatal de Loterías y Apuestas del Estado/AFP

Play the fool
Spaniards celebrate the Día de los Santos Inocentes on December 28th by playing practical jokes on each other (don’t try to play a joke on a Spaniard on April 1st as you won’t get many laughs).
Spaniards don silly wigs and glasses and prank each other, shouting “¡Inocente, inocente!” on revealing the broma. (joke).
In the Alicante town of Ibi, they take it even further with their 200-year-old traditional festival called Els Enfarinats (those covered in flour), where participants dress in military clothes and stage a mock coup d’etat as they battle using flour, eggs and firecrackers.
Revellers dressed in mock military garb throw eggs as they take part in the “Els Enfarinats” battle in the southeastern Spanish town of Ibi. (Photo by JAIME REINA / AFP)

Grappling with grapes
If you’ve celebrated New Year’s Eve in Spain, you may have spotted how locals scoff up 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight.
The 12 uvas tradition is said to have begun at the start of the century when vine growers in Alicante (eastern Spain) had such an abundant harvest that they had to come up with a way of selling the grapes before they went off.
The custom has now spread to many Latin American countries as a way of bringing prosperity for the year to come.
Scoffing down a grape for every dong is harder than you may think. (Photo by Rebeca MAYORGA / AFP)
Wakey, wakey Three Kings
Every January 5th, children in the southern Spanish city of Algeciras tie dozens of cans together and drag them through the streets causing an almighty racket.
The reason for this ear-splitting tradition? To scare a legendary giant who tries to cover the sky in a thick cloud of smoke to stop the Three Wise Men from delivering the children’s presents.
Three Kings’ Parade
The Epiphany is traditionally Spain’s main festive holiday, when children receive their presents brought not by Santa Claus, but by the Three Wise Men.
Huge Three Kings parades or cabalgatas are held in towns and cities across Spain on the evening of January 5th, when children line the streets to catch sweets thrown into the crowds by Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar.
The latter is often portrayed by a ‘blacked up’ person, although in recent years there has been a move to find black actors to play the role due to the controversy the outdated practice has caused.
Three men in blackface dressed as King Balthazar, an increasingly controversial practice in Spain. (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER /AFP)
Too much of a sweet thing
Spain’s Roscón de Reyes is a traditional cake families eat every January 6th (Epiphany). Be warned: this festive treat comes with the hidden ability of making your teeth crumble, and we’re not talking about sugar.
Every Roscón has a metal/plastic figurine inside it. Whoever gets it in their piece is crowned king or queen of the table. There’s also a bean inside the pastry and whoever gets it has to buy next year’s roscón.
Careful with your teeth when you bite into a Roscón de Reyes. Photo: Wikipedia


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A quick guide to Alicante’s Hogueras de San Juan festival

Alicante will soon celebrate the arrival of summer with Las Hogueras de San Juan, the biggest festival of the year in the Costa Blanca city.

A quick guide to Alicante's Hogueras de San Juan festival

From June 20th-24th the whole city of Alicante explodes into a joyous rumpus of colour and light, where the main protagonist is fire.

Many cities in Spain have a fascination with fire around the festival of San Juan (Saint John) and Alicante is no different. Expect hordes of firecrackers, ear-splitting explosives, crackling bonfires, and of course hundreds of colourful fireworks lighting up the sky with fiery rain.

READ ALSO: Goats, horses and fire: the weird ways Spain celebrates San Juan

The event has a lot in common with Valencia’s more famous Fallas Festival, which takes place in March each year, yet it also has its origins in the summer solstice celebrations.

Alicante’s Hogueras festival has elements of Valencia’s Fallas traditions. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / AFP


The festival in Alicante began as a way for people to burn objects they no longer had any use for ahead of the summer season, making way for the new, and officially became a city celebration in 1928.

During the day, from June 21st- 22nd, parades take place through the city streets with locals dressed in traditional costumes, playing folk tunes and sometimes carrying elaborate religious statues. The main event is the ofrenda de Flores a la Virgen del Remedio, where flowers are taken as offerings to the Cathedral, where they get turned into huge floral images on the façade.

Each day at 2pm, there is a frenzy of noise, ground-shaking explosions and plumes of smoke white smoke during what’s known as the Mascletà in the Plaza de los Luceros, and by night there are carnival-like parades such as the Cabalgata del Ninot.

An ornate “hoguera” is set alight in Alicante. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP

A Carnival-like queen is selected from eager participants, called the bellea del foc or the Beauty of the Fire and elaborate costumes are worn. 

The highlight of these series of celebrations are the hogueras themselves, like Valencia’s fallas – huge cardboard and papier-mâché colouful sculptures, depicting fairytales, folklore and mystical legends, as well as political satire.

Bonfires on the beach during the San Juan celebrations in Alicante. Photo: JOSE JORDAN / STR / AFP

These sculptures are placed all over the city, until the culmination of the celebration on June 24th. At midnight explosives are attached to each hoguera and they are simultaneously set alight in a spectacular display known as the night of the “Cremà” or burning.

When each has burned to almost cinders, the city’s fight fighters come out with their hoses to douse everything in water, including the crowds who come in their bathing suits ready to take part in the communal “Banyà” and to cool down after a hot night of fire.

A man jumps over a bonfire during the annual San Juan celebrations at a beach in Alicante. (Photo by JOSE JORDAN / AFP)

This is accompanied by riotous beach parties and beach bonfires, when locals aim to jump over the flames in order to ward off negative spirits, bring good luck and then cleanse themselves and wash away their sins with a dip in the sea. 

But, the fiesta is far from over, as from June 25-29 right after Las Hogueras a jubilant firework competition takes place on El Postiguet beach