How to register for residency in Italy before key Brexit date: A step-by-step guide for Brits

Registering as a resident is the first step for Brits who want to continue living in Italy after the end of the Brexit transition period. UK in Italy guides us through the process.

How to register for residency in Italy before key Brexit date: A step-by-step guide for Brits
Getting your paperwork in order is the first step to protecting your right to live in Italy after Brexit. Photo: Andreas Solaro/AFP

It is a legal requirement to register your residency in Italy for those wishing to stay for longer than 90 days. If you are moving to Italy before December 31st or you haven’t yet registered we strongly recommend that you do so before the end of the year.

READ ALSO:  Brexit: How are Brits' rights to travel and move to Italy changing?

If you are lawfully living in Italy by the end of this year, your rights will be protected by the Withdrawal Agreement. This extends to your close family members.

By registering your residency now, you will have evidence of these rights. So make sure you register your residency as soon as possible.

Here’s how to register:

1. Go to your nearest town hall, called the comune or municipio. There you will find the registration office, called the anagrafe. Some town halls are only meeting the public through appointments online so check what yours is offering.

2. Download a registration form from the town hall’s website. You will need to complete it and bring it with you.

3. You’ll need a codice fiscale – a personalised tax number – before you apply for residency. You can get this from the Agenzia delle Entrate, or tax office.

READ ALSO: Codice fiscale: How to get your Italian tax code

4. You’ll also need evidence that confirms you are lawfully living in Italy. For example:

  • If you’re a worker you’ll need to prove it through a work contract.
  • If you are self-employed, take along your Italian VAT number (called a partita IVA in Italian).
  • If you are a student, you should take along evidence of your course enrolment. You will also need to show you can support yourself financially and that you have some kind of healthcare cover.
  • If you are retired or not working, you will need to show a minimum income of approximately 6,000 euros a year – for example with a bank statement or a self-declaration of your funds. You will also need to provide evidence of healthcare cover.

Check the exact requirements from your local town hall.

5. All applicants will need to provide an original and valid UK passport as an identity document.

6. And lastly, you will probably need to show some evidence of where you live, e.g. a rental agreement. Check with your town hall first what they require.

7. You should expect to pay a small fee in the form of ‘tax stamps’ or bolli. You can purchase these from many shops.

Make sure to call the municipality or check their website for a full list of required documents before you apply.

What happens when you apply?

When you apply, you will receive a receipt of your application. Your date of residency will start from when you submitted your application.

Your local town hall then has 45 days to consider your request. The local police will visit your flat or house to verify that you live there.

Once you hear that your application has been successful, you have the right to obtain a residency certificate called an ‘Attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica’ or ‘Attestazione di regolare soggiorno cittadini UE’.

It should refer to the following law – Decreto legislativo 6/2/2007, n. 30 – because that’s the law it is issued under. So you need to check it does.


If you haven’t heard anything from your town hall after 45 days, get in touch with them to check the progress of your application.

It’s worth knowing that you may also be able to apply for residency via registered mail, email, fax or electronically. Check your local town hall website to see what services they offer.

If you have lived in Italy for five continuous years you now have the right to obtain a permanent residency document called an ‘attestazione di soggiorno permanente UE’. Ask your local town hall for more details.

READ ALSO: Why UK citizens may face problems proving they have permanent Italian residence

Once you’re registered you now have the right to obtain a second certificate which further evidences your rights in Italy.

This one is called an ‘Attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica’ issued under the Withdrawal Agreement. 

If you want to know more about registering for residency as well as your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement, see the UK government's Living in Italy guide.

And if you need help registering, you can get in touch with the International Organization for Migration by calling this number: 800 684 884.

Remember – if you’re planning to settle in Italy, register your residency now.

For more information, see the UK government's guide to help and services in Italy and follow UK in Italy on Facebook or Twitter.

Member comments

  1. Hi, my wife was born England but her birth is registered in Sicily giving her Italian citizenship we believe. Will she be able to move and live there after 31st December 2020 and will I be allowed to go with her as her husband?

  2. I have a second home in Italy (since 2006) and am currently resident in the UK. My son and family live permanently in Italy (he now has permanent resident status). I plan to leave the UK and move to Italy to live. Do I need a visa or can I just apply for temporary (initially) residency on arrival?

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Are Italy’s British residents still getting their passports stamped?

UK residents of Italy protected under the Withdrawal Agreement reported having their passports wrongly stamped at border checks following Brexit. Has that issue now been cleared up, or are some Brits still experiencing issues?

Are Italy's British residents still getting their passports stamped?

In the months after the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement was finalised, many UK citizens in Italy with permanent Italian residency reported having their passports wrongly stamped on leaving and entering Italy.

Italy is one of a handful of “declaratory” countries in the EU where getting a post-Brexit residency card was optional, rather than compulsory, though UK authorities advised obtaining the card as “evidence of your rights”.

The lack of clarity caused widespread confusion, with many Italian officials wrongly insisting that the carta di soggiorno elettronica was the only valid proof of pre-Brexit Italian residency.

Meanwhile, many travellers initially reported that border officials in Italy were not clear on the purpose of the card and had stamped their passports regardless – leading to concerns about erroneous stamps causing problems on future trips.

The issue appears to have been largely resolved for British citizens who finally gave in and applied for the document, with most cardholders saying they no longer have issues with their passports being stamped at the country’s major airports.

READ ALSO: What’s the deal with passport stamping in Italy?

However, some UK nationals resident in Italy say they’re still wrongly having their passports stamped at smaller airports in Italy, especially when travelling alongside large groups of British holidaymakers.

And others report routinely having their passport stamped when entering the Schengen zone via a different EU member state to that of Italy – for example, when travelling by car from the UK via France.

UK national David Prince commented in response to a recent article on passport stamping that a border official had stamped his passport on arriving in Calais, despite his presenting an Italian residency permit.

“When I asked why he simply said “Article 50,” Prince said, “which I knew was rubbish but I couldn’t be bothered to argue.”

According to European Commission rules in place since 2022, Schengen border agents have been told that they shouldn’t stamp the passports of anyone with a valid EU residence permit – but there’s no EU law stopping them from doing so.

Even if your passport is stamped, it doesn’t carry any official weight.

“The Commission recommends – notably as regards beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement – that Member State border guards refrain from stamping,” the rules say.

“In any case, should stamping nevertheless take place, such stamp cannot affect the length of the authorised long-term stay.”

READ ALSO: Can I use my Italian carta d’identità for travel?

If you arrive at any Schengen border, it’s advisable to hand over your passport already opened to the photo page, with your residency card on top, and say that you’re resident in Italy.

If you’re at an Italian border checkpoint, you might want to say ‘sono residente in Italia’ – I’m an Italian resident – and be prepared to answer questions about your reasons for being in Italy.

One additional source of confusion for some residents has been the difference between a carta d’identità and a carta di soggiorno.

The carta di soggiorno elettronica is the post-Brexit residency card which proves your status as a legal resident in Italy, wheres a carta d’identità is simply your Italian ID card.

The ID card is valid for ten years, but that doesn’t automatically give you the right to stay in Italy for all that time. Some non-EU citizens on certain visas might have a ten-year ID card, but a one-year Italian residency permit.

For that reason, your Italian ID card isn’t considered proof of your right to be in the country; as a British citizen resident in Italy and covered under the Withdrawal Agreement, you’ll need to show your carta di soggiorno elettronica to a border agent to stand the best chance of avoiding having your passport stamped.